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File size:
6 818 bytes (6.66K)
File date:
2014-10-06 23:02:03
Download count:
all-time: 1 152


  October 3-5
  Budapest, Hungary


    1.  #05   244 pts    JetPets - Lunaticats
    2.  #06   226 pts    Hoaxxa - Feryx-Lunaticats
    3.  #04   159 pts    Sraw rats - aalberik
    4.  #03   146 pts    Minesweeper in 3506 bytes - musk
    5.  #07   131 pts    Mad Crash Racing - Artex Games
    6.  #02    96 pts    Animal tetris - Smidla József
    7.  #01    63 pts    Hardread Quiz - Hardread


    1.  #03   263 pts    Refactor - -SP- ^ LCE
    2.  #01   242 pts    1999 Luftballon - Vincenzo /StrayBoom Music
    3.  #06   222 pts    Analogue intruder - Teo
    4.  #12   196 pts    Eternity - Shaman
    5.  #02   190 pts    Racing - deltasector
    6.  #08   189 pts    Direkt - T-101 / Darklite
    7.  #15   181 pts    Torus pushers - nagz
    8.  #09   171 pts    Cop Trap - RiaN Tune
    9.  #13   168 pts    Code Rising - Retroid
   10.  #10   162 pts    Balance - Rhutik
   11.  #14   161 pts    Dat void - Soulvoid
   12.  #07   151 pts    Glitch Baby Go - Planetdamage
   13.  #05   147 pts    kulturbüro_muggenhof - adolf of los angeles lamers
   14.  #04   144 pts    Roots - Tamhiis
   15.  #11   137 pts    Apple Soup In Ziplock Bag - Cly/Suva


    1.  #15   262 pts    Prophecy - Unreal
    2.  #12   235 pts    Hipster Than Ever - -SP- ^ LCE
    3.  #09   200 pts    Feryx - Lucille^Lunaticats
    4.  #14   196 pts    Voice - Vanguard
    5.  #10   193 pts    The Snaking - Senderkatch
    6.  #04   184 pts    Reeeetroooo - Feryx^Lunaticats
    7.  #13   169 pts    Ultratron - Rascy
    8.  #05   142 pts    Teremtéstörténet - Tusák Anett (Qatta)
    9.  #03   128 pts    Superior Mind - Transistor Core
   10.  #08   126 pts    Phx - slapec
   11.  #06   117 pts    ruined - kp
   12.  #07   107 pts    The Grand Cannon - Szeibel
   13.  #02    82 pts    Brain Transmit - spiikki
        #01    82 pts    The Cube - dman


    1.  #07   232 pts    big city life - arn/cht
    2.  #12   189 pts    Licht - teo
    3.  #08   188 pts    Dun'Kor Forest - Bobic /
    4.  #20   187 pts    The last man on earth - Tamhiis
    5.  #09   182 pts    Hyperspace jump in Budapest - Reidl Romeo
        #14   182 pts    In a laser tunnel - Cargo/Singular Crew
    7.  #05   178 pts    Real blobs - Clerance
    8.  #16   175 pts    Food please!!! - Viti
    9.  #11   173 pts    Atomium - -SP- ^ LCE
   10.  #10   170 pts    Take it easy - gergoo
   11.  #23   161 pts    The Kitchen Towel Tunnel  and Alu "Silverballs" -
   12.  #04   144 pts    Rooftop Dance - Envo
   13.  #06   143 pts    ezüsttó - adolf / los angeles lamers
   14.  #22   134 pts    Overarching - Vikó
        #25   134 pts    Indoor Plant - Sunny
   16.  #13   131 pts    Feuer - Szeibel
   17.  #18   124 pts    Perspective - Cly/Suva
   18.  #24   123 pts    Tower array - Vanguard
   19.  #19   118 pts    Rabbit hole - spiikki
   20.  #01   109 pts    The youngest organizer - Bocskai Rita
   21.  #03   101 pts    Evening Peace - Transistor Core
   22.  #21    94 pts    Springstuff - slapec


    1.  #14   325 pts    Nautilus - Unreal
    2.  #11   269 pts    Együttállás - Juhász Dóra
    3.  #13   225 pts    Colorful Apocalypse - Immortal Rat
    4.  #10   224 pts    Cybersnake and Buddy - Xephio/DESiRE
    5.  #07   214 pts    Collapsed Dreams - Leon
    6.  #12   195 pts    fallen angels - StudentsUnited
    7.  #04   194 pts    Pixelsuna - Feryx^Lunaticats
    8.  #03   188 pts    Da punk! - ProxyGear
    9.  #05   185 pts    MedicalFairies - Lucille^Lunaticats
   10.  #09   183 pts    The Collector - PolaroidDreams
   11.  #08   182 pts    PussPuss Octopus - KissTheDawn
   12.  #06   165 pts    Clanmaster - OVD
   13.  #02   160 pts    The Old - Transistor Core
   14.  #01   127 pts    Function logo - Nyuc ^ LCE


    1.  #12   316 pts    LSR 64 - ketto - Viti
    2.  #09   277 pts    Magrathea FHD - Brainstorm
    3.  #11   271 pts    Regeneration - Greenroom
    4.  #10   264 pts    One with everything - United Force
    5.  #08   232 pts    Egy Nap a Holdvilág - kp
    6.  #04   186 pts    Window to Reality - Lucille^Lunaticats
    7.  #02   177 pts    DiscoDeathStar - Feryx^Lunaticats
    8.  #15   173 pts    fun-key - LAL
        #01   173 pts    Lottózó - FiRG
   10.  #06   153 pts    Delta web - matyasbp nrl
   11.  #07   146 pts    Insane - Cybernetic genetics
   12.  #14   124 pts    now what - Nagz
   13.  #03   104 pts    The Curtain - Darklite
   14.  #05   101 pts    $_LO3003 - RoBuR


    1.  #09   267 pts    Abductee - Baudsurfer/Red Sector Inc
    2.  #16   257 pts    Atomrobbanás - Lambda
    3.  #07   250 pts    RotoPattern - musk
    4.  #14   247 pts    ST - Zeal_/cybercat
    5.  #06   226 pts    Particle Accelerator - Brainstorm
        #08   226 pts    Superstructure - Transistor Core
    7.  #11   201 pts    black hole sun // gamma flash - sensenstahl
    8.  #15   197 pts    meta - wolfee
    9.  #01   192 pts    Super Sonic Sound System - lazorking
   10.  #12   158 pts    Glejd - Antiemes
   11.  #10   140 pts    BGR - goblinish
   12.  #04   139 pts    origin - tifeco
        #13   139 pts    Grtz - -SP- ^ LCE
   14.  #05   134 pts    hypnotize - pacshu
   15.  #03   133 pts    Vaders - Optimus
   16.  #02   127 pts    Function - HellMood & Rudi


    1.  #03   390 pts    discovery - reptile/astroidea
    2.  #04   331 pts    Tilescapes - Digital Dynamite
    3.  #05   278 pts    Oklahoma - TRSI ^ Rebels
    4.  #02   191 pts    stream - tifeco, teo, unreal
    5.  #01   134 pts    No Escape - musk


    1.  #03   297 pts    One of these days the sky's gonna break -
    2.  #02   261 pts    Ultra - Dilemma
    3.  #01   183 pts    Aperture addicts - Agoston


    1.  #08   288 pts    Blazar - Digital Dynamite
    2.  #09   272 pts    Háromnegyed Tíz - The Adjective
    3.  #05   247 pts    Text Mode Framework - musk / brainstorm
    4.  #06   209 pts    Another Autumn - Cly Suva & Tamhiis / CyberCat
    5.  #07   178 pts    Hollow Spaces - Metoikos / BoyC / Gargaj
    6.  #04   142 pts    TheneverDeveloped#ION_Project - Feryx^Lunaticats
    7.  #02   131 pts    X-Lines - Celebrities
    8.  #03   130 pts    Airpollution: Now - Cybernetic genetics
    9.  #01    98 pts    Basszáj - Firg


        145 votes were cast.

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