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File size:
16 808 bytes (16.41K)
File date:
2023-09-18 14:43:18
Download count:
all-time: 682


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      |         -*-  N O R D L I C H T   -   E X P R E S S  -*-         |
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      .                                                                 .
      |                                                                 |
      |           8th to 11th September '23 - Bremen - Germany          |
      :                                                                 |
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      |____                                                         ____|
      `   //________ ____ _                         _ ____ ________\\   '

           ______ ____ _        512 Byte Compo         _ ____ ______
      .___\\                                                       //___.
      |                                                                 |
      |                                                                 |
      |       01  159  Trails by teadrinker                             |
      |       02  154  Raw Shark by SvOlli                              |
      |       03  137  hypotrain by Losso / AttentionWhore              |
      |       04  119  Random Colorbeam by Slaxx                        |
      |       05  115  MODEX by bitl / 7dump                            |
      |                                                                 |
      |____                                                         ____|
      `   //________ ____ _                         _ ____ ________\\   '

           ______ ____ _     GFX Compo (Oldschool)     _ ____ ______
      .___\\                                                       //___.
      |                                                                 |
      |                                                                 |
      |       01  191  To live in a bubble is hard to survive           |
      |                by Critikill / SWEET16 ^Rebels ^Haujobb          |
      |       02  158  All Aboard! by RaccoonViolet                     |
      |       03  147  Tunnelblick by OhLi / DDK                        |
      |       04  139  Don't Call Me Catfish by Slaxx                   |
      |       05  127  1 Bit Left by Slaxx                              |
      |       06  117  Lost Access Memories by Drees / AMID             |
      |       07  114  TO THE NORTH by FREEZE of Blazon                 |
      |       08  106  The Oldest by The Sarge / Fairlight              |
      |                                                                 |
      |____                                                         ____|
      `   //________ ____ _                         _ ____ ________\\   '

           ______ ____ _     GFX Compo (Newschool)     _ ____ ______
      .___\\                                                       //___.
      |                                                                 |
      |                                                                 |
      |       01  182  Neulich am Bahnsteig by OhLi / DDK               |
      |       02  152  Thank You for Travelling with... (Party          |
      |                Version) by kaomau                               |
      |       03  111  Augentropfen by TrenenSack                       |
      |       04  085  On the way to Nordlicht by Ginus                 |
      |                                                                 |
      |____                                                         ____|
      `   //________ ____ _                         _ ____ ________\\   '

           ______ ____ _          Photo Compo          _ ____ ______
      .___\\                                                       //___.
      |                                                                 |
      |                                                                 |
      |       01  168  the deepest call                                 |
      |                by TMA / Abyss-Connection^TRSi^TSA               |
      |       02  158  Miniature station action by OhLi / DDK           |
      |       03  151  Von der Natur lernen!                            |
      |                by Crazy Crack the Blitterblaster                |
      |       04  143  German Wertarbeit by messy                       |
      |       05  128  TRSI-3 Satellite by Røly / Mayday!               |
      |       06  123  Nordlicht halt by Bodo / Rabenauge               |
      |       07  119  Alter Stuhl! by RbR / DSS^3LN^HUP                |
      |       08  117  Rose by senias / Very Important Pictures         |
      |       09  116  Commander by kasoban                             |
      |       10  114  Fire And Water by BUS ERROR                      |
      |       11  113  Signal by halcy^SVatG                            |
      |       12  107  Bär mit Problemen in Bremen by SiR / SoD         |
      |       12  107  Quiet Journey by RaccoonViolet                   |
      |       14  103  Tunneldefekt by Technologische Spitzenleistung   |
      |       15  094  Ueber den Daechern von Hamburg by Slaxx          |
      |       16  065  Nordlicht in Budapest                            |
      |                                                                 |
      |____                                                         ____|
      `   //________ ____ _                         _ ____ ________\\   '

           ______ ____ _       ASCII / ANSI Compo      _ ____ ______
      .___\\                                                       //___.
      |                                                                 |
      |                                                                 |
      |       01  151  All the way down by OhLi / DDK                   |
      |       02  126  On The Track by _Ook                             |
      |       03  124  Average Video Call Participant by halcy^SVatG    |
      |                                                                 |
      |____                                                         ____|
      `   //________ ____ _                         _ ____ ________\\   '

           ______ ____ _       Gravedigger Compo       _ ____ ______
      .___\\                                                       //___.
      |                                                                 |
      |                                                                 |
      |       01  204  Spieleunfall aka Feunos                          |
      |                by Bitbreaker/Performers^Nuance                  |
      |       02  199  DTV-Modplayer by TRSi                            |
      |       03  183  PRE-SWEETY by Dead Hackers Society               |
      |       04  180  Darth Vader Loves You by Slaxx                   |
      |       05  142  Rave Esteem by Triace & Friends                  |
      |                                                                 |
      |____                                                         ____|
      `   //________ ____ _                         _ ____ ________\\   '

           ______ ____ _     Executable Music Compo    _ ____ ______
      .___\\                                                       //___.
      |                                                                 |
      |                                                                 |
      |       01  122  Chippy by Virgill                                |
      |       02  098  Train Station Candy Shop Shuffle Bop by Triace   |
      |       03  090  Aargh, It's Wednesday & I Got No Release         |
      |                by Spider Jerusalem                              |
      |       03  090  Prochaine station: Village de Untz               |
      |                by Røly / Mayday!                                |
      |       05  078  Jazzmine by Xiny6581 / Pretzel Logic             |
      |       06  067  is this oldschool by BK                          |
      |                                                                 |
      |____                                                         ____|
      `   //________ ____ _                         _ ____ ________\\   '

           ______ __ _  Tracked Music Compo (Oldschool)  _ __ ______
      .___\\                                                       //___.
      |                                                                 |
      |                                                                 |
      |       01  097  Level up endboss - Virgill by Maniacs of noise   |
      |       02  084  Raveheart Mac Bagpipe by Triace                  |
      |       03  078  Railway Tracker by RaccoonViolet                 |
      |       04  050  Hopefull 2 Fullfill by adkd                      |
      |                                                                 |
      |____                                                         ____|
      `   //________ ____ _                         _ ____ ________\\   '

           ______ __ _ Streaming Music Compo (Newschool) _ __ ______
      .___\\                                                       //___.
      |                                                                 |
      |                                                                 |
      |       01  076  Lotus (Lichthaus Remix) by Danko / Fairlight     |
      |       02  055  Right door is open by willow                     |
      |       03  054  A new day by Drees / AMID                        |
      |       04  050  Impact Printer by Bus Error                      |
      |                                                                 |
      |____                                                         ____|
      `   //________ ____ _                         _ ____ ________\\   '

           ______ __ _  Realtime Demo Compo (Oldschool)  _ __ ______
      .___\\                                                       //___.
      |                                                                 |
      |                                                                 |
      |       01  142  Voll Darmpf voraus! by T.U.T. 1992               |
      |       02  137  old'scool by Resistance                          |
      |       03  136  QUICK'N'FILLA by Dead Hackers Society            |
      |       04  134  Meisterstück by fieserwolf + Bitbreaker + Slaxx  |
      |       05  128  Kolorblox Intro by Twilight / Excess             |
      |       06  126  FIFTY SHADES OF SCROLL by Genesis * Project      |
      |       06  126  300 days to go by smfx                           |
      |       08  109  ASM Directors Cut                                |
      |                by The Soundtrack - Kafke, Schwen & Triace       |
      |                                                                 |
      |____                                                         ____|
      `   //________ ____ _                         _ ____ ________\\   '

           ______ __ _  Realtime Demo Compo (Newschool)  _ __ ______
      .___\\                                                       //___.
      |                                                                 |
      |                                                                 |
      |       01  177  BRVTL by Slay Bells & Farbrausch                 |
      |       02  167  Schnelle Kurven, Harte Cuts                      |
      |                by Akronyme Analogiker                           |
      |       03  130  Gallus Gallus Domesticus                         |
      |                by Royal Bird Beer Squadron                      |
      |       04  101  ~~ take a train ~~ (just do it) by vurpo         |
      |                                                                 |
      |____                                                         ____|
      `   //________ ____ _                         _ ____ ________\\   '

           ______ ____ _           Wild Compo          _ ____ ______
      .___\\                                                       //___.
      |                                                                 |
      |                                                                 |
      |       01  135  Flaschbier Reloaded P8V2 by Slaxx                |
      |       02  119  PETSTRIP by tokra / Akronyme Analogiker          |
      |       03  116  Bazematic by Gasman / Wavesitter                 |
      |       04  103  Oscilloghost by BUS ERROR Collective             |
      |       05  092  Adventures in the Nordlichtmuseum                |
      |                by mickaleus / ICUP                              |
      |       06  091  Performers Next Level                            |
      |                by The Cartridge - CIAndy - Performers           |
      |       07  068  dutch greetz by RiFT                             |
      |                                                                 |
      |____                                                         ____|
      `   //________ ____ _                         _ ____ ________\\   '

           ______ ____ _   Fun Compo (Ironing Beads)   _ ____ ______
      .___\\                                                       //___.
      |                                                                 |
      |                                                                 |
      |       01  185  The Nordlicht Express by RaccoonViolet & Vurpo   |
      |       02  173  BSAG-Azubis nach Feierabend by halcy^SVatG       |
      |       03  161  InterParty Express by vurpo                      |
      |       04  126  HP0 Kaffepause by Tolle Sache                    |
      |       05  107  Pünktlich wie die Nordlicht by Triace            |
      |       06  087  Gift for a friend                                |
      |                by CrazyCrack, Ginus and qbin of SOD             |
      |       07  086  Choooo by Birdie                                 |
      |                                                                 |
      |____                                                         ____|
      `   //________ ____ _                         _ ____ ________\\   '