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File size:
45 947 265 bytes (43.82M)
File date:
2012-01-29 23:02:24
Download count:
all-time: 834



 ____                    ____                               
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    \/_____/\/___/  \/_/\/_/\/_____/\ \ \/  \/_/\/_/ \/____/
                                     \ \_\                  
       	*Flight Of The Alpha Centauri*\/_/                  
       	Written for the Icons 2012 Music Compo

	It's the new year and I present you my latest track,
	"Flight Of The Alpha Centauri". Possibly my biggest
	endeavour yet, this song features over 50 individual
	audio tracks and more than 50 different instruments.
	It took about a full week to complete, just in time
	for the Icons Demoparty. Greetings to all my fellow
	scene-friends around the globe, T-101 for competing
	with me in the same category for the first time! ;)
	And luftwaffle and his team for hosting Icons 2012,
	even tho I could not be there in person this year!!
  	More greetings to my friends and family, of course.

	Send an email to
	if you got projects going and need a musician!!

	     ..:: P L A Y  I T  L O U D ! ! ! ::..