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File size:
88 140 bytes (86.07K)
File date:
2024-01-03 14:15:17
Download count:
all-time: 2


  • file_id.diz 1.13K
  • result.png 17.38K
  • source.png 30.68K
  • source.txt 222B
  • star.avi 1.15M
  • STAR.BAS 177B
  • STAR.DSK 720.00K


DVD Bounce Star

Author:           bitsofbas
Category:         Christmas Challenge 2023
System:           MSX
Language: 	  MSX BASIC
Len source code:  177 bytes
Len exe file:     177 bytes
Len code only:    177 bytes

Start the openMSX emulator. Could be MSX1, but for ease of use pick an MSX2 machine with floppy drive. Drag and drop the STAR.DSK file in the emulator screen.

option A - reset the MSX. The autoexec.bas will load the program automatically.
option B - write LOAD"AUTOEXEC.BAS" and then either LIST or RUN

EXTRA: STAR.BAS file, exact same file as AUTOEXEC.BAS inside the DSK file, so you can see its length. This is more complicated to get into the emulator though, if you're not used to MSX. 

EXTRA: star.avi for your convenience, see the program in action.

I noticed the shape consists of 3 rectangles, so I did a "DVD bounce" thing, drawing stars in its trail.

Would be much smaller in ASM, but it's been forever since I didn't touch BASIC so it seemed like a fun challenge. Did a second version too, but this one looked more fun when builiding the screen ;-) Merry Christmas!