File Archive

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File size:
4 537 892 bytes (4.33M)
File date:
2017-07-16 12:35:03
Download count:
all-time: 80

Screenshot (by Demozoo)



  • bitbear-force/ dir
  • bitbear-force/Bitbear-Force.mp3 8.53M
  • bitbear-force/FILE_ID.DIZ 2.31K


     ______     __     ______   ______     ______     ______     ______
    /\  == \   /\ \   /\__  _\ /\  == \   /\  ___\   /\  __ \   /\  == \
    \ \  __<   \ \ \  \/_/\ \/ \ \  __<   \ \  __\   \ \  __ \  \ \  __<
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      \/_____/   \/_/     \/_/   \/_____/   \/_____/   \/_/\/_/   \/_/ /_/

               ______   ______     ______     ______     ______
              /\  ___\ /\  __ \   /\  == \   /\  ___\   /\  ___\
              \ \  __\ \ \ \/\ \  \ \  __<   \ \ \____  \ \  __\
               \ \_\    \ \_____\  \ \_\ \_\  \ \_____\  \ \_____\
                \/_/     \/_____/   \/_/ /_/   \/_____/   \/_____/

                             Bitbear Presents

                               .: Force :.

                            At Solskogen 2017

                This song was scrambled together the last
                week before Solskogen 2017 just to have
                a valid excuse to attend the party.

                So, here it is. Not my best work, but it's
                something, which is more and better than

                Don't worry if you don't understand the
                lyrics, as they are in latin. They say:

                Mutationem motus proportionalem
                Esse vi motrici impressae
                Et fieri secundum lineam rectam
                Qua vis illa imprimitur.

                That's Newton's Second Law Of Motion, if
                you didn't know.

                              .: Credits :.

                I want to give my thanks to Modulo One for
                the great last-minute feedback and as always
                to my wonderful wife and daughter for being
                so supportive of my alter ego's musical
                demoscene escapades.

                             .: Greetings :.

                Greetings to Arcane, Dozer, Duckers, Eplebit,
                Ferris, Fjern, Gloom, JoMs, kusma, leijaa,
                litn, lug00ber, Menace, Miu, Modulo One,
                pingo, Quarryman, Rage, Response, Sandsmark,
                Steel, Trigger, T-101, Slummy, Hansee, Xerxes,
                Investor and: You!

                Sorry to everyone I've forgotten. My memory
                isn't my strongest asset.