File Archive

File download


File size:
1 472 489 bytes (1.40M)
File date:
2021-04-05 02:52:44
Download count:
all-time: 36


  • filler_1920x1080.exe 6.39K
  • rEAdMe.nfo 948B
  • screenshot-big.png 1.30M
  • screenshot-pouet.png 98.06K


___________________ ____________________  __/__(_)__  /__  /____________
_  ___/  __ \_  __ `__ \__  __ \  __ \_  /_ __  /__  /__  /_  _ \_  ___/
/ /__ / /_/ /  / / / / /_  /_/ / /_/ /  __/ _  / _  / _  / /  __/  /    
\___/ \____//_/ /_/ /_/_  .___/\____//_/    /_/  /_/  /_/  \___//_/     
            by "The Compofillerz" 
                WE ARE ELITE... AND YOU ARE NOT!!!
        Kode & visualz by rremy. Additional kode by vfboi.
            Musik by girvill.
        We spent 5 hours doing this, and it's 4 hours more than 
        it deserved!!!
        Greetings and respect to bla bla bla... BORING!
        We use:
            - Crinkler by Loonies & TBC.
            - 4klang by Alcatraz.
            - ShaderMinifier by Ctrl+Alt+Del.