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File size:
50 183 bytes (49.01K)
File date:
2023-04-10 01:21:03
Download count:
all-time: 11


  • infofile.txt 5.91K
  • screenshot.gif 19.75K
  • tpolm_-_you_am_the_robot_zombie.tic 86.20K


                                         M O O M I N   P O W E R   ! !                                    _____
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   ------ \_______________\!_______\   !NE7/______________\ !______________\|_____X______X____/------- (___X____) -----------------

	Behold the latest masterpiece released by The Planet of Leather Moomins! It carries itself with grace, style and excellence in art
on the TIC-80 fantasy console developed by Nesbox et al.

	This fine demoscene release was conceptualized and implemented with code and AI art prompts by the master of drone ps, with audio,
pixel and moral support provided by the parsley state bread baking redhead kaneel, additional code support by evilpaul of atebit and
mikucom repute, later in the development phase one of the very first elders of TPOLM fthr also ressurected from his slumber to also
support our efforts with an additional logo. And if you look really really closely, for about 2 scenes in the entire demo, you may
notice the us of the most amazing routines developed in TIC80, grass by ToBach of The International Lawnmowers Association.
	Some less fortunate fools might fail to execute this production or attempt to enjoy a subpar experience watching a youtube video
or even running the web version of TIC-80. Be advised you should not! As all the most serious demoscene productions, this one aswell
should be enjoyed running on real hardware, or in this case the closest resembling attrocity for a fantasy console: the desktop
version (we developed it on v1.0.2164). Alas if you have a Mac even the official desktop version of TIC80 might not be enough, we have
noticed some issues with the audio replaying routines on the current Mac versions, which seem to have been resolved on v1.1, which is
still under development, so you might want to recompile from source to get it. Or wait a few months for the Mac version to catch up.

	TIC-80 is a fickle creature, it carries great potential but also great restriction. It charms you with it's lure, but then dazzles
you with despair. It has unlimited CPU, which is completely nonsensical for a fantasy console, but then quickly churns down into a
staggering mess the moment you ask it to do anything resembling complex sound mixing. The syncs go off with any framerate drop and
only the most intense and focused programming efforts can make sure everything holds together for longer then a couple of minutes.
So you probably will never see this demo running properly. Sad times.

	The graphics of TIC-80 are limited to 2 layers of 240x192 with 16 color palette each. Ofcourse we do not accept these limitations
and some of our effects use more colors by changing the palette values while drawing. TIC-80 has it's own in-built editor but we
mostly converted text2image AI graphics and custom TPOLM logos using gimp grafx2 graphics editor and the ticmctile conversion script
Thank you to the creators and maintainers of these tools. They all have their quirks and gimmicks (don't get me started on ticmctile
assuming an image is 4bpp when it's not using all the colors of the palette despite having sweetie16 indexed) but somehow they managed
to save us all some precious development time.

	The theme of the demo broaches the deep philosophical meanderings of mankind, as all TPOLM productions do. In this production in
particular we invite the reflection of the viewer on the institutionalized society culture of accepting our fate of being zombie robots
in life. Slaving away our days with lost dreams and aspirations. Yearning only to eat more brains and remain in power. Doing what is
expected of us, losing all sense of self-determination and initiative. Hating our lives for what they became. Supressing resolution
of change by drowing in drugs and unhealthy behaviours. Remember to be happy and eat salmiakki.

	Do robots dream of philosophy? Zombie chat gpt gives us a clue: "In this sense, acquiring a taste for coriander may be similar to
acquiring a taste for other strong or distinctive flavors, such as salmiakki or certain types of cheeses." Additional relevant
information: "Salmiakki vodka is typically a clear or slightly amber-colored spirit, depending on the type of vodka used and the method
of preparation."

	This production should have probably won the Wild Demo competition at Revision 2023. Any other official result can only mean the
competition was completely and utterly RIGGED. Especially if it was won by either quadtrip, tea lovers society, gaia space agency,
tpolm, orange, mikucom, slipstream, haujobb, titan, hornet, design designs design, tpolm, still, brainless coders, marquee design,
TUHB, desire, tpolm, hooy-program, farbrausch, alcatraz, rift, matt current, AYCE, forsaken design, ASD, satori, tpolm, limp ninja,
kosmoplovci, flo, mfx, kewlers, dennis courtney 5, genesis project, atebit, tpolm, joker, CPU, thesuper, sibcrew, jetlag, jumalauta
or you...