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File size:
8 665 bytes (8.46K)
File date:
2014-06-15 23:02:05
Download count:
all-time: 266

Screenshot (by pouë



  • dsptee 8.57K
  • README.txt 1.17K
  • w3w 8.31K


Here's the party version of Waves 3 Ways (Topsy's Revenge). These are
Linux 64 bit binaries. To run the demo, place them in the same directory

$./w3w | padsp ./dsptee

Even if you don't have a Tesla coil connected, you will be able to both
hear and see the output and have your terminal window or console update
with text continuously. With a Tesla coil, you can see the waveform in
all three ways.

The concept is based on one-line C programs to generate music, the
earliest of which were by viznut. nom de nom wrote a C expression in
this style to generate a waveform that could be output as sound but
also consisted of all printable ASCII characters.

To connect a oneTesla coil, codewiz modified the firmware and the
control box to allow the audio output to be read by the potentiometer
input. He also wrote dsptee to improve the way the text scrolls.

The final section is based on the bpNichol poem "Island," part of his
Apple IIe collection First Screening. This poem, in turn, refers to a
concrete poem by Ian Hamilton Finlay.

Topsy is the elephant electrocuted by Thomas Edison in 1903 to help
prove that AC electricity (advocated by Tesla) was unsafe.

nom de nom & codewiz
@Party 2014