File Archive

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File size:
12 848 bytes (12.55K)
File date:
2018-11-13 23:57:37
Download count:
all-time: 1 189


----------------------------=======SYNTAX 2018=======-------------------------

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----------------------------=======SYNTAX 2018=======-------------------------
                     DEMOPARTY : MELBOURNE 10-11 November 2018


01. auto sequence start - Disaster Area                              97 points
02. Elara - Onslaught                                                87 points
03. Did you miss us? - Onslaught & Defame                            78 points
04. The Nature of Beige - Beige                                      62 points
    PLASMATOY - Ziggy                                                62 points
06. Oldskool Intro - Ziggy                                           61 points



01. Catch 44 - Nordic Conspiracy                                     93 points
02. Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich - Jimage                           48 points



01. unicorn - tommitytom                                            117 points
02. Vandalism News #68 - Onslaught & Offence                         92 points
03. Homebrew Handheld 8-Bit Games - indigo                           81 points
04. The Ladder - R1ver11                                             79 points
05. Cinerarium (of Solaris) - Sumaleth/Pearl                         77 points
06. SSSLAG - AJ, Vectrex                                             66 points
07. CRAP SHARK 9000 - retrovertigo                                   62 points
    BestDemoEver? - pelrun                                           62 points
09. Cheesborger - Visual Basic Bitch                                 51 points
10. 3-2-1-FIRE - YEFF                                                50 points
11. MAL Kovich - Jimage                                              42 points



01. 64 DISCO BISCUITS - RELOAD /  Defame                             83 points
02. FOXYLADY - Duce of Extend                                        71 points
03. Skycity - Jok                                                    63 points
04. Chicano Girl - CONS of ONSLAUGHT                                 62 points
05. Nature - dok                                                     61 points
    Terraform 64 - cTrix & Wingman                                   61 points
07. Deicide - Rail Slave^Hokuto Force                                51 points
08. IWWAZ - Lobo^Onslaught^ATL                                       48 points
09. Scarecrow - Fabs^Hokuto Force                                    46 points
10. Syntax'18 - Raphis^Hokuto Force                                  45 points
    Cyborg kitty in the city - Ivy                                   45 points
12. CardBoardBox - Soya of Censor                                    44 points
13. Frisson - Lobo                                                   41 points
14. This took 4 hours you better appreciate this - AnyOdyssey        40 points
15. Planet Shark-u 64 - Jimmage & cTrix                              39 points
16. Windy Windy Fruit City - Chicken + Jimage + cTrix                35 points
17. 64:20 Blaze It - Chicken + Jimage + Aday + Style +                        
    CatchenAshes + Ctrix + Ript                                      29 points
18. Tree of Galactic Lyf - Jimage + cTrix                            25 points



01. Sakura - N3XU5 of Onslaught                                      69 points
02. Incident at the Roller Derby - Sumaleth/Pearl                    57 points
03. loldefame.jpg - syntax party crew                                38 points
04. Kurisu Mirai - Marty McFly                                       33 points
05. Shoals - Jimage                                                  31 points
    Syntax Party 2018 - Jimage                                       31 points



01. Stratosphere - cTrix                                             99 points
02. sunshine and rainbows - Catchinashes                             83 points
03. z-circle - SIDWAVE                                               80 points
04. BASSE - DF0:BAD                                                  78 points
    Tasteful Harmonic Chaos - Syboxez^Hokuto_Force                   78 points
06. Algoraving MidiNES - Aday                                        70 points
07. wtf drm - Visual Basic Bitch                                     67 points
08. Memetery - Jimage                                                57 points
09. UNFINISHED SYNTAX lol - AnyOdyssey                               54 points



01. Bosan0va - cTrix                                                 95 points
02. Nlogax' House 2018 - Melwyn^HJB + Dixan^MFX                      84 points
    Resol9 - pselodux                                                84 points
04. Misery - Visual Basic Bitch                                      66 points



01. Cyborg Party Time - cTrix                                       108 points
02. Fatal 1080 Snowboarding Accident - DF0BAD                        77 points
03. brief slaugher of numerous pain elementals and cacodemons.wad 
                                                      -   74 points
04. Atomicwaveform shovelware - Aday                                 71 points
05. Yaya - skarab^kstorm                                             69 points
06. i didn't have a chiptune track long enough so i did a grindcore one 
                                                    - retrovertigo   57 points



01. oscilloscopic sharku XYRL test 0.7 - aday                        68 points
    Shockwave - greybot & Dandy                                      68 points
03. Everythinger - DF0BAD                                            58 points
04. Videotrekkr - DF0BAD                                             50 points



01. View from Mr. Read's House - Dave Haynie                         71 points
02. Snake Eyes - Visual Basic Bitch and Greybot                      64 points
03. please dont tell facebook - gaia                                 63 points
04. Discarded - Visual Basic Bitch                                   61 points
05. Tracker Lyf - cTrix                                              58 points
06. Chickenz Bitches - Chicken                                       55 points
07. Space Oddity - True Pride                                        52 points
08. Director's Cut - Mim                                             50 points
09. butterfly - aurea^kstorm                                         48 points
10. A Consumer's life - Sumaleth/Pearl                               44 points
11. o2h20 - shadow                                                   42 points
12. Yaya - skarab^kstorm                                             39 points
13. piano man - AnyOdyssey                                           38 points
14. Sincere - Bobic                                                  32 points


OUT OF COMPO (in order of screening)

01. 30 Years of (documented) Aussie Parties - cTrix
02. RC2014 - Spencer
03. Syntaxfärjan - Jumalauta
04. Tape - Bitfellas
05. Yaya - skarab^kstorm
06. Alien Trailer Demo - Hokuto Force
07. Elara - Duce & Sweetdisasterr^Extend
08. Vandalism News #68 Labels - Lobo
09. Vandalism News #68 Covers - Lobo
10. mothe-meme.exe - Visual Basic bitch


                               ^nfo by jazzcat^

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