File Archive

File download


File size:
1 468 bytes (1.43K)
File date:
2017-08-01 11:11:06
Download count:
all-time: 1 106




 # title                                                            vts pts  avg

 1 Nikola Tesla                       dman                           19 148 7,79
 2 Voxanator                          DenisGrachev                   19 142 7,47
 3 ... and soul is mine               aturbidflow                    20 146 7,30
 4 Тонкая грань                       Stranny Typ                    20 138 6,90
 5 Сидя на белой полосе               apeape^Outsiders               19 125 6,58
 6 CSP-AdventureTime                  DenisGrachev                   18 114 6,33
 7 Xlat                               Buddy                          20 117 5,85
 8 Eva                                shuran33                       20 111 5,55
 9 The Endless Summer                 mr_r0ckers                     19  99 5,21
10 Set the Sun                        aturbidflow                    18  87 4,83
11 Будьте счастливы! Остальное неважно! :-)
                                      Misha Pertsovsky               20  82 4,10
12 zx                                 unknown                        19  69 3,63
13 rtyu                               unknown                        19  60 3,16
14 Frame                              AER                            19  55 2,89
21 voters