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File size:
9 311 bytes (9.09K)
File date:
2018-11-05 17:42:58
Download count:
all-time: 1 310


                                    X 2018

                             Competition Results

Music Competition
  # Title                      Handle/Group               Voters  Sum  Score
  1 SYS64738 Days              Linus/MultiStyleLabs          174 1433  8.236
  2 Whiplash                   Flex/Artline Designs          165 1313  7.958
  3 My Life                    LMan/MultiStyle Labs          180 1411  7.839
  4 lazy bytes                 6R6/Shape                     180 1381  7.672
  5 Elvendance                 Lft                           160 1210  7.562
  6 Someren Groove             psycho8580/MultiStyle L...    181 1353  7.475
  7 Danger Dawg                Steel & Stinsen/Genesis...    176 1312  7.455
  8 Beatswax                   Jangler/Artline Designs       175 1275  7.286
  9 Quietus                    Toggle/Padua                  165 1185  7.182
 10 Jihad me at hello          fegolhuzz/Panda Design        178 1270  7.135
 11 I Beg U Pardon             Aki                           160 1131  7.069
 12 Guardians of the Wind      Magnar/Censor Design          159 1120  7.044
 13 Specksternchen             vincenzo/Singular Crew ...    179 1260  7.039
 14 Still Here                 Apollyon/Artline Designs      173 1215  7.023
 15 Sceners of the Skillcore   Dave/SIDNIFY                  174 1218  7.000
 16 Doctor Help me! I'm sick.  Spider Jerusalem/MYD          180 1237  6.872
 17 Unoptimixed                Hein/Vision                   164 1121  6.835
 18 Miracle Room (X party v... Uctumi/PVM                    178 1209  6.792
 19 Sockerbeat                 Qdor/Panda Design             171 1101  6.439
 20 Dare teen in a dough sign  Mr.Mouse/XeNTaX               172 1078  6.267
 21 Pensioner Jam              da Blondie/Resource           158  965  6.108
 22 Miss You!                  Juzdie/Artline Designs        175 1068  6.103
 23 LiberaciĆ³n Animal          Los Pat Moritas/PVM           161  947  5.882
 24 taco =gutti=               Raf/Vulture                   159  901  5.667
 25 Pernilles Blomster         Roly/Mayday                   175  970  5.543
 26 Stargazer                  F7sus4/Samar Productions      176  957  5.438
 27 Thumb Mitten               ZZAP69/Onslaught              170  827  4.865

PETSCII Competition
  # Title                      Handle/Group               Voters  Sum  Score
  1 Ernie                      redcrab/genesis project       198 1773  8.954
  2 Inhale Xhale               Vent/Extend                   193 1447  7.497
  3 No Tobacco                 TheRyk/Mayday!                193 1337  6.928
  4 In the Details             Terwiz/Alumni ^ Damones       194 1328  6.845
  5 Bait and switch            Lft                           192 1225  6.380
  6 Weee ! Cheese !            Capt'n Obvious                191 1118  5.853
  7 Hipno X Soap               Arlequin/PVM                  191 1099  5.754
  8 Big SID                    Aki                           191 1056  5.529
  9 The Dream                  Nodepond/Level90              191 1040  5.445
 10 Pungas                     Micabot/PVM                   191  990  5.183
 11 dont be a dick             Bordeaux/Excess               192  874  4.552

Graphics Competition
  # Title                      Handle/Group               Voters  Sum  Score
  1 no country for old men     jok/elysium                   202 1801  8.916
  2 A mature amateur           Duce/Extend                   206 1813  8.801
  3 Back to Neon               Jamon/Tempest                 202 1772  8.772
  4 Technomancer (A Murder ... Mucky/Almagest                202 1692  8.376
  5 LOBO                       Facet/Genesis Project         206 1701  8.257
  6 Gleis 9 3/4                elko/Oxyron ^ TRSi            202 1650  8.168
  7 They'll never catch me!    Leon/SGR^Chorus^RSC           204 1635  8.015
  8 Into the void              Vent/Extend                   204 1596  7.824
  9 Tree Dragon                Capt'n Obvious                205 1532  7.473
 10 Phantasy Nature            Almighty God/Excess           203 1496  7.370
 11 The Cyan Goddess           ptoing                        203 1470  7.241
 12 Sabotage                   Lobo/Atlantis                 204 1354  6.637
 13 Myst Take                  Alakran/PVM                   200 1312  6.560
 14 Mega Ukulele               Nith/Triad                    200 1304  6.520
 15 The fool                   NiM/Censor Design             204 1316  6.451
 16 fear and loathing in de... blackwine/dreamweb            200 1262  6.310
 17 Kinda Sketchy              Grip/Istari                   204 1239  6.074
 18 Tiny Ninja                 Lzwerch                       203 1152  5.675
 19 Fake yourself              XynnM/Fake                    201  950  4.726
 20 Giggling_stars             Rare_Candy                    203  848  4.177
 21 Caves of Kryrion           Nodepond/Level90              203  570  2.808

4K Competition
  # Title                      Handle/Group               Voters  Sum  Score
  1 Screw It!                  Icon/TRIAD                    179 1429  7.983
  2 ZXQL3000                   lcf/scstrc                    179 1362  7.609
  3 Dubious                    Trasher/Fairlight             174 1317  7.569
  4 3935 happy bytes party ... Pex Mahoney/Mahoney & K...    181 1220  6.740
  5 Funky Punky                Samar                         177 1096  6.192
  6 CIIIIID                    acidbrain/pvm                 178 1085  6.096

Demo Competition
  # Title                      Handle/Group               Voters  Sum  Score
  1 The Star Wars Demo         All of Censor to all of...    224 2077  9.272
  2 Unboxed                    Bonzai                        228 2111  9.259
  3 C= bit '18                 Performers                    221 1948  8.815
  4 X Marks the Spot           Genesis Project               221 1903  8.611
  5 Old Men In Used Cars       Fossil                        223 1891  8.480
  6 Xcusemo                    Atlantis                      230 1818  7.904
  7 Frantic4BHF                Hoaxers                       224 1730  7.723
 *8 Rewind                     TempesT                       224 1712  7.643
  9 Drinking Buddies           Super Larsson Brothers        209 1573  7.526
 10 C64 - Hear 64              Desire                        219 1624  7.415
 11 Hi Five                    Siesta                        219 1543  7.046
 12 Pixels 35                  F4CG                          221 1544  6.986
 13 Crystal Gazer              Chorus                        217 1473  6.788
 14 F600                       Hokuto Force and PVM          222 1428  6.432
 15 Ukiyo                      Samar                         225 1358  6.036
 16 HelloWorld                 dyme                          224 1350  6.027
 17 Nightcrawler               Almagest                      224 1307  5.835
 18 Bits Please Example Intro  Abyss-Connection              226 1063  4.704
 19 TRSi 90s intro             Abyss-Connection^TRSi         225 1038  4.613
 20 Ladekast                   poo-brain                     225  925  4.111
 21 Black hole                 deFEEST                       223  902  4.045
#8 (Tempest) was the highest scoring onefile demo of the compo and won the
Onefile Demo Award!

Party Releases
    Title                      Handle/Group
    X-Team                     DJS/Silicon ltd
    X-Party                    DJS/Silicon ltd
    Still rollin'              DJS/Silicon ltd
    What did you say?          DJS/Silicon ltd
    Oh,hi!                     DJS/Silicon ltd
    Bits Please v1.0           fieserwolf/Abyss-Connection
    X2018 Report               Hein/Vision
    Aviator Arcade II (Prev... Heavy Stylus/RGCD
    Limbo Preview [EX]         Faayd/Excess
    Cashflow                   Ninja/The Dreams