File Archive

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File size:
4 481 bytes (4.38K)
File date:
2024-01-05 14:02:03
Download count:
all-time: 26


  • READ_ME.TXT 2.02K
  • SNOW_256.PRG 288B
  • snow_256.s 5.44K


   /\         \   ____ ____    ____        ______
  /  \_________\__\___\\___\  /\___\  ____/\_____\
 /   /   ___   /_\_\  //   /_/ /   /_/\___\/     /
 \  /    \____/  /  \//   /__\/   /__\/   /     / --- SILLY VENTURE 2k23 ---
 \\/______      /    /  _/   /  _/   /   / _   /       GDANSK - POLAND
  \  /  \/     /____/_______/_______/______/  /         07-10 December
   \/_________/    /_______ ____  ___ _______/_____ ___ _________ ________
      /  \        / ______/     \/  /    /__/     /   /  __     /   _____/
     /    \      / ____/__      /  /   ____/__   /   /   \/____/ _____/____
     \     \    /        /   /    /    /     /  /   /    _    \           /
      \     \  /________/___/\___/__________/______/_____/_____\_________/
       \     \/        /   / /  /          /      /     /      /        /
        \    /_______ /___/\/__/_________ /_____ /____ /_____ /________/
         \  /
          \/                  SILLY VENTURE 2k23
                                Winter edition

                               THADOSS - DUNE -

           is proud to present his third 256b demo for falcon called

                                " SNOW_256 "

                         for standard Atari Falcon 030

                   Code ................ : Thadoss / Dune

          Reset is strongly requested, to start with a clean Falcon.

            You must start the demo in the following resolution:

                          TRUE COLOR low resolution

              This demo weights 256 bytes (+ TOS header: 32 bytes).
              It was coded in 3 days, as Grey asked me to realize a
              256b demo for falcon.

                          The source code is included.

                 Many thanks and greetz to all the Atari scene.
                  Special thanks to Grey for the Sillyventure.

                             Thadoss / Dune 2023

                          Have fun, stay (H)Atari.

              NB : This text file is bigger than the demo ;)