File Archive

File download


File size:
25 597 bytes (25.00K)
File date:
2022-12-30 11:32:13
Download count:
all-time: 7


  • file_id.diz 1.13K
  • result.png 12.50K
  • source.png 13.52K
  • VCCC.BAS 108B



Author: Jason Pittman
Category: 2022 Christmas Challenge 
System:   Tandy Color Computer 3
Language: BASIC
Len source code: 94 bytes
Len exe file:    N/A
Len code only:   94 bytes
Launch the Windows-based VCC Emualtor (Available Here: -> "") by running "Vcc.exe". From the menu bar, choose "Edit" -> "Paste Text" and paste the two lines of BASIC code. (You will probably have to hit enter after it pastes LINE 2). Then, type RUN (and hit enter)
Draws the rows using X/Y coordinates ranging from -8 to 8, with 0 being the center line, which allows a "*" or " " decision to be made based on the absolute value of the line position, which resulted in a smaller size than I could achieve by drawing right-angle triangles or text compression.
Execution and byte size was also verified in the MAME emulator and on my vintage Color Computer 3.
* This utilizes the Color Computer 3's "high res" 40-column screen and will not run on a CoCo 1 or 2. I chose this because the "low res" screen only has 16 vertical lines.