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File size:
20 095 bytes (19.62K)
File date:
2016-03-27 05:45:01
Download count:
all-time: 796

Screenshot (by Demozoo)



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E M U L A A T I O by E P O C H

 Simulaatio 2016 invite


                          look  at this ascii 
                          it is so B    I   G
        it looks like on of those amiga asciis
                                  but you know
                                  nobody understands those amiga asciis

                           |                          |
                           |                          |
                           |____      ______     _____|
       ________________________|_____ |    |     |
       |   __ \    \        )       | |    |     |
       ;   ____)/\  \  \_  /__,  .__| |    |     |
      /    | / (__)  \     \__|  |    |    |     |
     (_____;(_________) \_____)__;    |    |     |
                    |____;     |      |    |     |
                           ,___|      |____|     |____.
                           |                          |
                           |                          |

  ___      ___
 /...\    /...\  
(:::::\/\/:::::) herein the author of the ascii points out that you, yes, YOU, 
  \::::::::::/ , you should take heed of the message of the production and
   \::::::::/ ,     
    \::/\::/ ,   go to the associated party.  Yes, YOU are invited and even so
     \/ ,\/ ,
                 much as EXPECTED to show up at Simulaatio.  (Well, at least

300 of you.  After 299 we may have slight issues.  Slight.  This is not a valid

reason not to show up.  And right here is the information about HOW you, yes,

YOU, can get to and partake of the party that will be Simulaatio 2016.

   .:::l:::.:::::':::.                   Simulaatio is a demoparty in Finland,
  |                   | What is this     held the 20 to 22 of May, 2016. It will   
  |  ___        ---   | / Simulaatio?    be in the same hotel as last year:
  |      |     |      |                  Hotel Joronjälki, Joroinen, Finland.
  |______|     |______|                  The usual demoparty things will happen:
         |_______|                       Compos, socializing, compos, music,
   |                 |                   more compos, and lots of sceners.
        "     "                       

Since it's Finland, there will also be                     @@@O@@o@@@@@@@@O@@@
beer, Finns, and all that comes with                      |                  |
beer and Finns. Damones, for example.                     | ___        ___   |
There will also be food, as it is an                      |     |    |       |
actual hotel; i.e. breakfast and lunch         How do I _ |     |    |       |
and dinner.  I think I remember a shop       get there?   |  |________|    |
nearby (walking distance) if you need                       |________________|
to aquire more beer.                                         |____________|
                                                               "      "

 @@@0o@@@@@o@@@@@o      This did not      There will be a Stampenbokket! Yes,
|                |      answer my         the Stampenb0kket, which you love 
| ____            |   / question about    from Kindergarden - a Finnish one
|      |     | __  |    getting there.    (called palju) will be at the party!
|      |     |     |                      Except this one will have more Finns.
|    |________|    |                      Norwegians: Show up and claim the
|__________________|                      stampenb0kket!
      "     "          
           ____________                                          _________
          /_/      /   \      And it's easy                     /         \
       __/_/      /     \_    to get there!                ____/ BUSTr!p   \_
      (__________/        )    Just get on                (__________________)
       |         \_______/   - the BUST RIP!                 |              |
       |               |                                     |              |
       |     |     |   |               Get registered!   --  |   |     |    |
       |_______________;               Get on the Bus!       |______________;
         |_|_________|                 Get to Simulaatio!      |_________|_|
             "     "                                              "    "

Yes, there will be 2 buses which will leave Helsinki - same schedule as last
year - which will be posted on the signup website a bit later.  (The website
with preliminary bus information is located at .)

One bus will travel to Tampere, which means that if you happen to be flying
via RyanAir and not going to Helsinki-Vantaa airport, we can still pick you
up and drop you at the party.  So, book those flights to Finland and get your
butt to Simulaatio!

                      (_____________________)    NO NO NO NO NO. THIS IS NOT                        
Ok that sounds         \\\\\\\\||||||///////     HOW YOU GET TO SIMULAATIO.
Awesome! I'm going      |  ____    _____  |      YOU GET TO SIMULAATIO BY
to sit on the couch  -  |    |      |     |      BEING AWESOME AND ACTUALLY 
and watch a stream!     |    |______|     |      GOING TO SIMULAATIO. WE WILL
                       _|  ____________  _|      CONCENTRATE ON AWESOME PARTY
                      |__|______________(_)      EXPERIENCE FOR VISITORS. NOT
                            "        "           TRY TO MAKE 3G WORK IN A POOL
                                                 OF BEER.  COME. TO. SIMULAATIO.

This message paid for by the committee to put small legged cartoons in asciis.

                      Come to Simulaatio.  It rules.