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File size:
3 944 829 bytes (3.76M)
File date:
2019-07-14 12:47:07
Download count:
all-time: 269

Screenshot (by Demozoo)



  • Bitbear-That-Flateby-Feeling/ dir
  • Bitbear-That-Flateby-Feeling/bitbear-logo.png 100.51K
  • Bitbear-That-Flateby-Feeling/Bitbear-That-Flateby-Feeling.mp3 7.22M
  • Bitbear-That-Flateby-Feeling/FILE_ID.DIZ 4.08K


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                                    Bitbear Presents

                               .: That Flateby Feeling :.

                                   At Solskogen 2019


                After having spent a over a year renovating most of the
                apartment, changing position at work and delivering a
                talk at NDC Oslo, I feel like I'm coming out of a very
                stressful hibernation and finally being awake and able
                to attend one of my favorite places on earth: Solskogen.
                Having That Flateby Feeling again is awesome!

                The song is made from 4 different parts, some of which
                are more than 20 years old. Being short on time between
                delivering a talk at NDC and completing a song for
                Solskogen 2019, using these old scraps is what got me
                to the finish line in time. I'm not happy about the
                result, but given the time constraints and the state of
                the scraps I pulled together, I'm somewhere between
                70-90% content with the result.

                                     .: Credits :.

                Credits to litn aka Anneli aka my wife for giving me
                very valuable input to the song. The scraps were very
                chaotic at first, but she gave me a direction to work
                in and it paid off, allowing me to complete something
                that sounds like one song although it consists of four
                very distinct parts. I love you!

                Thanks to MAGNUS and Modulo One for some last minute
                mixing and production tips that improved the song.

                Lastly I'd like to send a kiss off to my wonderful
                daughter Liv, whom I love above everything on this
                planet and who for some reason loves listening to
                my music. That means so much to me it's impossible
                to describe.

                                 .: Greetings :.

                Greetings to Arcane, Dozer, Duckers, Eplebit, Ferris,
                Fjern, Gloom, JoMs, kusma, leijaa, litn, lug00ber,
                Menace, MAGNUS, Modulo One, pingo, Quarryman,
                Rage, Response, Sandsmark, Steel, Trigger, T-101,
                Slummy, Hansee, Xeche, Xerxes, Knofle, Flipside,
                Sinatra, Investor and of course: You!

                As usual, I've most certainly forgotten someone.
                Sorry! My memory is one of my worst assets.