File Archive

File download


File size:
6 285 bytes (6.14K)
File date:
2020-09-20 03:42:37
Download count:
all-time: 1 008


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 |__| |____/|___|  /\___  >__| |__|\____/|___|  /  :  2  0  2  0 
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                 2020.09.18-20. budapest hungary


    1.  #09   180 pts    Pandemonium - Teo
    2.  #15   170 pts    The Other - Slaygon (feat. Andreas Wallström &
    3.  #14   146 pts    DysFunction 2021 album preview - NecroPolo
    4.  #11   144 pts    Powerplant Failure [Album Preview] - Graphite 3.6+
    5.  #08   142 pts    Rainbow Clash: Can You See This? - slyspy
    6.  #13   128 pts    Léleknyelő - B.S.Baxxter / LCE
    7.  #12   125 pts    SOUL SHIFTER - DAVE
    8.  #10   114 pts    Self Maintained Resentment - Synesthesia of RiFT
    9.  #07   113 pts    The Waters Between - ALPA of iNSANE
   10.  #06   111 pts    Restitution - AceMan / Resistance^Dreamweb^Agenda
   11.  #01   110 pts    2049 - -SP- ^ LCE
   12.  #04   102 pts    Ready To Rumble! - Orphy
   13.  #05   100 pts    rainbow crash-80s - e!ghtbm
   14.  #02    88 pts    Quarantune joy (dance your pants off!) - The Hook
   15.  #03    87 pts    Scan & Go - MCH & Pator


    1.  #03   211 pts    AAAAH! - DerHase
    2.  #02   169 pts    Arock Game"2" - Kékkes
    3.  #01   161 pts    DoodleCastles - 66Gramms (Ricsi)


    1.  #18   257 pts    Measuring  Squirrel - pasy
    2.  #16   227 pts    DeathStar - Feryx
    3.  #17   223 pts    XXX Insect - Reidl Rómeó (Romeodesign)
    4.  #12   222 pts    Imminent Impact - Mop of Alcatraz
    5.  #15   217 pts    Spheres of Nova - rascy
    6.  #14   216 pts    C – Hong Kong salaryman at night - Zavie /
    7.  #10   195 pts    Real World Twister - Bobic / &
    8.  #11   193 pts    Eating Sun - AA-Ray / BitFellas
    9.  #13   182 pts    Shapes - -SP- ^ LCE
   10.  #09   171 pts    iron net - outlook
   11.  #08   158 pts    The Race - poison / Singular Crew
   12.  #02   156 pts    DUSK WALK TO THE BUSCHENSCHANK (V1.0) -
   13.  #05   155 pts    Quake - Los Angeles Lamers
   14.  #07   144 pts    SchwarzachDurchbruch - dj.flow
   15.  #03   122 pts    while(rendering){covid.remove}; - ravezed^LCE
   16.  #01   112 pts    mother of cats - Roza
   17.  #04   109 pts    Seashore in the UK - 66Gramms (Ricsi)
   18.  #06   102 pts    Jaj de erős vagyok - Ippán


    1.  #06   240 pts    We are back - Mash / Absolute!
    2.  #05   218 pts    Dragon - Dorcyy
    3.  #04   217 pts    Lights of Nova - rascy
    4.  #07   215 pts    Blue - Honcho / Atlantis
    5.  #02   191 pts    Lizi - Feryx
    6.  #03   162 pts    Sárkány, kocsi, nő - imptimi
    7.  #01   144 pts    That Holy Place - -SP- ^ LCE


    1.  #10   317 pts    Cyberpunk Girl - Lillanegra / Absolute!
    2.  #07   283 pts    Checklist done - poison / Singular Crew
    3.  #08   254 pts    First official ninja party - Dorcyy
    4.  #03   244 pts    Broken Dimension - Grass / Hokuto Force / Lethargy
                           / Resistance
    5.  #06   233 pts    Three Stooges - Honcho / Atlantis
    6.  #09   225 pts    WinterMage and SnowBloodMan - Leon
    7.  #02   208 pts    Procession - Lobo / Atlantis
    8.  #05   193 pts    Vanishing Dream of a dragon slayer - Titus /
    9.  #04   174 pts    Ultimate Warrior - jab / Wrenchotron
   10.  #01   110 pts    Creative Urgements - Superstande


    1.  #10   310 pts    Sunna - Stroon & Laila
    2.  #09   243 pts    MOMENTS - Abaddon
    3.  #07   240 pts    A Magyar Demoscene Mocskos Kis Titkai - Flame Film
    4.  #06   233 pts    Iron Dignity - Artex Software
    5.  #01   219 pts    introducing the gamer smart radio-phone - Johnny /
    6.  #03   191 pts    pszájkó2 - alias sékitáp - Los Angeles Lamers
    7.  #02   183 pts    Valami mellék termék - Feryx
    8.  #05   162 pts    Five things - TuccMan
    9.  #08   156 pts    Mice Parade - MädBoys™ Unlimited Virtual
                           Enterprises Ltd.
   10.  #04   108 pts    Saláta - BBQBagázs


    1.  #05   347 pts    MEMENTO MORI - GENESIS PROJECT
    2.  #04   337 pts    Gamertro - Lethargy
    3.  #03   242 pts    Vanessa on a nostalgia trip - Desire
    4.  #01   168 pts    Split'n Movetro - Hokuto Force
    5.  #02   162 pts    Atari Fan magazine Invitation - LAMERS


    1.  #04   372 pts    Bit Runner 2048 - Digimind
    2.  #10   357 pts    HYDRAULIC PIXELS - iONic / AstroideA
    3.  #08   263 pts    kharon - superogue
    4.  #09   258 pts    Twirly McPattern - gopher/alcatraz
    5.  #03   254 pts    ice sprout - kuemmel
    6.  #05   232 pts    rainy32b - HellMood / DESIRE
    7.  #07   199 pts    Just for FUNction - CITAVIA CREW
    8.  #06   196 pts    Win95 Screensaver Wannabe - -SP- ^ LCE
    9.  #01   174 pts    Nice logo with no music - TomCat/Abaddon
   10.  #02   159 pts    the circle - sensenstahl


    1.  #03   307 pts    Lamer Limerz - archee
    2.  #01   196 pts    last walk - tifeco & vincenzo
    3.  #02   189 pts    Inércia 2020 4kb Invitation Intro - ScenePT All


    1.  #01   275 pts    Heat20 - Dilemma


    1.  #06   298 pts    Rainbow Clash: Altered States of Surrender -
                           United Force vs. Digital Dynamite
    2.  #05   297 pts    spiral - Rebels
    3.  #07   296 pts    escalation - ümlaüt design
    4.  #04   235 pts    Midnight Express - Netro
    5.  #03   217 pts    katarzis - vaahtera
    6.  #01   172 pts    Agyfasz - Feryx
    7.  #02   144 pts    Loop 1 - The Bad Sectors


        104 votes were cast by 111 registered voters.

        Made possible by Wuhu -