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File size:
11 053 bytes (10.79K)
File date:
2022-12-30 11:32:13
Download count:
all-time: 5


  • file_id.diz 794B
  • star-basic.atr 90.02K
  • star-basic.png 1.32K
  • star-source.png 1.69K
  • star.lst 84B


Star for Atari BASIC

Author: dmsc
Category: Christmas Challenge
System:   Atari 8-bit
Language: BASIC
Len source code: 84
Len exe file:    84
Len code only:   84
  With the provided ATR disk image, boot to BASIC, type ENTER "D:STAR.LST" to
  load the program, and type RUN.
  This program uses the function:

   U = ABS(Y)
   V = ABS(X)
   S = (U>4) AND (V>4) OR (ABS(U-V)>4)

  This is calculated for each point in the X and Y ranges from -8 to 8, drawing
  a space or a star character.

  To minimize size, this program asumes the screen is 38 columns, calculating
  the function for all columns and avoiding to print new-lines.

  Atari BASIC is slow at calculations, so the program takes a while to print
  the full star.