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File size:
18 211 bytes (17.78K)
File date:
2013-02-12 23:04:24
Download count:
all-time: 1 449


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       A M i G A   E X E   M U S I C
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   |                                                                       |
   | POS PTS                                                               |
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   | 01  108 Dancing Frogs by Brandon Walsh/Genesis Project                |
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       A M i G A   C H I P   M U S I C
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   | POS PTS                                                               |
   |                                                                       |
   | 01   85 Blackbird Road by Brandon Walsh/Genesis Project               |
   | 02   81 Everlasting Heroes by Ziphoid/SceneSat^Brainstorm^Active      |
   | 03   57 Guru Fluctuation by wasp/powerline                            |
   | 04   56 Falling by Zabutom/Fairlight                                  |
   | 05   54 Dancing Star by Qwan/Up Rough                                 |
   | 05   54 Skogens djur 038 by Coma                                      |
   | 07   47 Pieces of Seven by Corpsicle/ZiD                              |
   | 08   44 Compochip2 by Slash/Insane                                    |
   | 09   36 Karateheebon Muistelmat by Yelm/Zymosis                       |
   | 10   33 Pixielight 3-chan by Hyperunknown                             |
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       A M i G A   M U S I C
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   |                                                                       |
   | POS PTS                                                               |
   |                                                                       |
   | 01   68 Den sista ninjan 2 by Bob/Genesis Project                     |
   | 02   54 We Are Here To Make Some Noise by Magnar/Censor Design        |
   | 03   40 Gelsnap-C by esau/traktor                                     |
   | 04   36 Thursday Night by ne7                                         |
   | 05   35 PURE by Zabutom/Fairlight                                     |
   | 06   34 The Sound of 1992 by Hyperunknown                             |
   | 07   32 Feetless Dance by Corpsicle/ZiD                               |
   | 07   32 Winterland by Slash/Insane                                    |
   | 09   30 This Is My Life by vedder/insane                              |
   | 10   25 Missing Something by Devia/Ancients/Arsenic                   |
   |                                                                       |
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       O T H E R   O L D S K O O L   P L A T F O R M   M U S I C
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   | POS PTS                                                               |
   |                                                                       |
   | 01  113 Feline areola by Wiklund and Joule                            |
   | 02   61 Euro Line by Octapus/Up Rough                                 |
   | 03   60 Hypnosis by Octapus/Up Rough                                  |
   |                                                                       |
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       C 6 4   M U S I C 
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   |                                                                       |
   | POS PTS                                                               |
   |                                                                       |
   | 01  139 Monophono by Mahoney/Visa Röster                              |
   | 02  114 Alpha Bitch by Dane/Booze Design                              |
   | 03   78 Multiverse by Wiklund/FairLight                               |
   | 04   75 The Grandness of The Canaries - part 2 by OMP of Prosonix     |
   | 05   67 Air on a Rasterline by LFT/Kryo                               |
   | 06   62 ekkelt8580 by Groms/Offence/Prosonix                          |
   | 07   61 Datastorm 2013 by Maktone/Fairlight                           |
   | 07   61 Random Waltz by Mr Death/Genesis Project                      |
   | 09   60 Trainwreck by Stinsen/Genesis Project                         |
   | 10   55 I Was Born in 1969 by SIDwave/Ancients                        |
   | 11   51 The Storm Is Coming by Fegolhuzz/Panda Design                 |
   | 12   50 Stinsen åker motorbåt by Qdor                                 |
   | 13   49 Jag Kommer (Datastorm 2013 remix) by Magnar/Censor Design     |
   | 14   48 Metrograd Station (part 2) by Radiantx/Panda Design           |
   | 15   46 My Personal Storm by Sonic Wanderer/Genesis Project           |
   | 16   45 Manifold 28A by ne7/TRIAD                                     |
   | 17   43 Dr.Ghetto by Goto80/Hack n' Trade                             |
   | 18   42 C-Rash by Zyron/GeNos*ProjecTary                              |
   | 18   42 bzt by Balrog/TPOLM                                           |
   | 20   40 STORM by Zabutom/Fairlight                                    |
   | 20   40 Keine Begrenzung by Corpsicle/ZiD                             |
   | 21   40 dbwud by Linde                                                |
   | 23   37 Truckstop Tanzen by X-Jammer/Genesis Project                  |
   | 24   28 2000 KR! by Devia/Ancients/Arsenic                            |
   | 25   17 Vrooom by CHR$(142)/Dinasours                                 |
   |                                                                       |
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
       A M i G A   A S C I I
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   |                                                                       |
   | POS PTS                                                               |
   |                                                                       |
   | 01   27 Well Hello Datastorm Girls! by aBHO/tWisted^dAMONEs^F         |
   | 02   26 HFT - Datastorm 2013 Final by Hammerfist/Desire               |
   | 03   24 Origo by Duffe/Sardonyx                                       |
   | 04   22 Gangsta Whistle by Zefyros/G-Inc.^Resistance^Chemical Reaction|
   | 05   13 Senex by Grip/Senex                                           |
   | 06   12 Mellow Yellow (Final) by RaYoN/MeLLoW                         |
   |                                                                       |
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
       A M i G A   G R A P H I C S
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   |                                                                       |
   | POS PTS                                                               |
   |                                                                       |
   | 01   93 The Elements of Green by Prowler/Up Rough^Nectarine^Brainstorm|
   | 02   59 Hello Kitty by Calladin/Sardonyx^Up Rough                     |
   | 03   56 Ectoplasma by TSC/UpRough                                     |
   | 04   38 Turtle Final by Duffe/Sardonyx                                |
   | 05   36 Miggy Meal by Fedja/Extend/Zymosis                            |
   | 06   26 Pastoral Pixels by Grip/Senex                                 |
   |                                                                       |
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       O T H E R   P L A T F O R M   G R A P H I C S
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   |                                                                       |
   | POS PTS                                                               |
   |                                                                       |
   | 01   60 Bustin Makes Me Feel Good by Bob/Genesis Project              |
   | 02   53 Back to the Arcade by illm/Genesis Project                    |
   |                                                                       |
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       C 6 4   P E T S C I I
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   |                                                                       |
   | POS PTS                                                               |
   |                                                                       |
   | 01   46 Fågel by acidT*rroreast                                       |
   |                                                                       |
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
       C 6 4   G R A P H I C S
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
   |                                                                       |
   | POS PTS                                                               |
   |                                                                       |
   | 01   77 I WILL SHOW THAT STUPID BUNNY by Redcrab/Genesis Project      |
   | 02   71 St. Joaquin by Twoflower/TRIAD                                |
   | 03   64 Future Sphere by Prowler/Up Rough^Nectarine^Brainstorm        |
   | 04   54 Tjärn by ekg/Desire                                           |
   | 05   45 Composition With Red (this is not art) by Frost/Panda Design  |
   | 05   45 Crossing the Chinese Border by Malmix/Fatzone                 |
   | 07   40 HypnoSnail by Grip/Senex                                      |
   | 08   36 I Wish I Could by Magnar/Censor Design                        |
   | 09   35 Releif by Skyffel/Dinasours                                   |
   | 10   28 Floppies > Cassettes by Definitely Not Pope                   |
   |                                                                       |
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       O T H E R   P L A T F O R M   D E M O
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   |                                                                       |
   | POS PTS                                                               |
   |                                                                       |
   | 01   59 DMG-01 by Genesis Project                                     |
   | 02   43 This Is Revision by Squoquo                                   |
   | 03   41 PRGM1 by Mindcooler/Sys5                                      |
   |                                                                       |
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       A M i G A   B O O T B L O C K   i N T R O
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
   |                                                                       |
   | POS PTS                                                               |
   |                                                                       |
   | 01   68 1Klång by Photon/Scoopex                                      |
   | 02   67 Space Onion by Loonies                                        |
   | 03   50 MiBootie by Itch/TRIAD                                        |
   | 04   43 Blockstorm by Lempo Multimedia                                |
   | 04   43 Candyfart by Boozoholics                                      |
   |                                                                       |
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
       A M i G A   4 K   i N T R O
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   |                                                                       |
   | POS PTS                                                               |
   |                                                                       |
   | 01   66 Piramida by Photon/Scoopex                                    |
   |                                                                       |
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       A M i G A   6 4 K   i N T R O
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   |                                                                       |
   | POS PTS                                                               |
   |                                                                       |
   | 01   69 Announcetro 2 by Focus Design                                 |
   | 02   59 Sönc by Dekadence                                             |
   |                                                                       |
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
       A M i G A   1 2 0 0   D E M O
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   |                                                                       |
   | POS PTS                                                               |
   |                                                                       |
   | 01   79 Mo'saik by Focus Design                                       |
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       A M i G A   5 0 0   D E M O
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   |                                                                       |
   | POS PTS                                                               |
   |                                                                       |
   | 01   82 Fifteen Years of Fame by Up Rough                             |
   |                                                                       |
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
       C 6 4   D E M O
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
   |                                                                       |
   | POS PTS                                                               |
   |                                                                       |
   | 01  161 REVOLVED by TRIAD                                             |
   | 02  147 Too Old To Rol And Ror by Fairlight + Offence + Prosonix      |
   | 03  127 What Is the Matrix by Censor Design                           |
   | 04  109 Time Machine by Booze Design                                  |
   | 05  102 Dum Ikea 92% by Camelot                                       |
   | 06   81 Dansa in by Hack n' Trade                                     |
   | 07   66 Safe VSP by LFT/Kryo                                          |
   | 08   59 Deuce by Malmix/Fatzone                                       |
   | 09   58 Algae by Hack n' Trade                                        |
   | 10   52 Dead Zone by Zone45 with help of Triad                        |
   | 11   50 No Shit! by Dinasours                                         |
   | 12   42 Fumisugium by Senex                                           |
   | 13   38 Veggiestorm by Active                                         |
   | 14   29 From Votze with love by Drago & Ragnarok of Metalvotze        |
   |                                                                       |
   | --   69 Demolicious by Onslaught *disqualified*                       |
   |                                                                       |

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