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File size:
89 685 003 bytes (85.53M)
File date:
2014-07-28 23:02:06
Download count:
all-time: 262

Screenshot (by pouë



  • CONS_&_Virgill_-_Nordcraft.avi 86.94M
  • file_id.diz 1.20K



CONS & Virgill


Runnig time:
3:45 mins

Tools used:
XBOX 360 with Minecraft 
Canon camera for recording
shitloads of freetime

Nordlicht 2014 wild competition

First of all, sorry for the low quality and
resolution of the video. It was recorderd in a hurry
with a low res camera right from the TV screen.
We had no time or means for proper recording.

This project was something I wanted to do for some
time. I knew it would be some work, so I invited
Virgill for the task. And even then the time estimated
for this was waaaay to optimistic. We thought it would
take only 8 to 10 hours to finish, but It grew on us
by the hour. And so we ended up needing 4 times as
much time to get it done. But it was a pleasure to do
and now I can cross something from my list of things
I want to do. The Logo is done by Alien of Desire.
I hope it is ok that we used it. It was so good
for the idea that we couldn't resist. Thank you
for creating it in the first place.
The camera work is done by Aaron, Virgills son.
Thank you, too.
Please enjoy our small comtribution!