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3 133 bytes (3.06K)
File date:
2017-07-09 21:06:06
Download count:
all-time: 627


Sommarhack 2017 compo results

Game compo #1: Eliminator (Atari ST)

Results (only top 5 players listed)
1 - 57440 points - ggn/KÜA
2 - 39925 points - SPKR/SMFX
3 - 38900 points - Evil/DHS
4 - 37055 points - mOdmate/SMFX
5 - 13070 points - Mr Motorola

Game compo #2: Attack of the Mutant Camels (Atari 8-bit)

Results (only top 5 players listed)
1 - 68721 points - ggn/KÜA
2 - 26587 points - SPKR/SMFX
3 -  2942 points - XiA/SMFX
4 -  1407 points - Daniel/New Beat
5 -  1096 points - Evil/DHS


1 - 187 points - My brain hurts by mOdmate/SMFX
2 - 172 points - Faceleaf by mOdmate/SMFX
3 - 158 points - Midnight Girl bah by Proteque/DHS


1 - 146 points - LIV Tokyo in the day Summarhack2017 by LIV (MP3)
2 - 138 points - Bort by Ricky Martin/Dekadence (YM)

Syntax Terror Big Border Revisited compo

1985 stock Atari 520ST
96x54 pixels display

1 - 180 points - Big Border by Dyno
2 - 177 points - Tiny Demo by Defence Force
3 - 175 points - SH9654 by ORION_
4 - 150 points - Big Border Compo Filler by Aggression
5 - 148 points - Extralife by Vulkteamet
6 - 139 points - Kesähäxä by Dekadence
7 - 134 points - Spice Border by Spice Boys
8 - 129 points - Over 9000 by SMFX


1 - 190 points - Execution by SMFX (Atari ST, 2MB RAM)
2 - 172 points - Midnight Sun by DHS (Atari Ste, 4MB RAM)
3 - 155 points - Force by Dekadence (Atari ST, 1MB RAM)
4 - 119 points - WHO OKAYED THIS by D-Bug (Falcon 030, 4MB RAM)
4 - 119 points - Your Brain on Bobs by Noice&Funkenstört (Atari ST, 512K RAM)
6 - 109 points - Love by New Beat (Falcon 030 4MB RAM)
7 - 107 points - Beamdot by MJJ Prod (Atari Ste 1MB RAM)
8 - 102 points - Hypnodot by MJJ Prod (Atari ST 1MB)

Typed up by Excellence in Art/SMFX - <3 to Lotek Style!