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File size:
48 849 bytes (47.70K)
File date:
2024-01-05 14:02:03
Download count:
all-time: 2


  • minimal.lnx 78.36K
  • Minimal.txt 1.53K


Oceo presents:
Early early alpha version
Minimal is a space dungeon crawler in which the hero fights vicious ennemies and avoids deadly 
traps while collecting precious minerals and items to repair his spaceship.

The story:
Somewhere in space, the final frontier...
Carl is maneuvering its best to land the Odysseus. The craft uderwent severe damage in the belt of Orion
but this last mission is top priority for the Federation.
Carl: What a silly idea to have accepted this exploration mission, sir!!!
Me: I know. But did I have the choice as I too much messed with Major Tom?
Carl remains silent. No need to make the situation harder and try to convince the earthling one more time.
Carl: the ship has landed, sir.
Me: How is the outside environment?
Carl: My sensors say: rich in minerals and hostile presence.
Me: Prepare my suit. I took my pills. I'm going out.
Carl: It's not advisable as, according to my calculations, your survival chance is : Minimal

Minimal... Will you dare entering the most dangerous space dungeon crawler ever!!!
To stay alive you will fight vicious ennemies and avoid deadly traps
while collecting precious minerals and items to repair the Odysseus through a computerized trading system.
Minimal... An experience with procedurally generated levels
Minimal... Tons of 1-bit detailed and animated graphics
Minimal... A claustrophobic ambient tune

How to play:
the 4 arrows to move
A to jump
B to shoot
Maintain 'down' button to activate shield
Good luck!!!

Coder: Nop90
Gfx: Marss
Msx: ?