File Archive

File download


File size:
53 372 bytes (52.12K)
File date:
2019-07-25 23:19:45
Download count:
all-time: 278

Screenshot (by pouë



  • tmotcw.nfo 1.01K
  • tmotcw_menu.bin 2.00K
  • tmotcw_ntsc.bin 512B
  • tmotcw_ntsc_2k.bin 2.00K
  • tmotcw_pal.bin 512B
  • tmotcw_pal_2k.bin 2.00K
  • tmotcw_supercharger_ntsc.bin 8.25K
  • tmotcw_supercharger_ntsc.mp3 30.96K
  • tmotcw_supercharger_pal.bin 8.25K
  • tmotcw_supercharger_pal.mp3 30.96K
  • versions.txt 1.16K


 =  _____ _          __  __      _   _            =
 = |_   _| |_  ___  |  \/  |__ _| |_(_)_ _  __ _  =
 =   | | | ' \/ -_) | |\/| / _` |  _| | ' \/ _` | =
 =   |_| |_||_\___| |_|  |_\__,_|\__|_|_||_\__, | =
 =              ___   __   _____ _         |___/  =
 =             / _ \ / _| |_   _| |_  ___         =
 =            | (_) |  _|   | | | ' \/ -_)        =
 =   ___     _ \___/|_|     |_| |_||_\___|        =
 =  / __|___| |___ _ __ _ __ _ ___ _ _ _ __  ___  =
 = | (__/ _ \ / _ \ '_/\ V  V / _ \ '_| '  \(_-<  =
 =  \___\___/_\___/_|   \_/\_/\___/_| |_|_|_/__/  =
 =                                                =

A 512 bytes for the Atari 2600 VCS in many variations
(not all being 512 bytes, see versions.txt for details)

This demo uses the CommaVid bankswitching, which
provides 2K of ROM together with 1K of RAM.

Released in July 2019 at Nordlicht Demo Party
for the 512 bytes demo competition (all platforms)