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File size:
9 260 bytes (9.04K)
File date:
2022-12-12 17:38:12
Download count:
all-time: 607


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                             Competition Results

Music Competition
  # Title                      Handle/Group               Voters  Sum Score
  1 Solar Flare                vincenzo/Le Thargy             76  666 8.763
  2 Early Potato               mutetus/Artline Designs        71  597 8.408
  3 Apparition                 Mibri/Atlantis ^ MultiSty...   78  653 8.372
  4 November Sun               Apollyon/Artline Designs       76  617 8.118
  5 staring at the sea         The Syndrom/TIA/Pretzel L...   73  592 8.110
  6 Journey to the North Star  Hein/Vision                    75  605 8.067
  7 Caged Midnight             Linus/MultiStyleLabs           73  587 8.041
  8 The Perishable Vega Bloom  Xiny6581/Pretzel Logic         77  590 7.662
  9 urine corps                randall/msl/esm                74  560 7.568
 10 Debbie does Atlantis       theK/Atlantis                  76  557 7.329
 11 Fekete Fém                 dalezy/Triad                   77  555 7.208
 12 Normal Music               Spider Jerusalem/Mayday!^...   74  522 7.054
 13 Press the button and play  Gregfeel/Lepsi De              72  489 6.792
 14 Let There Be Silence       Aleksi Knutsi/MoonShine        74  502 6.784
 15 Broken Signal              Røly/Mayday!                   74  499 6.743
 16 Story In the Store         DeMOSic/MS^HF^BCC^VCC^LSD      74  486 6.568
 17 The Usurped Lord Leaps     Waz/Padua                      76  478 6.289
 18 Good Night                 Martin Demsky/MoonShine        74  423 5.716

PETSCII graphics Competition
  # Title                      Handle/Group               Voters  Sum Score
  1 Night Beat                 Lobo/Atlantis                  90  797 8.856
  2 King of Currumpaw          Honcho/Atlantis                90  780 8.667
  3 Gordian Lights             Skleptoid                      90  695 7.722
  4 Turricano                  jab                            90  663 7.367
  5 Moai                       Kody/Hokuto Force              90  613 6.811
  6 Ordos                      4gentE/Onslaught               90  584 6.489
  7 Artemis at Moon...         Freeze/Blazon                  89  560 6.292
  8 Long Liveth Democracy      TheRyk/TheRyk                  90  525 5.833
  9 cArPeT                     Twilight/Excess / Arcade       90  514 5.711
 10 UFO                        3MM4/--                        89  416 4.674

Basic screen fader Competition
  # Title                      Handle/Group               Voters  Sum Score
  1 Fracture                   Icon/Triad                     78  709 9.090

BASIC oneliner Competition
  # Title                      Handle/Group               Voters  Sum Score
  1 Two BarBasics              LHS/padua                      81  675 8.333
  2 Transmission Rings         Logiker/VCC                    81  658 8.123
  3 Twirliner                  Superogue/Marquee Design       81  604 7.457
  4 It's A SIN                 Toggle/Padua                   81  531 6.556
  5 A Basic Groove             MAT64                          79  498 6.304
  6 Dragon Rush                back2the8bit                   81  424 5.235

Graphics Competition
  # Title                      Handle/Group               Voters  Sum Score
  1 LOVE FROM SWEDEN           The Sarge/Bonzai/Fairlight     90  802 8.911
  2 Unmasked Singer            Mikael/Pretzel Logic           90  798 8.867
  3 Boimyboi                   Sulevi/Extend, Virtual Dr...   90  770 8.556
  4 Automation                 Facet/Genesis Project / B...   89  753 8.461
  5 lxft3dznc                  Deev/Onslaught                 90  737 8.189
  6 Mask4                      Katon/Lepsi De                 90  732 8.133
  7 Uncertainty Road           Joe/Wrath Designs              90  725 8.056
  8 Ascent                     Almighty God/Atlantis/Exc...   90  696 7.733
  9 Departure                  Apollyon/Artline Designs       90  694 7.711
 10 Theft and love             Genius/Xenon                   90  683 7.589
 11 Castillo de murciélagos    Slaxx/Excess                   90  569 6.322
 12 A Casual Hangout in the... Brittle/MoonShine              89  514 5.775
 13 Friends Stay Friends       Backspin/Con Artists           89  475 5.337
 14 Dark Shadows               El Topo/Triad                  90  422 4.689
 15 the logo                   pastoelio/bald bearded ba...   90  253 2.811

4k demo Competition
  # Title                      Handle/Group               Voters  Sum Score
  1 Effects                    Strepto/Lethargy               82  774 9.439
  2 Trinity                    wacek/arise                    83  693 8.349
  3 A Jellyfish                Hein/Vision                    84  652 7.762
  4 Havukka                    Seppo Heavy                    82  623 7.598
  5 Whirlwind                  Rastertail/Onslaught           84  637 7.583
  6 ballscreener               Dwangi/Fairlight               83  615 7.410
  7 4k Transmission Intro      Twilight/Excess / Arcade       82  503 6.134
  8 BCC1701E                   TheRyk/BCC                     83  441 5.313

Demo Competition
  # Title                      Handle/Group               Voters  Sum Score
  1 Remission                  Triad                          83  727 8.759
  2 cinque                     padua                          86  712 8.279
  3 gr3y+blac8+wh1te           MCM/ONSLAUGHT                  83  658 7.928
  4 Onscreen 5k                Thundax/Xenon                  84  665 7.917
  5 Alien Finale               Proxima                        82  587 7.159
  6 Duck Hunt                  Mahna Mahna                    85  590 6.941
  7 bass inference             samar & w4rp8                  84  558 6.643
  8 Rough                      Xai                            86  537 6.244
  9 Hands Watch You            Vintage Computing Carinthia    83  516 6.217
 10 Raistlin 50                Genesis Project                87  525 6.034
 11 Blood On The CPU           LDX#40                         83  497 5.988
 12 YULETIDE AT BOAR           macx/Boar's Head Tavern        88  453 5.148

                     Results generated by votox 3.2.23dev