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File size:
4 131 139 bytes (3.94M)
File date:
2018-07-15 13:05:13
Download count:
all-time: 271

Screenshot (by Demozoo)



  • __MACOSX/ dir
  • __MACOSX/._Bitbear-Bear-Hugs-Forever 216B
  • __MACOSX/Bitbear-Bear-Hugs-Forever/ dir
  • __MACOSX/Bitbear-Bear-Hugs-Forever/._.DS_Store 216B
  • __MACOSX/Bitbear-Bear-Hugs-Forever/._Bitbear-Bear-Hugs-Forever.mp3 216B
  • __MACOSX/Bitbear-Bear-Hugs-Forever/._bitbear-logo.png 216B
  • __MACOSX/Bitbear-Bear-Hugs-Forever/._FILE_ID.DIZ 216B
  • Bitbear-Bear-Hugs-Forever/ dir
  • Bitbear-Bear-Hugs-Forever/.DS_Store 6.00K
  • Bitbear-Bear-Hugs-Forever/Bitbear-Bear-Hugs-Forever.mp3 7.89M
  • Bitbear-Bear-Hugs-Forever/bitbear-logo.png 100.51K
  • Bitbear-Bear-Hugs-Forever/FILE_ID.DIZ 4.63K


                    ____  ____  ____  ____  ____    __    ____ 
                   (  _ \(_  _)(_  _)(  _ \( ___)  /__\  (  _ \
                    ) _ < _)(_   )(   ) _ < )__)  /(__)\  )   /
                   (____/(____) (__) (____/(____)(__)(__)(_)\_)

                            ____  ____    __    ____
                           (  _ \( ___)  /__\  (  _ \
                            ) _ < )__)  /(__)\  )   /                  
                            _   _  __  __  ___  ___                    
                           ( )_( )(  )(  )/ __)/ __)                   
                            ) _ (  )(__)(( (_-.\__ \                   
                           (_) (_)(______)\___/(___/                   
                    ____  _____  ____  ____  _  _  ____  ____  
                   ( ___)(  _  )(  _ \( ___)( \/ )( ___)(  _ \ 
                    )__)  )(_)(  )   / )__)  \  /  )__)  )   / 
                   (__)  (_____)(_)\_)(____)  \/  (____)(_)\_) 
                                 Bitbear Presents
                             .: Bear Hugs Forever :.
                                At Solskogen 2018
                                     ⊂ʕ•͡ ᴥ•͡ ʔ⊃

                This song is a tribute to BÃ¥rd Harald Fosse (BHF)
                who very sadly passed away April 23rd 2018.

                                     ⊂ʕ•͡ ᴥ•͡ ʔ⊃

                After being away from the demoscene for 13 years,
                at my return at Solskogen 2012, BÃ¥rd invited me into
                Brandon Walsh aka Daniel Wressle's tent and spent a
                good 4 hours telling stories from ye olden days, the
                C64 scene and instantly making me feel like home in an
                environment I've been away from for so long.

                BÃ¥rd was always among the first to give me a big
                bear hug when we met at demo parties and made me
                as well as everyone else feel welcome.

                We became friends and had interactions outside of the
                demoscene after a while and I appreciate and treasure
                every second I've spent talking or chatting with BHF.

                I consider myself lucky having met an known him and
                as the lyrics in the song say, I hope he is in a better
                place and that we can meet again somehow.

                Bear Hugs Forever to BÃ¥rd Harald Fosse. RIP BHF.

                                  .: Lyrics :.

                        I hope you’re happy where you’re now
                           And that we meet again somehow
                              I’ll bring an old C-64
                         That you can help me to restore

                        We’ll watch a demo, code some basic
                       And play R-Type until we’re spacesick
                           I say this the only way I can
                           Bear hugs forever to you, man

                                  .: Credits :.

                Credits to litn aka Anneli aka my wife for providing
                me with some very last-minute vocals for this song.
                They are not perfect, but better than nothing
                considering the message and meaning behind the song.
                I also want to extend my deep gratitude to MONOMAGNUS 
                aka Miu for his patience and guidance during the
                production of this song. I hope that with his help
                this is the best sounding song I've delivered in
                a demoscene competition so far.
                Lastly I'd like to thank Modulo One for his support
                and help and to my daughter for her tremendous
                patience during the last months where I've been knee
                deep in renovation work at home and thus a
                dysfunctional kitchen as well as all of my spare time
                being poured into this song. I love you and your
                mother very much!

                                 .: Greetings :.

                Greetings to Arcane, Dozer, Duckers, Eplebit, Ferris,
                Fjern, Gloom, JoMs, kusma, leijaa, litn, lug00ber,
                Menace, MONOMAGNUS, Modulo One, pingo, Quarryman,
                Rage, Response, Sandsmark, Steel, Trigger, T-101,
                Slummy, Hansee, Xeche, Xerxes, Knofle, Flipside,
                Sinatra, Investor and of course: You!

                I've most certainly forgotten someone. Sorry! My
                memory is one of my worst assets.Mac OS X        	2¦ØATTRؘ@˜;5b493bab;;3D0410B3-3C27-4D76-B93E-BBE71B3AF8CA