File Archive

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File size:
6 800 bytes (6.64K)
File date:
2014-08-25 23:01:35
Download count:
all-time: 1 296


         Do                                         Do
        DD                                         DD
        DD                                         DD
    oDo DD    oEo   oMM oMo oMMo    oOOOo      oDo DD   oAAAo  Yo    YO oSSSSo
  DDo  oDD  EE   EE  MMo  Mo  oMM oOo   OOo  DDo  oDD       AA Yo    YY SSo
 DDo    DD oEEEEEEo  MM   M    MM OO     OO DDo    DD  oAAAAAA  YY  oY   oSSo
 DD     DD Eo        MM   O    MM OO     OO DD     DD AA    AA  Yo Yo     oSSO
  DDo  oDD  Eo   Eo  MM   O    MM  OOo OOo   DDo  oDD AAo  oAA   YOY   So  oSSo
    ODDD Do  oEEEo  oMM   o    oMM   OOOo      oDDD Do  oAAA Ao  Yo     oSSSSO
                __                                 __           oY         .
               /_/\     22/23/24  AUGUST 2014     /\_\       ooYO          o
               \_\/ _   OLTEN (+) SWITZERLAND   _ \/_/                     r
                  \[_]-                       -[_]/                        g
 __________________/ \___R__E__S__U__L__T__S___/ \_____________________________


 01  216.00  Congestion on the road to "Demodays" by CoyHot/X-Men
 02  205.00  The fabulous Adventures of the mysterious Heartman by Wursthupe
 03  180.00  Heart Attack! by draemmli
 04  154.50  Lanzens letzte Fahrt by Widdy, OhLi, eha
 05  145.00  Traffic Jam by Chainsaw
 06  142.50  Can't stop MassseneinTRAKTORisierung! by vvv
 07  128.00  traffic jam - festival invitation by CCP/atlantis
 08  123.00  Fuk I need a title for this... by Spackotus
 09  118.50  Collage Surprise à la (materiel cc) by moovieh
 10  104.50  Tractorphobia by seism/ODCH
 11  103.50  Tractor, Traffic Jam & Heart Attack by b76



 01  290.00  squared by .cortex.
 02  227.00  Effects by OhLi/Digital Demolition Krew
 03  175.00  Polly Luxemburg by Die Drei von der Buenzli



 01  234.58  forgiveness by mercury
 02  149.17  Escher's Lucid Dream by Algorias/Horology
 03  108.75  Platypus is watching you by OhLi/Digital Demolition Krew
 04   90.50  Corrupted Jpeg by Grüsel Geri/Even Bigger Dicks



 01  273.50  Cowee Digital by cosmic/nuance
 02  242.50  Novapocalypse by Lycan/LNX
 03  172.00  Xmen 10% by h2o [R]
 04  155.50  Tribute to Cougar by yogib33r/Vital-motion!/X-Men/No Extra [R]
 05  149.50  Shujaa by Bugjam/The Dreams
 06  143.50  SCN1337 - planet atlantis by CCP/atlantis
 07  135.00  Swiss Unicorn by Total Schön
 08  134.00  cyber by pinio [R]
 09  128.00  The Giant by JSL [R]



 01  182.00  Wrong Path by V|bE - Nuance^Vantage
 02  174.50  Abandoned Wood Factory by samuirai
 03  154.50  garden by nightmare/nuance
 04  148.50  Marx by dojoe
 05  146.50  Stockholm Underground by Saga Musix/Nuance
 06  123.00  The Ufos Are Back in Town by b76
 07  117.50  U96 .- Das Boot Pt. 2 by OhLi/Digital Demolition Krew
 08   98.50  360 view ;D by Wayne/ArtWaY
 09   94.50  Bierdosen Hendl by cosmic/nuance
 10   93.50  unlock the pizza by CCP/atlantis
 11   89.50  Die liebe nette fette LeeMETTe by Tierfrische Schlemmerei
 12   76.00  light it up by nosfe [R]



 01  176.50  Rise of the Mecha by xtrium/LNX
 02  149.00  Still in Simrishamn by Alkama / Tpolm (+) Calodox
 03  146.00  Smooth Bricolage by Aech/Calodox
 04  140.50  Superwave by Saga Musix/Nuance
 05  135.50  Glowstick by Malmen / Cubernicus [R]
 06  129.50  City Of Heroes by Rams / cubernicus [R]
 07  127.00  Stand Up And Dance by cosmic/nuance
 08  124.50  Thunder Storm by Scoville/Even Bigger Dicks
 09  123.50  10 years of abstinence by andy & nightmare/nuance
 10  117.00  RF-800 by dark3zz
 11  107.00  Auf Tour Mit Dem Auto by
             DJ Gruby/Arsenic/Dream/Excess/Protovision [R]
 12  105.00  Guru Meditation by Max Schlong/Even Bigger Dicks
 13   93.00  Mind Sciences by Landev/wiremaniacs



 01  183.33  Voxel Bird (Windows) by TRSI & Cherry Darling [R]
 02  139.67  m0n0tr0n by syncr0
 03  137.33  Chicken Wings! by V|bE - Nuance^Vantage
 04  121.33  demogames ? may the input devices be with you by b76
 05  111.50  One Wins by Gamer Gert/Even Bigger Dicks



 01  268.00  Electric Ink by CoyHot/X-Men
 02  246.00  Skin'it by Yael/
 03  242.00  Slurp! by V|bE- Nuance^Vantage
 04  193.00  glitter by nightmare/nuance
 05  189.00  Fasthead by cosmic/nuance
 06  149.00  Krawallllllllloop by Digital Demolition Krew, Nuance & G*P
 06  149.00  The Colour of Words by b76
 08  134.00  Augenzoom einer jungen Kuh by CCP/atlantis
 09  111.00  Good Vibratios by Technologische Spitzenleistung
 10   80.00  My First Blender Animation by Grüsel Gert/Even Bigger Dicks
 11   59.50  ISO: oksu by nosfe [R]



 01  140.00  SYN2014 by Vectrex71/Synthek Design
 02  131.00  Jack The Bird (And Your Body) by Max Schlong/Even Bigger Dicks
 03  127.50  Trip to Bünzli by Styx/Headcrash
 04  117.00  Synästhetische Phase (Staying Alive) by
             Biggus Dickus/Even Bigger Dicks
 05  100.50  Unfinished by Pandoras
 06   70.50  flo: white lines by nosfe [R]



 01  171.83  Small men with old devices by SquoQuo
 02  159.67  MAR by Bon^2 [R]
 03  116.67  925 Bytes of Javascript by draemmli
 04  114.67  InsomniHack 2014 Teaser by Gadget from/M.C.S.



 01  239.17  68000 Reasons by The Deadliners
 02  188.17  epilepsigram by stroboholics
 03  167.17  Demodays2014 by Atlantis+F4CG
 04  159.67  Convolutional Structure by headcrash
 05   62.67  BITS 4027 by BITS [R]

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