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File size:
1 685 bytes (1.65K)
File date:
2015-05-29 05:45:01
Download count:
all-time: 935


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                  DECRUNCH 2015 Official Competition Results

.  . .. .....::::::::::::::;;:...:::::;;;:::::..:::::::..... . .. ... . v1.1 .

Amiga Tracked Music

1. Decrunching Time - Jazzcat/Ghostown
2. The Black Sheep - AceMan/Appendix
3. Paula Loves Fat Bass - Dakota/Dreamweb+Futuris
4. Disco1 - McVoy
5. Evolution - Liv/Dreamweb

Executable Music

1. Munch Your Lunch - AceMan/Appendix

Amiga Pixel Graphics

1. Forest Driad Preview - Jok/Dreamweb
2. God is Astronaut - Slayer/Ghostown
3. Ambush - Koyot1222
4. Lily - PikkuMyy/Dreamweb
5. Ptaki - Baroco
6. United We Stand - Aszu/Decree
7. Mountains - Nata

Amiga Raytraced Graphics

1. Unplugged - Codi/Ghostown
2. Dyskietki 3 - McVoy

Executable Graphics

1. HelloBoing - MasterM/ALLien Senses (Amiga 500)
2. Super Mario Ramos - Raf/Vulture Design (C64)

Twoje Stare Demo

1. Metropolice - Ghostown (Amiga AGA)
2. Expiration - Mayhem (Amiga 500)
   XXX Land - Vulture Design (C64)
4. Unit42 - (ZX Spectrum)
   Black Spark - Black Sun (C64)
5. Collage - Anadune (Amiga AGA)

Demo Competition

1. We want the next Decrunch! - Patu & Argasek/Decree (JS)

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                   We thank you ALL for the contributions!

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