File Archive

File download


File size:
199 600 bytes (194.92K)
File date:
2022-12-30 11:32:13
Download count:
all-time: 8


  • file_id.diz 945B
  • result.png 98.48K
  • source.png 120.31K
  • star.asm 3.70K
  • star.prg 95B



Author: Pedro Bermejo
Category: Christmas Challenge
System:   Commodore VIC-20 unexpanded
Language: 6502 Assembler (assembled with CBM PRG Studio)
Len source code: 3793 bytes
Len exe file:    95 bytes
Len code only:   80 bytes

Install vice, start with xvic (VIC unexpanded), drag and drop the prg file into it.
It needs to be loaded with ',1' (in other words, options Host->AutoStart->Load to BASIC start(xx)
from vice settings, need to be unchecked)

Star is defined by alternate number of spaces/asterisks. 
To save some bytes, only upper part of the star is defined (last 8 lines are a 
repetition, in inverse order, of first 8 lines).

To get smallest size, I'm not initializing some memory addresses, relying on the 
initialization done by INITMEM routine. That means that code will only work first time. 
To be run again, it should be loaded again (after vice is reset)