File Archive

File download


File size:
10 573 891 bytes (10.08M)
File date:
2015-04-10 05:45:01
Download count:
all-time: 73


  • Thinktank-ThoughtSo/ dir
  • Thinktank-ThoughtSo/bass.dll 102.55K
  • Thinktank-ThoughtSo/data/ dir
  • Thinktank-ThoughtSo/data/ficklescript.txt 3.20K
  • Thinktank-ThoughtSo/data/models/ dir
  • Thinktank-ThoughtSo/data/models/screen.obj 4.81K
  • Thinktank-ThoughtSo/data/models/testcube.obj 1.23K
  • Thinktank-ThoughtSo/data/models/tlf.obj 1.04K
  • Thinktank-ThoughtSo/data/music/ dir
  • Thinktank-ThoughtSo/data/music/TG15Synthpop_FINAL.mp3 2.16M
  • Thinktank-ThoughtSo/data/shaders/ dir
  • Thinktank-ThoughtSo/data/shaders/main.vert 2.22K
  • Thinktank-ThoughtSo/data/shaders/minimal.frag 1.19K
  • Thinktank-ThoughtSo/data/shaders/minimal.vert 648B
  • Thinktank-ThoughtSo/data/shaders/nolight.frag 177B
  • Thinktank-ThoughtSo/data/textures/ dir
  • Thinktank-ThoughtSo/data/textures/bluespec.png 3.72K
  • Thinktank-ThoughtSo/data/textures/circus.png 485.22K
  • Thinktank-ThoughtSo/data/textures/glass.png 44.31K
  • Thinktank-ThoughtSo/data/textures/orange.png 2.29K
  • Thinktank-ThoughtSo/data/textures/profont.png 20.86K
  • Thinktank-ThoughtSo/data/textures/skydome11.png 46.87K
  • Thinktank-ThoughtSo/data/textures/skydome12.png 89.25K
  • Thinktank-ThoughtSo/data/textures/tent.png 149.64K
  • Thinktank-ThoughtSo/data/textures/tlftest.png 825.69K
  • Thinktank-ThoughtSo/ficklescript.txt 2.07K
  • Thinktank-ThoughtSo/glew32.dll 314.50K
  • Thinktank-ThoughtSo/thought_so.exe 118.00K
  • Thinktank-ThoughtSo/vcredist_x86.exe 6.25M


# Comments should be ignored!
# todo: music loading?
# time objname command args...
# Commands: SHADER, new, texture, shader, setpoint, setdirection, local, append, END
# Default direction 0.5, 0.5, 0

-1 main SHADER main.vert,,minimal.frag
-1 nolight SHADER minimal.vert,,nolight.frag
-1 cam new camera
-1 SCENE append cam
-1 cam setpoint 0,0,0
-1 cam setdirection 0.5,0.4999,0.0
#0 cam movepoint 0,0,-950,150

-1 realcube new model
-1 realcube shader main
-1 realcube texture orange.png
-1 realcube local loadobj;data/models/testcube.obj
-1 realcube deltadirection 0,-0.1,-0.2

-1 title1 new image
-1 title1 texture circus.png
-1 title1 setpoint 0,0,-500
-1 title1 local aspect;2
-1 title1 scale 21
-1 cam append title1
10 title1 movepoint 0,0,-25,10
25 title1 movepoint 0,0,10,2
27 cam remove title1

-1 logo new model
-1 logo shader main
-1 logo texture tlftest.png
-1 logo local loadobj;data/models/tlf.obj
-1 logo scale 3
-1 logo setpoint 0,0,-10.0
0.1 logo movepoint 0,-7,-20.0,1
-1 logo deltadirection 0.2,0.0,0.0
-1 cam append logo
17 logo movepoint -20,2.8,-10.0,1
18 cam remove logo

-1 screen new model
-1 screen shader main
-1 screen texture bluespec.png
-1 screen local loadobj;data/models/screen.obj

-1 stars new particles
-1 stars setpoint 0,0,0
-1 stars local type;starfield
-1 stars local padx;200
-1 stars local pady;200
-1 stars local init;screen
7 stars rotatepoint 2,4,6,60
7 cam append stars
37 cam remove stars

-1 fjukk new particles
-1 fjukk local type;tube
-1 fjukk local anim;dinky
-1 fjukk local x;20
-1 fjukk local y;20
-1 fjukk local padx;10
-1 fjukk local pady;10
-1 fjukk local init;realcube
-1 fjukk setpoint 0,0,-50
0 cam append fjukk
1 fjukk movepoint 0,0,100,10
12 cam remove fjukk

-1 tg new particles
-1 tg local type;town
-1 tg local anim;burn
-1 screen texture glass.png
-1 tg local init;screen
-1 tg setpoint 0,0,-50
25 cam append tg

25 cam movepoint -20,2,-40,5
30 cam movepoint 0,4,-75,5
25 cam rotatepoint 0,0.5,0,10

38 tg local anim;sine
48 tg local anim;dinky
53 cam remove tg

-1 tent new sphere
-1 tent setpoint 0,-50,-50
-1 tent texture tent.png
-1 tent scale 7
50 tent movepoint 0,4,-50,3
50 cam append tent
54 tent timer 53
54 tent state 2

-1 blabla new text
-1 blabla local text;Hello!
-1 blabla setpoint -0.70,0,-1
-1 blabla scale 0.05
-1 SCENE append blabla
5 blabla local text;NOW_WITH_BUILT_IN_WARPZONES
9 blabla local text;_
25 blabla local text;TO_THE_SCREENIVERSE
27 blabla local text; 
40 blabla local text; 
45 blabla local text;OR_PLAYING_MUSIC
49 blabla local text; 
54 blabla local text;BRAND_NEW_EFFECT(uh...)
59 blabla local text; 
73 blabla local text;GOOD_NIGHT

-1 skydome new sphere
-1 skydome shader nolight
-1 skydome texture skydome12.png
-1 skydome texture skydome11.png
25 skydome texture skydome12.png
-1 skydome local scale;500
-1 cam append skydome

-1 fps new text
-1 fps setpoint -0.72,0.34,-1
-1 fps scale 0.05
#-1 SCENE append fps

77 DEMO END# Comments should be ignored!
# todo: music loading?
# time objname command args...
# Commands: SHADER, new, texture, shader, setpoint, setdirection, local, append, END
# Default direction 0.5, 0.5, 0

-1 main SHADER main.vert,,minimal.frag
-1 nolight SHADER minimal.vert,,nolight.frag
#-1 fire SHADER minimal.vert,,fire.frag
-1 cam new camera
-1 SCENE append cam
-1 cam setpoint 0,0,0
-1 cam setdirection 0.5,0.4999,0.0
#0 cam movepoint 0,0,-950,150

-1 title1 new image
#-1 title1 shader main
-1 title1 texture circus.png
-1 title1 setpoint 0,0,-25
-1 title1 local aspect;2
-1 title1 scale 21
-1 cam append title1
7 cam remove title1

#-1 title2 new image
#-1 title2 shader nolight
-1 title2 timer 3.0
-1 title2 texture circus.png
-1 title2 setpoint 0,0,-25.1
-1 title2 local aspect;1
-1 title2 scale 21
#-1 cam append title2

#-1 title3 new image
#-1 title3 shader fire
-1 title3 timer 6.0
#-1 title3 texture zeppelin.png
-1 title3 setpoint 0,0,-25.2
-1 title3 local aspect;1
-1 title3 scale 21
#-1 cam append title3

-1 logo new model
-1 logo shader main
-1 logo texture tlftest.png
-1 logo local loadobj;data/models/tlf.obj
-1 logo scale 3
-1 logo setpoint 0,0,-10.0
0.1 logo movepoint 0,-7,-20.0,1
#5 logo rotatepoint 1.5,1,0,2
-1 logo deltadirection 0.2,0.0,0.0
7 cam append logo
17 logo movepoint -20,2.8,-10.0,1
18 cam remove logo

-1 realcube new model
-1 realcube shader main
-1 realcube texture orange.png
-1 realcube local loadobj;data/models/testcube.obj
-1 realcube deltadirection 0,-0.1,-0.2


-1 stars new particles
-1 stars setpoint 0,0,0
-1 stars local type;starfield
-1 stars local padx;200
-1 stars local pady;200
-1 stars local init;realcube
-1 stars texture orange.png
7 stars rotatepoint 2,4,6,20
7 cam append stars

-1 skydome new sphere
-1 skydome shader nolight
-1 skydome texture skydome11.png
-1 skydome local scale;500
-1 cam append skydome

-1 fps new text
-1 fps setpoint -0.72,0.34,-1
-1 fps scale 0.05
-1 SCENE append fps