File Archive

File download


File size:
6 393 bytes (6.24K)
File date:
2021-12-25 12:55:47
Download count:
all-time: 11


  • racc.nfo 1.44K
  • withus.prg 3.83K


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====/            ==// \=== || ||   ==//  ||  || \ === |  | ||  |  /( )\_(o\\ ||

                       === Raccoons! In s ===
                         Released at Transmission64 2021.

Art by Violet and Polyducks, typography by Mrs Beanbag
Music by aldroid and Mrs Beanbag, original from the cartoon The Raccoons
Code by aldroid
Testing by Franky^RBBS, thanks dude! And Reality404 for arranging it.

Transmission64 sounds like a lovely party, so ith maybe a couple of 
weeks to go we decided to learn c64 programming, PETSCII, SID, and 
and make a scroller. Easy! The tooling has helped a lot. 

Scroller text
hello transmission  slipstream party crew back with a little scroller  
we dont want no fuss  we just want to send you some petscii love  
and maybe go through your bins  hope you are all having a massive time

greets to transmission crew  tuhb tef rift csc padua fiveseveneleven
mistigris retroshark rhoq ptoing ckelsallpxls polarity hooyprogram tlc
poobrain farbrausch svatg logicoma titan bitbendaz bitshifters proxima
desire readysaltedcode nova crew  and everyone we missed

Tools used (thank you tool makers!)
Turbo Rascal
Marq's PETSCII Editor