File Archive

File download


File size:
97 972 bytes (95.68K)
File date:
2025-03-08 16:55:06
Download count:
all-time: 1


  • Authors.txt 366B
  • Ice Slider Instructions.pdf 51.76K
  • Ice Slider.cdt 42.02K
  • Ice Slider.dsk 190.25K


Ice Slider Authors:

Coding:	  EgoTrip using CPCtelera and Notepad++
	  Compression done using Exomizer
Music:    EgoTrip using Arkos Tracker
Graphics: EgoTrip using Retro Game Asset Studio and Paint.NET
	  Title screen graphics taken from "Camelot Warriors" by Dinamic (ZX Spectrum version)
Design:   EgoTrip using Retro Game Asset Studio

(c) 2016 EgoTrip