File Archive

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File size:
1 539 bytes (1.50K)
File date:
2023-07-31 07:59:06
Download count:
all-time: 366


< Graffathon 2023 >
          oO)-.                       .-(Oo
         /__  _\                     /_  __\
         \  \(  |     ()~()         |  )/  /
          \__|\ |    (-___-)        | /|__/
          '  '--'    ==`-'==        '--'  '


    1.  #02   129 pts    Gloom - zatch, Miitoe, Thunschun, om
    2.  #05   113 pts    FeverDreamz - Teodosin
    3.  #01   112 pts    Pieris rapae - mz, ileska, rjuho
        #03   112 pts    I - LJP
    5.  #04   105 pts    Higher Level - DIGITAL FRONTIER
    6.  #07    94 pts    CAT DISCO - konna, songmeo
    7.  #08    77 pts    3K4 - juN3bula / N3U
        #10    77 pts    Laser - naatulus
    9.  #09    60 pts    Be quick - Gamgi


    1.  #02   133 pts    rekursiivinen templete - as graffa bois
    2.  #08   118 pts    Intrusive Thoughts - Magnetismin Televisiokerho
    3.  #06   108 pts    Noice Drumz - sape
    4.  #09    91 pts    Timeful - Two Bad
    5.  #10    89 pts    balls - kallok & luutifa
    6.  #03    85 pts    Inspiration - sorbitol
    7.  #07    78 pts    Mopping the party place on Friday - sooda
    8.  #04    70 pts    No sitten voi vääntää demoa ja löytää taas
                           elämän ilon - Vapriikki group
    9.  #01    62 pts    Voyage continues - Jumalauta


        33 votes were cast by 36 registered voters.

        Made possible by Wuhu -