File Archive

File download


File size:
12 536 bytes (12.24K)
File date:
2014-06-03 23:01:52
Download count:
all-time: 1 294


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.................../                       /...................[OUTLINE 2014]..:
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1    Exit by dojoe                                                        (184)
2    Das Boot - U96 by OhLi / Digital Demolition Krew                     (165)
3    Raiders of the lost Atlantis by v3nom/red_scarves                    (160)
4    AttackOfTheTreeMen by prince/the Obsessed Maniacs / TRSi             (158)
5    Turn up the bass by Sabryas                                          (154)
6    I've looked at clouds from both sides now by Honkey                  (148)
7    AAATAAAARIII by Sabryas                                              (146)
8    friendly giant by dipswitch/up rough ^ black maiden                  (145)
9    I like broken things by Tivaaa                                       (143)
10   Turbines Galore by ted/trbl                                          (142)
11   When Bee and Blue unite... by SilverLance/3ln                        (141)
12   Meet Joshua- from the catboat by Honkey                              (129)
13   Easter Egg ??? by kokkie Amiga/Edge of Panic                          (97)
14   When you see bricks you will shit by Traumatische Szenen              (93)
15   Flying jonkooo ganjaa 420 blaze it by KindBarend/Poo-Brain            (76)

Realtime wild demo
1    osaka by utz                                                         (231)
2    Ex Ante by DESiRE                                                    (145)
3    smell those douglas firs by maxwell/limp ninja                       (133)
4    ST hicolor video encoder & player by BLaBla                          (122)
5    50 years basic by Fritske/RBBS                                       (110)

Newschool / Streaming music
1    Into the Blue by xtrium/LNX                                          (115)
2    Drugs by Knoeki/DSS                                                  (111)
3    Ik zei toch dat ie lelijk was by Bassie/RBi                          (102)
4    jah life by dipswitch/up rough ^ black maiden                         (99)
5    Miles Ahead by Saga Musix/Nuance                                      (98)
6    sourire by malmen & xyce                                              (91)
7    ChipSpringTune 2 by LiSU                                              (87)
8    Scarlett by teo / fd ^ rbs                                            (83)
9    hold my hand by Solenoid/SNR                                          (81)
10   DJ DNA & Kurtis Blow - Far Far Away (STU remix) by STU                (78)
11   scream of the earth by z brothers                                     (74)
12   Mars by Synnys                                                        (72)
12   The Masterplan by Alien7                                              (72)
14   Waiting All Light by vv8                                              (71)
15   Ionosphere by phaazon/the undead sceners                              (69)
16   Let Me See You Dance! 2 by LiSU/Tristesse                             (68)
17   The best of Phil Collins in three minutes played backwards by
                                                    Cinder, Maali & Satan  (67)
18   Kicking Stars by Cinder/deFEEST                                       (64)

Pixel graphics
1    Outline preview by Jok'Dreamweb                                      (233)
2    BitchPlease by prince/the Obsessed Maniacs / TRSi                    (218)
3    $FF by BokanoiD/DESiRE                                               (189)
4    night-mare by titus/rabenauge                                        (175)
5    BwaaAtari by Sts                                                     (121)
6    Green by Unreal / FD                                                  (90)

1    Demoscene Fashion Show by Black Destiny/Poo-Brain                    (220)
2    Grolsch machine by Danish Underpants Brigade                         (142)

Combined oldschool & executable music
1    chicago by xyce^titan                                                (132)
2    ruine by xyce^titan                                                  (127)
3    Give Me Time by Factor6/YM-DIGITAL^AY-Riders^H-PRG                   (116)
4    Night Horse by Knoeki/DSS                                            (105)
5    Fuckaboing by RoccoW                                                 (104)
6    ROR AND ROL by epi/Tristesse^O.S.                                     (98)
7    Unlzx by teo/fd ^ rbs                                                 (95)
8    Outline Me! by LiSU                                                   (94)
9    No hard mood by Triace/DESiRE                                         (83)

Freestyle graphics
1    Into the Forest by Smilodon/                                         (264)
2    Ruins by Oni                                                         (253)
3    OnTheOutside by prince/the Obsessed Maniacs / TRSi                   (221)
4    Blue Planet by Lycan/LNX                                             (192)
4    Spaceport by Unreal / FD                                             (192)
6    Choo choo Outline  by KindBarend/Poo-Brain                           (168)
7    NYC by teo/fd ^ rbs                                                  (160)
8    Lord of the Flies by draugven/cc                                     (151)
9    Welcome to Outline by Juice & Cookie                                 (108)
10   The 5711 colorful windows of the koelsche Dom by LENI                 (90)
11   ~ by Tivaaa                                                           (82)
12   Brightline by Filip H.F. "FiXato" Slagter                             (75)

Atari ST demo
1    Sommarhack 2014 Invite by DHS                                        (192)

1    C-Type by Solenoid & Warner of SNR                                   (213)
2    Killing Spree by Delta Force, The Lost Boys and D-bug                (169)
3    Triagon by The Match/FUN                                             (145)
4    Atari ST Impossible Game by Calsoft/Calsoft/The PHF and TiNKer       (130)

PC demo
1    PB00: Paardicle by poo-brain                                         (208)
2    SRDCE by Satori                                                      (193)
3    The non-stop Alaska experience by Limp Ninja                         (178)
4    K-Rider by Guideline                                                 (150)
5    Testlauf by Acrise                                                   (141)
6    Toen het stil bleef by Guideline                                     (102)
7    Mega Turd by nUn                                                      (92)

128 byte intro
1    Mayan by Baudsurfer/rsi                                              (244)
2    Wolf128 by Baudsurfer/rsi                                            (202)
3    Popcast by HellMood                                                  (157)
4    blöömerang by Gasman                                                 (156)
5    plankton by fsqrt                                                    (152)
6    Chess by goblinish                                                   (120)
7    NotCompoFiller by goblinish                                          (119)
8    Swamp by goblinish                                                   (118)
9    Chaos Constructions 2014 invitation by Fakie                          (81)

Combined PC 4k/64k intro compo
1    Iterate by Inque                                                     (200)
2    F-14A by Rebels                                                      (188)
3    Slang in de gang by Poo-Brain                                        (182)
4    Victori Te Salutant by Fulcrum                                       (120)
5    Dark Scene by lucid                                                  (116)
6    Fimpo Coller Season 1 Episode 2 by Yzi/Fit                            (73)

                                 OUTLINE 2014