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- File size:
- 12 321 bytes (12.03K)
- File date:
- 2022-11-16 05:45:01
- Download count:
- all-time: 684
----------------------------=======SYNTAX 2022=======-------------------------
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----------------------------=======SYNTAX 2022=======-------------------------
DEMOPARTY : MELBOURNE 12-13 November 2022
1. #03 86 pts BombPltd - Visual Basic Bitch
#04 86 pts Syntax Banana Man - Alpharisc
3. #01 82 pts Cheezish - cTrix
4. #02 72 pts Right About Now - Mr. Roboto
1. #04 96 pts Funktronic - cTrix
2. #06 89 pts Clockwurk - tomitytom
3. #07 81 pts beezWAX - ONE HIT KILL
4. #05 78 pts Democrcy - Visual Basic Bitch
5. #03 71 pts Oysterish - df0:BAD & Mr Roboto
6. #02 59 pts covid dreams - Catchinashes
7. #01 58 pts Teh Sin Tax - Birdrun
1. #06 121 pts Cars Don't Stop - Pselodux
2. #07 101 pts Commodore Hardcore - Mibri
3. #10 96 pts Two-Legged Bandit - Mutetus
4. #02 95 pts Em Cee 3 oh 3 - cTrix
5. #03 93 pts Destroy Your Amiga - Aomeba
6. #01 89 pts æ~ - Mickaleus
7. #08 79 pts shit song - ya mum
8. #11 78 pts Back in Darker than Black - Birdrun
9. #12 61 pts Only30Secs4Dance - Slaxx
10. #04 59 pts So Many Colours - Mr. Roboto
#13 59 pts Uland Jungle - SIDWAVE
12. #09 57 pts It's All Fun And Games Until The Screaming Starts
- LDX#40
13. #14 53 pts Nope - grystalith
14. #05 47 pts Bluezy 30 Second Thing - DeMOSic
1. #09 113 pts The Vectrex Captrex - Beige
2. #10 78 pts Roller Scroller 3 - Defame & Onslaught
3. #06 72 pts Blaked Beans - BVFreak
4. #01 69 pts Vandalism News #73 - Onslaught & Offence
5. #08 68 pts Chirpy Snails - Rika"@_Jimage
6. #11 67 pts Energy particle cloud demo - Yeff
7. #05 62 pts Alien Dash 2 - BVFreak
8. #04 61 pts Symbows Solitaire - Samuel Bruce
(also aka Knife Crimes)
#07 61 pts Xanadu - bas
10. #02 52 pts Vandalism 73 poster - Duce
11. #03 38 pts Hit Mouse 3 version 0.2 - System of Sound
12. #12 36 pts SND GR3NAD3 [last] - Aaron
1. #04 125 pts Aeon Drift - disaster area
2. #01 113 pts Formula Petscii - Performers
3. #03 92 pts BeigeRay - Beige
4. #02 73 pts Infernalis Machina - Onslaught
5. #05 62 pts Get Busy - System of Sound
1. #01 0 pts qsnail on a prospeed 386 - rho & rika
1. #01 73 pts paper hologram robotic messages from the future -
reedoo and aday
1. #06 73 pts Ripleys power loader - jab
2. #05 68 pts Lack of nose made him unbearably sad - sande
3. #10 63 pts Remember - Soya
4. #11 56 pts Abstractscii Gallery - Logiker
5. #13 53 pts look at what i found - Mickaleus
6. #02 52 pts Industry - Freeze/Blazon
#03 52 pts City Zipper - cTrix
8. #04 50 pts Pet Ski 2022 - Skleptoid
9. #14 47 pts Sin and Tax are a Syntax Error - CoaXCable
10. #07 44 pts Ghost of Wovoka - 4gentE
11. #12 42 pts insert_your_group_name_here - Janne / Matt Current
12. #01 38 pts Skull of XMAS brings a Syntax Terror 2022 - CoaXCable
13. #08 33 pts Panting Creature - Logiker
14. #09 26 pts D - fake maveritan
1. #25 76 pts Tiny spider on my hand - tommitytom
2. #24 62 pts Robot chicken - Chicken
3. #12 61 pts At Brynseng Stasjon, Oslo - Steven Dalton
4. #15 58 pts City Hall Milwaukee - Slaxx
5. #23 56 pts Command Centre - Abbie
6. #14 53 pts Lotus Life - cTrix
7. #22 52 pts A Digital World - Sumaleth
8. #13 51 pts My, oh My - Morpheus
#21 51 pts Alpha Beta Gamma Delta Omega - 2 - Lukasz Bogusz
10. #29 48 pts Hoya - Atomicseed
11. #05 47 pts How long has this been here? - Birdrun
#19 47 pts A Duck - Visual Basic Bitch
#30 47 pts Breaking Bad (aka Break In) - Krion
14. #08 46 pts Blood Moon D - Zardoz
#17 46 pts Small Saurian - Matsha
#18 46 pts Mud slugs - AtomicSeed
17. #16 44 pts Harmonize - Myracle
18. #02 43 pts relaxation in solitude - Catchinashes
#07 43 pts stripped out - maveritan
#20 43 pts The Pizza Box - Muse
#26 43 pts roland - ctrix
22. #11 42 pts Moonshine - Logiker
23. #28 41 pts Night lights - maveritan
24. #09 40 pts Glacier - Matsha
25. #06 38 pts virtual_como - mickaleus
26. #27 37 pts birb chomp - Jimage
27. #04 36 pts The Mysterious Shed - Robynredbreast
28. #01 32 pts A Stormy Sunset - robc
29. #03 31 pts Shroooms - platon42
30. #10 30 pts Muscheum - Ipok
1. #07 73 pts Fall - Carrion
2. #09 69 pts GOING NUTS - The Sarge
3. #04 65 pts The Jazzcat - Soya
4. #17 61 pts Two weeks after Halloween - Katon
5. #05 60 pts Dragon - Colin Thomson
6. #18 55 pts Let Me Out - Joe
7. #02 53 pts Cabin - Colin Thomson
8. #15 52 pts DTec In Repose - Sumaleth
9. #16 49 pts Wildcat - Fabs/Onslaught
10. #11 48 pts Off with his head! - Almighty God
11. #10 46 pts It's Hot In Space - Slaxx
12. #12 44 pts Unmasked - sande
13. #06 43 pts Enchanted Forest - Patto
14. #14 41 pts The Reveal - Goerp
15. #08 38 pts Get Into Gear - Cupid
#13 38 pts Snalez - c-dizzle
#20 38 pts Self Portrait 3 - bas
18. #19 35 pts The Tapes Are Not What They Seem - LDX#40
19. #01 34 pts Teaser '23 - DarkOwl
20. #03 33 pts Devil Girl - Patto
1. #07 70 pts Stopped by paralyzing flashes - Vasyl
2. #03 50 pts Rambo - Colin Thomson
#06 50 pts Roylent Green - Robynredbreast
4. #04 44 pts Travelling thru space - Ikonic
5. #05 43 pts chamberlain - Colin Thomson
6. #02 35 pts Blue and Gold - Ceazer & Mr Roboto
7. #01 26 pts Titlle - Artist Name
1. #03 60 pts Return - jurnip
2. #02 52 pts Snail Girl vs Lettuce - Rika the Snail
3. #01 50 pts I come with my teddy BEER !!! - callisto
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