File Archive

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File size:
10 313 bytes (10.07K)
File date:
2015-10-09 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 1 278


 888888888888bo.     88888888888888b            db           888888888888bo.
 88888888     `Yb.   88888888                  d88b          88888888     `Yb.
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          1 9 8 3   I S   C A L L I N G   F O R   Y O U R   B Y T E S

                                official results

                                                           .8.   .o.
 --------------------------------------------- d ---------.8 8 -.8 8 ----------
 ----------------------------------------- ood888P''----- 8'.8  8'.8 ----------
 ---.88P - .db.dP -.88P --.88P --.db -- db -- 8 ---.ob8'- 8 P'-.8 P'--.88P ----
 -- 8 P'-.dP'8b'-- 8 P'-- 8'---.dP 8b -.P8 -.d'-- dP  8 - dP'- 8'P'--.8 P'-----
 -- 8P'.dP' d'8.dP 8P'.dP'8 -.dP'- 88 .P 8 d8'b - 8 - 8 .d'-'P'8'--.dP8P' dP --
 ---'88P'- P'-'P'--'88P'--'88P'----'88P -'8P'-'8 -'88P'8 '88P -'888P -'88P'----

   __                   ______________________________________________/_/_/__
   -- COMBINED PC COMPO ---------------------------------------------/-/-/---
                                                                    / / /    
      01  206 Luxe by holon                                         \ \ \
      02  175 reach for the sky by rtificial                         \ \ \
      03  174 Seltsam by TeVe                                         \ \ \
      04  124 Darker by rimina/Paraguay                               / / /
      05   95 Wind Down by Tomkh                                     / / /

 ---------------------------------------------------- o -----------------------
 --------------------.db ---------.--- db --- 8 ----.d8 --.88P ----------------
 --------------- dP.d8''b .88.-- d8b  dP8 --,dP8o. dP'8  d8'-------------------
 -----------------'8'-- 8 8''8 dP 88 .P 8 .dP - 8d - d8.d'8 - d'---------------
 ---------------- 8'--- YP'- 8b --'88P -'8P'-- 88P - 88P'-'88P'----------------

   __                      ___________________________________________\_\_\__
   -- COMBINED MUSIC COMPO -------------------------------------------/-/-/--
                                                                     / / /   
      01   82 Splinter by Wright & Bastard, Amon Bay, Dreadmaul &   / / /
              Epidemic                                              \ \ \
      02   76 Dancing Pixel Dwarves (party version) by               \ \ \
              AceMan/Appendix                                         \ \ \
      03   72 Shellcreeper (Koopas Cosy Crib Mix) by                  / / /
              ALPAidUS [REMOTE]                                      / / /
      04   70 Neon Racer by Bacter/Speckdrumm + Saga Musix/Nuance   / / /
      05   56 DubTech by cQbs^os [REMOTE]                           \ \ \
      06   51 Cocktail Blues by Uctumi / Hokuto Force [REMOTE]       \ \ \
      07   29 Poltora by krotan [REMOTE]                              \ \ \

 --------------------------------------------.8 -------- o --------------------
 ------------------------------------------- 88 -------------------------------
 -------- .ob8.--.d8.-----.ob8'---.db.d8bo - 8P -------.d8 --.88P - 8 ---------
 ------- dP  8b dP' 8d - dP  8 -.dP Yb - 8 -.8'.88.-- dP 8  d8'---,dP8o.-------
 ------- 8  d'8 --- 8P o 8 - 8 dP - dP  dP .dPdP' 8 .d' d8.d'8 - dP - 8d ------
 ------- '8P'.8 --- 8dP'-'88P'8'--- 8'd8P'dP '8'- 88P - 88P'-'88P'-- 88P ------
            .P'                    dP
      .o88Pb8o                    .8'
      8'   P'                     dP

   __                    ____________________________________________/_/_/___
   -- FREESTYLE GRAPHICS -------------------------------------------/-/-/----
                                                                    \ \ \    
      01  195 The Migration by oni/Poo_Brain                         \ \ \
      02  136 "Music is a safe kind of high"-Jimi Hendrix by          \ \ \
              Luisa/Poo-Brain^Rabenauge                               / / /
      03  132 Mandelbulb Extrusion by cQBs^os [REMOTE]               / / /
      04  127 what's ..uh.. the matrix ? by prince / the Obsessed   / / /
              Maniacs / TRSi [REMOTE]                               \ \ \
      05  109 Shaderspange by cQBs^os [REMOTE]                       \ \ \
                                                                      \ \ \
   __                               __________________________________/_/_/__
   -- OLDSKOOL/ EXECUTABLE GRAPHICS ---------------------------------/-/-/---
                                                                    / / /    
      01  151 Countach by OhLi / Digital Demolition Krew            \ \ \
      02  120 1084 by Ragnarok/ATW                                   \ \ \
      03  115 Flamingos in Love by OhLi / Digital Demolition Krew     \ \ \
                                                                      / / /
   __                   _____________________________________________/_/_/___
   -- TEXTMODE GRAPHICS --------------------------------------------/-/-/----
                                                                    \ \ \    
      01  168 The Hendrix Experience by skin/deZign                  \ \ \
      02  156 The Dragons Saga by skin/deZign                         \ \ \
      03  138 strings alive by prince / the Obsessed Maniacs / TRSi   / / /
              [REMOTE]                                               / / /
      04  127 Oscillate by Goo [REMOTE]                             / / /
      05  121 bedauxras by ted/TRBL                                 \ \ \
      06  107 DJM by wysiwtf/TiTAN                                   \ \ \
      07  104 This line is dead by urs/mercury                        \ \ \
      08  100 La Boom by OhLi/Digital Demolition Krew                 / / /
                                                                     / / /
   __              _________________________________________________/_/_/____
   -- THEMED PHOTO -------------------------------------------------\-\-\----
                                                                     \ \ \   
      01  175 Special When Lit by OhLi & Widdy                        \ \ \
      02  149 Memories by Luisa/Poo-Brain^Rabenauge                   / / /
      03  118 'stache by dojoe                                       / / /
      04  116 One-way ticket to Utopia Planitia by Bobic /          / / /
     [REMOTE]                                  \ \ \
      05  110 Faces of 80s by draugven/concern chaos ^ TRBL          \ \ \
      06   96 'stache [A Walrus Ate My Wideangle Remix] by dojoe      \ \ \
      07   84 Face One by draugven/concern chaos ^ TRBL               / / /

 ----------- o ----- .d ------------------------------------- o --.8 8 ----.d -
 ------------------- d8 ----------------------------------------- 8'.8 --- dP -
 - d8 - dP .d8 ---.od8'--.88P --.ob8.o -- dP -- d8  dP - 8P .d8 -.8 P'--.ob8'--
 -- 8  d' dP'8 - dP  8 - 8 P -.dP  8b - od88P'-- 8  8'--.8'dP 8  8'P'- dP  8 --
 - d8.d'--- d8.d 8'- 8 od8P .dP8 - dP -- dP'--- d8.d'8 .dP - d8.d8'--.d8'- 8 --
 - 88P'---- 88P'-'88P'8'-'88P'-`88P'----------- 88P'- 8P'--- 88P' 888P' 88P'8 -

   __           ______________________________________________________\_\_\__
   -- ANIMATION ------------------------------------------------------/-/-/--
                                                                     / / /   
      01  185 Sofa So Good by Gaspode [REMOTE]                      / / /
      02  118 Nothing Changes by pixtur/still                       \ \ \
      03  108 Mars by Hydro                                          \ \ \
                                                                      \ \ \
   __           ______________________________________________________/_/_/__
   -- WILD DEMO -----------------------------------------------------/-/-/---
                                                                    / / /    
      01  212 Test-Case of Light by SvOlli / TRSI                   \ \ \
      02  169 HoustonTracker 2.00 by utz                             \ \ \
      03   81 golden dawn anomaly by sensenstahl [REMOTE]             \ \ \
                                                                      / / /

                B A S S  -  P I X E L S  -  C I T Y  L I G H T S

                                ORWOhaus berlin
                               october 2nd - 4th