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File size:
4 428 643 bytes (4.22M)
File date:
2020-07-11 18:08:38
Download count:
all-time: 194

Screenshot (by Demozoo)



  • Bitbear-Sunset-Through-The-Rain/ dir
  • Bitbear-Sunset-Through-The-Rain/bitbear-logo.png 100.51K
  • Bitbear-Sunset-Through-The-Rain/Bitbear-Sunset-Through-The-Rain.mp3 9.39M
  • Bitbear-Sunset-Through-The-Rain/FILE_ID.DIZ 6.94K


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                                  Bitbear Presents
                            .: Sunset Through The Rain :.
                                  At Solskogen 2020

                I’ve been going to Solskogen for 8 years now and this
                being the very last one makes me sad. Solskogen 
                represents my reintroduction to the demoscene in 2012
                after being away for more than a decade.

                I got pingo’s ex-girlfriend’s ticket and not long
                after arrival, I was invited into BHF’s tent and spent
                the next 4 hours listening to him sharing stories
                about his Commodore 64 adventures and discussing
                with Brandon Walsh how epic Doskpop and Lizardking is.

                It was the warmest and best welcome I could have
                received and I felt right at home, right away. I
                remember thinking "this feels right. I belong here."

                Solskogen is feeling artistically complete once a year.
                It is being able to share the enthusiasm for the
                greatest and most creative culture computers have ever
                fostered with like-minded people.
                It is being surrounded by people you admire and look
                up to, who have made truly mind-blowing things by their
                sheer talent and incredible imaginations – walk up to
                them, and talk to them. Share a beer, or a full bottle
                of vodka with internationally appraised artists while
                debating the ingenuity of Purple Motion’s lead

                Solskogen is working day and night to finish a
                production and the enthralling feeling of seeing or
                hearing it on the big screen or enormous PA system
                afterward. Sharing the experience with others and
                gathering their reactions and feedback. 

                Arriving late and having to use a cellphone
                flashlight to be able to raise a tent in the nearby
                forest. The amazing Saturday night burgers, steak
                and waffles. Waffles! The incredibly hospitable and
                likable crew. I love you guys.

                Thank you so much for giving me some of the best days
                of my life. You are amazing!

                This song is dedicated to you. Although it's rainy
                days ahead with Solskogen being over, we have one
                final party to light up our lives like a Sunset
                Through The Rain.

                                   .: Credits :.

                I want to thank my wife Anneli aka litn for providing
                great feedback to the song and especially lifting the
                take-off to new heights. I'm also grateful for her
                being so understanding of my hobby and not only
                allowing, but encouraging me to spend time on making
                music. I love you!

                A huge thanks to Modulo One for giving invaluable
                ideas helping the lead melody in particular and to
                MAGNUS for endless amounts of mix feedback. This song
                would definitely sound worse without your help!

                And I can't forget my daughter Liv for her enthusiasm
                towards my music and also for wanting to spend time
                with me recording and producing her own ideas. It's
                so wonderful spending time with her.

                                 .: Greetings :.

                Greetings to Anwarz, Arcane, Dozer, Duckers, Eplebit,
                Ferris, Fjern, Flipside, Gloom, Hansee, Investor,
                JoMs, karo133ne, Knofle, kusma, leijaa, litn, lug00ber,
                MAGNUS, Menace, Modulo One, pingo, Quarryman, Rage,
                Response, Run, Sandsmark, Sinatra, Slummy, Steel,
                T-101, tr0n, Trigger, Xeche, Xerxes, and of course:

                As usual, I've most certainly forgotten someone.
                Sorry! My memory is one of my worst assets.

                PS: Yes, the bears are crying.