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File size:
29 250 bytes (28.56K)
File date:
2014-05-19 23:02:29
Download count:
all-time: 524

Screenshot (by Demozoo)



/* best viewed with TOPAZ+ 1200 --------------------------------------------78

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        :'  " ;  ';    _       indiana jones tried       _,,.:'  ; "  ';-_
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;:.,;':.|         |;'.  .   some ancient skullthingy!      ;;|         |.\!/'
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/*  _   !   |_ ::::::::::*/   #include  <math.h>  /*      \     :::::' |    */
/* ,_| w|as | ;ere       */   #include  <time.h>  /*      ;______ ____,;.___*/
/* _ ___l______ _____ */      int h=0;int t[256]        /*       T          */
/*  T          T   */    ;void rotoZoom(float cx,float     /*    !   /\     */
/*  !          |*/    cy,float r, float a){int Ax =(int)     /*  ;___||__ __*/
/* _;____ __  */   (4096.0f*(cx+r*cos(a))),Ay=(int)(4096.0f    /*    ||  T  */
/*       T  */   *(cy+r*sin(a))),Bx=(int)(4096.0f*(cx+r*cos(    /*  ()() '  */
/*       ! */   a+2.02358))),By=(int)( 4096.0f *(cy+r*sin( a+    /*______!__*/
/* ______;*/   2.02358))),Cx=(int)(4096.0f* (cx        +r*cos(a   /*        */
/*       */   -1.11701))),Cy=(int)(4096.0f*(cy             +r*sin  /*       */
/*      */  (a-1.11701)          ));int dxdx=               (Bx-Ax  /*______*/
/* __ _*/   )/80,dydx              =(By-Ay)                   /80,   /*     */
/*   ! */  dxdy=(Cx                 -Ax)/23                   ,dydy  /*     */
/*   | */  =(Cy-Ay)                  /23;                      long  /* _ __*/
/* __;_*/  offs=0;                    int                      j,i;   /* T  */
/*     */  for(j=0                   ;j<23                    ;j++){  /* !  */
/*     */  Cx =Ax;                   Cy=Ay;                 for(i=0;  /*_|__*/
/* __ _*/  i<80;i++                 ){putchar             (t[((Cy>>   /*    */
/*   T */  14)&0xf)+              ((Cx>>10) &0xf0)]) ;Cx+=dxdx;Cy+=   /*    */
/*   | */   dydx;offs++         ;};;printf("\n");Ax+=dxdy;Ay+=dydy;   /*__ _*/
/* _,;_*/   }}int main(){int i,j,g,h=0,path=0;for(j=0;j<8;j++){for   /*   T */
/*      */    (i=0;i<8;i++){t[h++]=32;};for(i=0;i<8;i++){t[h++]=    /*    | */
/*       */    43;}}for(j=0;j<8;j++){    for(i=0;i<8;i++){t[h++]   /*_____;_*/
/* ____  __*/   =43;};for(i=0;i<8;i++)    {t[h++] =32;} }while   /* T       */
/*     "!    */   (1){rotoZoom((float      )80/2+(80/2*sin((   /*   !       */
/*      |     */   float)path/50)),(float)23+(23*cos((float)  /*____;____ __*/
/* _ ___;______*/   path/50)),(float)128.0+96.0*cos((float)  /*          T  */
/*  T          */   path/10),(float)path/50);path=(path+1)  /*           \  */
/*  |          */  ;usleep(90000);printf("\33c");}return 0  /* ___ _____,;__*/
/* _;____ _____*/  ;}/*ToHelll wWiThF   fLANDErs   !!!!!!!.       l
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 ----====\\\    ----\\   \  ,-~~"  ! "./ '.               )___    ____\      _
 Indiana ;;\\           ;//;  .,    ; !    ;                 ======      ___\\
 didn't take /=====!!  ;   !  ',--, ! !  .  ',/\\     //===//      ____///
 care about that ::;-==-\   \   ';| ! |  ;"-,////    /__________\\\      sKULL
 angry dude  .. //      ;     ';|| ! !   |   \\~   \\\       _____/// tOUCHED!
        ...  ;;=====\\\=       ;_       .!    \\    \\;;;____\\         ?ERROR
 ====\\\           _;;;        ! "'--,__;       \   //  / /   \\        _/\_
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        |         : ;     | :       '       ,                   !    |
        |         |):=====:(        ;      /|\  (flatened)      !    |
        |       __,-|     |._:_     l       |__Indiana Jones   !"    |
        |      /    '-___-'   "\     '-_             . . .     ;     |
        |     |  ,          .   |       '-,___        ______,-'      |
        |     |_| |        : | _|             "------'               |
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        | _,-";:l;;         /' "!-  _  .                             |
        |  .";.;,:| final   |;':;".'. "                              |
        | . , '';;|    dude |.\!/';. ,                               |
        |    . ;;\!/,.,_____|';,.;'                                  |
        |          ';;';"';';'  ;'                                   |
        |                                                            |
        |                                                            |
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        |                                                            |
        |                                                            |
        |                                                            |
        |                                                            |
        |                                                            |
        |                                                            |
        |     .oO°( So, how should we end this short story??! )      |
        |                                                            |
        |                                                            |
        |                                                            |
        |        Don't mess around with angry dudes saying           |
        |                                                            |
        |                    ,, touch & die! ''                      |
        |                                                            |
        |                maybe you'll get a problem                  |
        |                                                            |
        |                 with their big balls...?                   |
        |                                                            |
        |                                                            |
        |                                                            |
        |                                                            |
        |                                                            |
        |                                                            |
        !                                                            |
        :                                                            |
        .                                                            |


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|iNDIANA jONES:\\___/'some'''):=====:( |
|   aND tHE       ascii works |     |aR|
|tEMPLE oF cODE  for stream 10'-___-'SE|
|________________ by lordnikon/dekadence
