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30 181 804 bytes (28.78M)
File date:
2024-08-29 05:45:02
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all-time: 0



#                              _o*                               #
#      *_                   ,db"      *o_                        #
#      'db,    _ _    ___ ,db' ________ "db, _    _  _     _     #
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#                                      #                         #
#                                                       :        #
#                          #                                     #
#          #                                       :             #
#                                                                #
#                                      :                         #
#                                                                #
#                                                   presents     #
#                         :                                      #
#                                                                #
#          :                                                     #
#                                                                #
#                                                                #
#                  a 64 byte intro by hellmood                   #
#                                                                #
#                            called                              #
#                                                                #
#                                                                #
#                   -  E V E R B L O O M  -                      #
#                                                                #
#                                                                #
#                                                                #
#                                                                #
#                                                                #
# A young man once went for a morning  walk into the surrounding #
# woods of the small town  he lived in.  Light fragments of mist #
# danced above the ground  while the blue sky  was about to show #
# the  golden sun  which emerged  from the  fire burning  on the #
# horizon beyond the fields, woods and meadows. That man did not #
# care about nature nor about animals,  small and big.  He liked #
# to step on snails,  breaking their tiny houses under his feet. #
# "It is not my fault if they are that slow" he used to say.  He #
# also liked it to scare stray cats, yelling at them or throwing #
# rocks and stones trying to harm them.                          #
#                                                                #
# On  that  morning,  when the  first light  of the sun  painted #
# orange lines into the shadows of the woods,  this man followed #
# a path leading to a  clearing filled  with blue flowers,  fern #
# and strong, green grass.  He stopped and looked around.  Then, #
# all of a sudden, a little bird,  a robin landed on a branch of #
# a tree on the other side of the clearing.  He quickly searched #
# the  ground for a stone and found one.  He looked to the  bird #
# realizing that it was too far away. So he slowly made one step #
# forward. Then another. He stopped as a breeze whispered in the #
# trees making the flowers,  the fern and the grass move. Or did #
# the plants  lure him to come closer?  Did they become  demonic #
# yet beautiful looking hands?                                   #
#                                                                #
# The man made another step. And another. And just as he thought #
# he was close enough he stumbled over a root,  fell and impaled #
# himself on  a hard piece of dead  wood which was hiding in the #
# grass.  Just minutes after his last  breath left his  body the #
# plants started to feast on the flesh.                          #
#                                                                #
# And while the sun  climbed the sky the  colourful clearing got #
# more  blue flowers,  more fern and more grass.  And as soon as #
# the body  was  hidden beneath  the green carpet  of nature the #
# little bird flew away while the plants seemed to wave goodbye. #
#                                                                #
# info:                                                          #
#                                                                #
# this is my take on classic fractals in x86 assembler. i always #
# wanted to combine the grayscale  and rainbow colors of the VGA #
# palette in an intro. the basic idea is to color the pixel with #
# a different  effect if it does not belong to the  fractal. the #
# fractal itself is a modified julia  set. the positive quadrant #
# is the only one used, which slightly alters and simplifies the #
# effect. since the  calculation is 8bit based , Rrolas trick is #
# used to convert the  screenpointer to 8-bit pseudo coordinates #
# to further save  space. i did not find a good optimization for #
# the bailout check, rather than just using parts of the fractal #
# formula itself. there are some ways to implement waaay shorter #
# bailouts, which sadly totally destroys the desired effect. the #
# fake lighting idea has its origin in coloring a pixel in other #
# ways than just using the "iteration" number. even when a pixel #
# does *not* belong to the fractal, you can use the last x and y # 
# values of the  iteration. here, the y value is used  to offset #
# the background pattern in the  gray scale, which produces this #
# fake lighting/shadow effect. i did not manage to implement the #
# check for ESC. it's possible to scrap up to ~10 bytes from the #
# effect, but it differs tooooo much from the desired effect. if #
# YOU find a shorter effect keeping bailout function or you find #
# other optimizations, please let me know on pouet or elsewhere. #
#                                                                #
# the intro needs decent hardware to run smooth. it is tested on #
# real machines, DosBox needs about 400000! cycles and therefore #
# a much much better CPU than on real hardware. the compomachine #
# used at @party2018 had a K6-2-500 Mhz which looked sufficient. #
#                                                                #
#  i included a slighly modified version : "demonhand" which was #
# inspired by, and is dedicated to, sensenstahl. (= thank you =) #
#                                                                #
# EDIT : now included, "everdark", a darkened version, as wished #
# by some sceners, and a 64b version abusing "cmpsw" to optimize #
# the visual experience on DosBox via diagonal interlacing; this #
# is called "everdosb". The latter will not work on real systems #
# because of WORD access on odd adresses, but it appears 3 times #
# faster, which combats the speed slowdowns of DosBox emulation. #
#                                                                # 
#                                                                #
# capture:                                                       #
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#             #
#                                                                #
# greets:                                                        #
#                                                                #
#          sensenstahl,homecoded,rrrola,frag,T$                  #
#          Optimus,Trixter,igor,gentleman,VileR                  #
#          Whizart,g0blinish,Rudi,ryg,Orby a.k.a.                #
#          orbitaldecay,wysiwtf,Kuemmel,p01,Lara                 #
#          Oscar Toledo,Drift,maugli,Harekiet,etc                #
#                                                                #
#                   +all DESiRE members                          #
#                                                                #
#                                                                #
#                           [ .nfo design & story by sensenstahl #
#                                                                #
#                                                                #