File Archive

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File size:
5 909 bytes (5.77K)
File date:
2019-02-09 22:37:03
Download count:
all-time: 1 252

                organized by Satori & DB team

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   1-3rd February 2019 ////////////////////////// BRATISLAVA
   ----- Binarium, Staré Gruty 18, Bratislava, Slovakia -----

   fb: / - tw: @demobit - insta:


    1.  #07   158 pts    Synth My Ride - LiSU
        #08   158 pts    propaganda - nagz
    3.  #04   155 pts    Reading Light - MovSD/AdamJ
    4.  #01   132 pts    Hexploration - Teo / Focus Design ^^ Rebels
    5.  #06   129 pts    Weather Deities - AceMan /
    6.  #09   128 pts    Strange_Children_final_newnew_V8 - docd - TRSi /
    7.  #10   127 pts    To Be C64tinued - Martin Demsky
    8.  #05   119 pts    BLADEWALKER 2084 - MeinCraft Punk
    9.  #03   107 pts    Falling leaves - NoroSoft / Norbert Grellneth
   10.  #02    85 pts    Gauche Ashtrays - Torvus


    1.  #06   180 pts    mob diet - nagz
    2.  #10   161 pts    ice flowers - nosfe / AateKorjaamo
    3.  #14   156 pts    PF - Simonen Pipkensen
    4.  #04   155 pts    marlene dietrich poetry - evilsister
    5.  #17   154 pts    Baker street lady - Marek Orihel
    6.  #05   147 pts    Lucky Look - Bobic /
    7.  #11   145 pts    headspace - wobble/logicoma
    8.  #16   142 pts    Towards the sun - Patrik Foriš
    9.  #15   134 pts    Tourist - Boris Vajda
   10.  #12   128 pts    S-BAD - Teo / Focus Design ^^ Rebels
   11.  #07   127 pts    Fury Road Arena - AA-Ray / BitFellas
   12.  #13   103 pts    Spikka Spikka Spikkachu! - a random passer-by
   13.  #09    91 pts    Flower girl - Kristína Anyalaiová
   14.  #03    84 pts    Old City - Stergio
   15.  #08    82 pts    Tornaladin - Hill
   16.  #02    71 pts    01101111 00101111 - codepupper
   17.  #01    67 pts    The Plague - Adok/Hugi


    1.  #12   229 pts    In Love - phob ^ marshals
    2.  #07   166 pts    Dream - Dávid Kajma
    3.  #11   165 pts    Horn Guy - Justus / dSr
    4.  #08   155 pts    Surge et ambula - Laila
    5.  #10   144 pts    To Dash or Not To Dash - Viza/Hokuto Force
    6.  #05   142 pts    DOaaCF - spiikki
    7.  #04   140 pts    The Eye - Hill
    8.  #09   124 pts    This is what extinction looks like - Rejden /JH
    9.  #03   110 pts    DEMOBIT PARTY - author
   10.  #06   101 pts    Xenium 2019 - Willy/GGS
   11.  #01    79 pts    Binarium - nagz
   12.  #02    65 pts    A placeholder image for the Forever 2019
                           Invitation - LiSU


    1.  #05   246 pts    JZQ challenged - Sarec^LazyRaptors
    2.  #04   177 pts    Crash to the future - Bobic /
    3.  #03   140 pts    Nanuo I - Laila
    4.  #01   117 pts    Metacubes - spiikki
    5.  #02    85 pts    Bears butt - Skeletex Research s.r.o.


    1.  #01   157 pts    Submerged - nelo
    2.  #02   120 pts    Inner Mongolia Vagera - Erik Binder


    1.  #07   273 pts    Debt - BitFellas / AA-Ray, Bobic, Castroe & KF
    2.  #06   201 pts    Frequency of life - drue, sade, nagz
    3.  #01   154 pts    Tóniku - Demostroj Kladno
    4.  #04   143 pts    Breathe for 3 minutes - Nagz
    5.  #05   125 pts    London silhouettes - Boris Vajda
    6.  #03   101 pts    time is beneath us - nosfe / AateKorjaamo
    7.  #02    86 pts    Memento mori - Daniela Šiandorvá & Jakub


    1.  #06   361 pts    Relax - Řrřola
    2.  #05   294 pts    CuberaiL - Assembler Bot
    3.  #07   275 pts    549NOTES - ern0 and TomCat
    4.  #04   225 pts    Bit Hell - Jendo / 3 bomb studios / BrCr
    5.  #02   167 pts    Bacon Pancakes - Aberration Creations
    6.  #03   124 pts    Compo Filler - Harekiet
    7.  #01   106 pts    Indian Fall - Adok/Hugi


    1.  #02   295 pts    crutokk - clrsrc
    2.  #01   180 pts    The Grid 512B - TomCat/Abaddon


    1.  #07   315 pts    Pecram - lipek / altair, lesnik / altair
    2.  #04   280 pts    u n a e s t h e t i c - LiSU
    3.  #06   248 pts    Tenebris - Gaspode
    4.  #08   240 pts    Electric Sunshine - DDL Blue
    5.  #05   199 pts    typical programmer was not offended - keen/jetlag
    6.  #02   161 pts    Jabba the Filler - jezeq^lazyraptors
    7.  #03   145 pts    Ruky hore, gate dole! - Hugi Core & Royal Family
    8.  #01   144 pts    Inside Nebula - fanna


    1.  #03   253 pts    Amis Cope - Satori
    2.  #02   247 pts    Antiglitcher - Software Failure
    3.  #01   139 pts    Yet Another Compo Starter - ArtWaY


    1.  #07   328 pts    Mara - Altair
    2.  #06   314 pts    Searching through the Voids - musk
    3.  #08   284 pts    Hetoxoteh - Satori + Andromeda Software
    4.  #09   230 pts    Destination - TRBL
    5.  #04   204 pts    Silo - limp ninja
    6.  #05   194 pts    Safety Measures - Ümlaüt Design
    7.  #01   171 pts    Underground 200 - Broncs
    8.  #03   133 pts    Subtle Body - EGRG & Grey Park
    9.  #02   110 pts    AK-02: Rorschach test #01 - AateKorjaamo


    1.  #01     0 pts    Dirac Sea - 3C 273
        #02     0 pts    Destiny - Patrik Víglaš


        104 votes were cast by 117 registered voters.

        Made possible by Wuhu -