File Archive

File download


File size:
1 850 bytes (1.81K)
File date:
2017-02-02 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 852


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            01    75 Halleluja - nom de nom & DIYDSP
            02    70 Mi Sonido - Los Pat Moritas
            03    53 Khaos & Nyx - Garvalf


            01    93 Symphony 128b - HellMood / DESiRE
            02    86 256 Automata - Northern Dragons
            03    64 order of operations change - shu
            04    64 uznano - userZero
            05    58 shu1 - shu
            06    54 Traintro - Dr.Claw / ThEMM
            07    49 Static Scroll - nom de nom
            08    41 Blinken Lights - g0blinish
            09    36 m3 - goblinish


            01    89 Ticket Wizard - ohsqueezy
            02    77 Under the Ice - madbrain
            03    65 113983 - UbuLab (Marecki & Onak & SOYT!NBG)
            04    44 M3TAM0RPH05I5 - 7a75
            05    29 7of9 - prince / the Obsessed Maniacs / TRSi

   Competition............Oldskool Demo

            01   118 Don't Mess with Texas - DESiRE
            02    43 La Rain, 99 Years Later - Milton Laufer


            01    82 New York Beautiful - Bawlz
            02    79 Screen Saver - Royales Glandouilles
            03    67 kugelblitz -- lite! - Danger Cobra M