File Archive

File download


File size:
4 146 bytes (4.05K)
File date:
2023-07-17 18:38:02
Download count:
all-time: 616


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    1.  Adrián
    2.  Eni


    1.  #02   117 pts    KikStart II remix - Varga Nadin
    2.  #06   110 pts    Good Enough [Arok Edit] - JLD & ziona
    3.  #03   103 pts    Exorcist (Title) - Gotshi / SIDNIFY
    4.  #01    92 pts    Fight The Machine (The Instructor Mix) - Dr.Future
    5.  #04    88 pts    Think Twice III - Tony Fluke73 Wiren
    6.  #08    82 pts    Gerry the Germ (tune 2) - Tim Forsyth
    7.  #07    79 pts    Somewhere Minor - Eivind Sommersten
    8.  #05    73 pts    Dragon's Lair Part II / THE RAPIDS - Bruce /


    1.  #04   117 pts    Once Upon a Time a Trackmo - Fire / Chimera
    2.  #05   106 pts    Dreambreaker - NecroPolo / Hokuto Force
    3.  #06   100 pts    Let's Visit That Dark Place Again - Spider
                           Jerusalem / MYD^TRSi^TSA
    4.  #03    99 pts    Horváthné Horváth Renáta - Hermit
    5.  #07    94 pts    Son of a Gun - Dave
    6.  #02    84 pts    Breadtronic - Jung Backer
    7.  #01    81 pts    Good Ol' Fashioned North Korean Necromancy - FADE
    8.  #08    70 pts    I'm fine thanks - Moldvix


    1.  #02   235 pts    Lemmings - TCFS
    2.  #03   174 pts    Blobfox - Verona / System Syndrome
    3.  #04   156 pts    Ladytut 96% - Ati & SquareWave
    4.  #01   105 pts    Arkanoid Air DOH - Mr SQL


    1.  #09   188 pts    Dragontamer 2 - Grass / Hokuto Force / Lethargy
    2.  #04   183 pts    Mikrobi vs AI - Carrion / Censor Design
    3.  #03   168 pts    dEEP kNIFE - Leon / SGR, RSC, CHR, LTH
    4.  #10   146 pts    Koalafied - Chronos
    5.  #13   129 pts    Big Ball - Facet / G*P & Bonzai
    6.  #07   125 pts    Shadow of the Breast - Hevo / Absence
    7.  #06   123 pts    Chainbreak - Lenyn / [3], Onslaught
    8.  #01   118 pts    Stars Like Dust - Oberon / FACES
    9.  #02   111 pts    Lost Kingdom - Chesser/Nigaz
   10.  #12   107 pts    Aphrodité - Varga Zoltán
   11.  #11   106 pts    Sensuality - Parrot/Replay
   12.  #05   105 pts    Midnight Witchcraft - Dave
   13.  #14    84 pts    RPG Maker - EGGNTLEMAN
   14.  #08    81 pts    Imagine Creatures! - MMS


    1.  #03   171 pts    Magic In The Jar - Viti
    2.  #02   160 pts    The VIC20 on the move - Larry & BSZ
    3.  #01    91 pts    LEGULUS - LAU


    1.  #09   226 pts    False Idols - Section 31
    2.  #07   181 pts    Bright Side Dark Side - Lethargy
    3.  #10   163 pts    Carrion's 121 colors - Censor Design & Exceed
    4.  #02   156 pts    Dreamtime 2023 - Profik
    5.  #05   131 pts    64C - Varga Nadin, Varga Zoltán
    6.  #06   114 pts    BeachHopping 4K Intro - Excess
    7.  #08   103 pts    Overshadow Logo Collection 2 - Angels
    8.  #04   100 pts    XORROW - Kaszi75
    9.  #01    88 pts    Sprites Story - Morning
   10.  #03    54 pts    Wake Up Neo - MKCKoner

        67 votes were cast by 75 registered voters.