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7 795 bytes (7.61K)
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2013-10-22 23:04:33
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                  OFFICIAL TRSAC 2013 (18-20 OCTOBER) RESULTS


    1.  #04    82 pts    I won't stop! - bstrr / focus design^dub^loonies
    2.  #05    70 pts    lug00ber shouldn't do acid - lug00ber
    3.  #01    57 pts    the silver boxer - fugl
    4.  #02    48 pts    Acid Teen Beat Mega - flunkium
    5.  #03    35 pts    Raw Reminders - Thorsten (Ernst Hot) / soopadoopa
                           & purple


    1.  #08    59 pts    L'ail Cabosse - wasp
    2.  #03    41 pts    Pardon My French - Curt Cool / Depth^Hoaxers
    3.  #07    33 pts    Mach mal bleu! - Henne / The Dreams
    4.  #05    32 pts    Aftermath - Esau / Traktor
    5.  #06    27 pts    Light Trippin - TRiACE / DESiRE
        #04    27 pts    Mouthy Cunt - Bex^Slipstream, Who^Slipstream
    7.  #01    22 pts    Saunagroup copyparty - serpent/saunagroup
    8.  #02     8 pts    777 999 - EXPERT2015


    1.  #04    70 pts    Oreillers Sombres - Punqtured / Fnuque ^ Eventide
    2.  #05    54 pts    stylistic fuckup - ftx/kolor
    3.  #06    50 pts    Cosmic Sparks - SunSpire
    4.  #03    37 pts    Circus Syphilis - Response/Darklite
    5.  #01    30 pts    Speedweeder - Curt Cool / Depth^Hoaxers
    6.  #02    27 pts    Downdraft - Teo


    1.  #17    34 pts    Pants OFF for TRSAC - Whistler
    2.  #09    23 pts    Nacht Eule - ungenannt/Blocktronics
    3.  #16    17 pts    DemoSplash - enzO/Blocktronics
    4.  #10    10 pts    Autumn Harvest - ungenannt/Blocktronics
    5.  #05     9 pts    Pairs Is Burning - Misfit/Blocktronics
        #07     9 pts    iParent - TCF/Blocktronics
        #04     9 pts    TRSAC - Sylvao and Cleaner/Fire Dream
    8.  #13     7 pts    ACiD tribute - Zeus II
    9.  #03     5 pts    Oh, the Humanity - Misfit/ACiD^Blocktronics
        #08     5 pts    Sadist Arts - TCF/Blocktronics
   11.  #14     4 pts    Break My Heart - enzO/Blocktronics
   12.  #15     3 pts    Classic - enzO/Blocktronics
        #11     3 pts    B7 Evoke - enzO, spear, avenging angel and
        #01     3 pts    MegamANSI - ANT/Blocktronics
   15.  #06     2 pts    ACiD Productions - TCF/Blocktronics
   16.  #02     1 pts    Blackflag - ANT/Blocktronics
   17.  #12     0 pts    Love Fluph - enzO and retribution/Blocktronics


    1.  #09    68 pts    Training Day - Xerxes/Darklite
    2.  #03    52 pts    3:26 to Aarhus - DonP||Fredagsbio
    3.  #02    36 pts    Whisk with a twist - Bobic /
    4.  #12    26 pts    Gerade erst gelandet - styx/headcrash^5711^DKMF
        #07    26 pts    OMG BADASS TIGER MOTHAFUCKA - Arhno$
    6.  #06    22 pts    Lug00ber v2 - Dwarf
    7.  #11    21 pts    OEHT the troublemaker - tFt/Darklite^Dekadence^rNO
        #04    21 pts    la voiture de grenouille et la moto communiste -
        #10    21 pts    Le chat - offwhite
   10.  #05     9 pts    Eat Shit - Arhnos
        #08     9 pts    Le fricandelle du spéciale - PriesterKindBarend /
   12.  #01     6 pts    Fucking(s) in the sand - wysiwtf/TiTAN


    1.  #07    75 pts    La petite fille et les Gatons - offwhite
    2.  #09    71 pts    The Cattingtons - Lycan/LNX
    3.  #02    36 pts    Self Portrait, Astrolabe - TCF
    4.  #04    33 pts    Maynard James Keenan - TCF/Blocktronics
    5.  #05    30 pts    Thom Yorke - TCF/Blocktronics
    6.  #01    22 pts    Men Who Can Ride - d0dge/moods plateau
    7.  #06    14 pts    Il est un mâle - Salling
        #03    14 pts    Christ the Redeemer - TCF/Blocktronics
    9.  #08     5 pts    Amsterdam - Leia


    1.  #05    88 pts    Texto - Lycan/LNX
    2.  #01    83 pts    My little poo-brain - Oni / Poo-Brain
    3.  #04    67 pts    come the duck - soba violence
    4.  #03    30 pts    Waiting for confession - Tryingtofly/DESiRE
    5.  #02     9 pts    Probing the Luchador - Misfit/ACiD^Blocktronics


    1.  #13    67 pts    Let's Deu It! - Ferris
    2.  #11    56 pts    Why you should not make music when zombies ate
                           your brain - Hazel
    3.  #12    32 pts    Acid Again - lug00ber
    4.  #03    25 pts    Impossible Sunrise - Thorsten (Ernst Hot) /
                           soopadoopa & purple
        #10    25 pts    Always - xtrium / LNX
    6.  #04    19 pts    Wie is jarig? (Frikantwerkit) - Okkie / Poo-Brain
    7.  #09    12 pts    Venom - Teo
    8.  #06     7 pts    Night Flight - TCM of Slipstream
    9.  #08     3 pts    Transition - MRLB
   10.  #02     2 pts    Vulgar - Bex^Slipstream
        #01     2 pts    TRSAC Jam - Jespar
        #05     2 pts    Grandsters - WayBe
   13.  #07     1 pts    SAVED - oRaNGe feat. the universe


    1.  #10    58 pts    Aaaaahaahaaaaaaaaaaaa - Tumblolr Brothers
        #05    58 pts    Faar K 22.swf - Loonies
    3.  #07    56 pts    AaaahhhaaaaAAahaaaA - AAAAaaaaaaAh
    4.  #08    41 pts    Sing-a-long - Dwarf
    5.  #09    28 pts    Behind the scenes of 22.swf - bstrr / dub
    6.  #02    23 pts    Aaahhh-tobahn - trbl
    7.  #04    21 pts    FUN COMPO - Seal edition - iN-Sect
        #03    21 pts    C'est ne pas de la merde. - Tropical Trevor /
    9.  #06     3 pts    Le Xerxes briand - Arhnos
   10.  #01     1 pts    Minder fra en svunden tid - iN-Sect


    1.  #09   161 pts    Scene is - moods plateau
    2.  #08    63 pts    The Stall inside - Pittsburgh Stallers
    3.  #04    41 pts    isobutane - trbl
    4.  #07    25 pts    Le - GOGO - in-sect
    5.  #05    22 pts    Euphorieur - Captain Obvious
    6.  #03    21 pts    ROTY Invite - SceneSat
    7.  #06    20 pts    More KUNG, Less FU - FTV
    8.  #02     6 pts    Ninja-Gent BTS - iN-Sect
    9.  #01     0 pts    Naked Finnish Men With Beards - discomeats


    1.  #07   167 pts    Neuron - TBC & Loonies
    2.  #06    86 pts    Le compofileur - xtrium / LNX
    3.  #05    72 pts    st4TRSIk - TRSI
    4.  #02    22 pts    hilixir - fizzer^titan
    5.  #03    12 pts    the internet is made of tubes - ftx/kolor
    6.  #01     8 pts    BITS 5026 - BITS
    7.  #04     0 pts    Simulation is a tribute - AMcBain^from://kennewick


    1.  #03   140 pts    dodecaplicit - Loonies
    2.  #04    82 pts    leaves - eventide
    3.  #02    74 pts    Retrobution - PACIF!C
    4.  #01    41 pts    au contraire: le saumon pour la vie - Realms of
                           Fromage à pâte persillée


    1.  #07   109 pts    kubus - kvasigen
    2.  #08    73 pts    Smoked Bacon - Nazareth
    3.  #02    47 pts    Dear Denmark - Relapse
    4.  #06    42 pts    pb00: frikandelXXL - Poo-Brain
    5.  #04    39 pts    Waiting for Tonight - Projekt Gamma
    6.  #05    11 pts    l'updateur de 2013 - moods plateau
        #03    11 pts    GoGO - MRLB
    8.  #01    10 pts    Caraoke & Finsprit - Poopit


		Approx. 125-135 visitors (including compo lurkers on saturday)
        82 votes were cast.
		Thanks for visiting and/or competing at TRSAC 2013!

        Made possible by Wuhu -