File download
- File size:
- 2 520 bytes (2.46K)
- File date:
- 2013-10-06 23:05:40
- Download count:
- all-time: 1 125
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October 4-5
Carnegie Mellon University Campus
Pittsburgh, PA USA
|Modern Demo|
1. 93pts kyehtlov (js) - brainlez Coders! [partially local entry!]
2. 88pts nothing is safe (windows) - Cocoon
3. 87pts ButterFlyCam (wild) - John Choi [local entry!]
4. 70pts RoboKinect (wild) - John Choi [local entry!]
5. 70pts Still Leben (wild) - John Choi [local entry!]
|Retro Demo|
1. 73pts Reality (zx spectrum) - goblinish
2. 63pts dandelion [on steroids] (256b dos) - sensenstahl
3. 46pts BITS 5018: Circles (256b dos) - BITS
|Freestyle Graphics|
1. 89pts ErlKerl (painting) - Prince of the Obsessed Maniacs
|Freestyle Video|
1. 98pts Something Else (live video performance) - BLERX
|ANSI/ASCII graphics|
1. 100pts Blocktronics ACiD Trip (ANSI) - Blocktronics [partially local entry!]
2. 76pts Paris is Burning (ANSI) - Blocktronics
3. 69pts Blue Demon (ANSI) - Blocktronics
4. 65pts robot rocktronics (ANSI) - Blocktronics
5. 57pts Uncrossed Streams (Apple II ASCII)- krue
|Freestyle Music|
1. 73pts Aphelion - TiTAN / SunSpire Records
2. 67pts Colorful Impression - Prince of the Obsessed Maniacs
3. 61pts Long Day - OhCaptain [first scene release!] [local entry!]
4. 58 pts March of the Bits - OhCaptain [local entry!]
5. 44pts Yliaktiivinen Manneskeswinkel - Jumalauta and Hot Stuffers