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- File size:
- 4 217 bytes (4.12K)
- File date:
- 2014-01-20 23:05:22
- Download count:
- all-time: 1 016
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-=(7DX Demo Party 2013 COMPO RESULTS)=-
[ Demo Compo ]
Rank Product Name Released By Platform Points
----- ---------------------- ------------ --------------------- -------
1 Setting Return Commodore 64 7.968
2 Alien Infect Windows (DirectX) 7.645
3 nq4k Nightlord Windows 5.871
[ Game Compo ]
Rank Product Name Released By Platform Points
----- --------------------- ------------------------- ---------------- -------
1 Uzay Kupleri Talha Kaya Windows (Unity) 8.355
2 Super Custom Warrior Bora Kasap & Emre Þenkal Adobe Flash 8.313
3 Falcon Patrol Ilker Gorkem Adobe Flash 7.156
4 7DShoot Legatus Commodore 64 6.545
5 Clash of Cars Murat & Baran Windows (Java) 6.531
6 Car85 Ref Adobe Flash 6.438
7 Miley Cyrus'a Atla Triuman HTML5 5.219
[ Illustration Compo ]
Rank Product Name Released By Points
----- ------------- ------------- -------
1 Free Willy Squidward 9.000
2 Axe Gokhan Altay 7.727
[ Pixel Graphic Compo ]
Rank Product Name Released By Platform Points
----- ---------------------- ------------ --------------------- -------
1 Delusions of Grandeur Arcane Commodore 64 (Koala) 9.065
2 C64boot Wizofwor Commodore 64 (Hires) 6.563
[ Mp3 Computer Music Compo ]
Rank Product Name Released By Points
----- ------------------ ----------------- -------
1 Nexus Drey 8.367
2 Black Diamond Yaren / Zomco 7.968
3 Say Hello to Hell Ebolax 6.967
4 GOTO 10 Ebolax 6.600
5 The Way Ebolax 6.286
6 Leonard Blyx Tsukimi 6.200
7 Composition Drmurti 5.833
8 Love is Universal Team Meta4 4.633
[ Chip/Mod Music Compo ]
Rank Product Name Released By Type Points
----- -------------- --------------------- ----- -------
1 PITTISH Ebolax XM 6.677
2 Red Ebolax XM 6.533
3 Potato Allamulax XM 6.433
4 Space Ebolax XM 6.300
[ Scripting Compo ]
Rank Product Name Released By Points
----- ------------------- ----------------- -------
1 Demo 2013 Tarik Kaya 6.938
[ Wild Compo ]
Rank Product Name Released By Points
----- ------------------- ----------------- -------
1 Floppyine Bandim Bager 7.963
2 Mechaball Mag 7.484
[ Party Release ]
Product Name Released By Type
------------------------------ ----------------- ---------------
Brokoli mushwonk-nH Purebasic Demo