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File size:
44 764 bytes (43.71K)
File date:
2024-01-05 14:02:03
Download count:
all-time: 3


  • Zdendazuma_Datadisk02.atr 130.02K
  • Zdendazuma_Datadisks.txt 2.88K


Hello !

Sorry for my bad English.
I am a programmer from the Czech Republic.
I have programmed games such as Pacman labyrinth, Space invaders battle, Ufon, Ninja-help-icopter, Robbery, Fire fighter Tobik, ZdendaZuma I., ZdendaZuma II.,
Multijoy roulette for 17-players (16 players play with a joystick via multijoy and the last one on the keyboard as a croupier), Bombeeno, Atari hotline, ... but they are all already published.
That's why I'm sending to your competition only the games that I have programmed for the past and this year - those are the ones that I haven't published yet anywhere.

I confirm that I wrote all these games myself, every one byte.
I'm writing this mainly because of the ZdendaZuma-Datadisks, so that no one asks if I used Montezuma's original code.
No, I didn't use the original code, because I can't read other people's code.
If someone comes to the Czech Republic to Cesky Budejovice, they can view my complete source codes :)

When I tested all games on the original Atari 800XL without any modifications - all worked fine. From Drive 1050 and also from old AVG Cart.
When I tested all games on the original Atari 600XL with new SUB AVG Cart, sometimes option SETTINGS / POKEY EMULATION needed to be OFF.

All games requires disconnected BASIC - so press OPTION when you start tham.

ZdendaZuma II. datadisks 1-6
These are new data discs for my game Zdendazuma II., which was published in Abbuc-magazine last year.
That's why I'm not sending the game, but only the data discs - they are all NEW, not published yet.
Every datadisk contains 40 original rooms, every datadisk IS AN INDEPENDENT GAME.
I programmed all of this because I think that the original Montezuma is the most beautiful game anyone has ever made - and with this my game I wanted to express my admiration and respect for the author of how much I loved the original.
Attention - this game saves score and loads rooms from disk, so if you play it in an emulator, set this ATR to R/W in drive !
I would also like to point out that there are about 110 rooms in the original Montezuma - but many rooms are used even 8 times - while I only have 40 rooms in each data disk, but EVERY ONE IS DIFFERENT - so I have more rooms than the original !

Points of Interest:
- if someone likes both persons (Pedro/Monty), then Datadisk 01 is played like the other one
- Datadisk 02 is (with a couple of exceptions) only black and white
- Datadisk 03 has shields instead of swords, bags full of money instead of points, a little different ladders and bricks
- in Datadisk 04 there are different keys, ...
- Datadisk 05 is in a winter environment and EXITS TO NEXT ROOMS ARE HARD TO FIND (this is very frustrating for players!)
- Datadisk 06 is from Egypt and player only falls down the whole game

Notice - all datadisks need to be run from disk "D1" !