File Archive

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File size:
218 879 097 bytes (208.74M)
File date:
2012-09-29 23:04:00
Download count:
all-time: 2 970

Screenshot (by pouë



  • Ballad by Buzzer & Mice of Brainstorm.mp3 6.46M
  • bass.dll 112.05K
  • Beyond 2 by Siatek of Nah-Kolor.mp3 5.38M
  • Beyond by Siatek of Nah-Kolor.mp3 5.80M
  • Can't stop thinking by pOWL of Alcatraz.mp3 6.26M
  • Crying Elve by Siatek of Nah-Kolor.mp3 3.82M
  • Day After Eternity by Buzzer & Mice of Brainstorm.mp3 3.11M
  • Delicate Blowing of Sky by Traymuss of Nah-Kolor.mp3 7.57M
  • DiskHug by Buzzer & Mice of Brainstorm.mp3 6.29M
  • Diskmag Desaster by Chromag of Rebels.mp3 5.01M
  • Dream of My Angel by Traymuss of Nah-Kolor.mp3 4.67M
  • Dreams of Future by Traymuss of Nah-Kolor.mp3 5.76M
  • Electronic Flower by Traymuss of Nah-Kolor.mp3 6.98M
  • Faraway by Magnar of The Black Lotus.mp3 7.30M
  • file_id.diz 232B
  • Glow Worms by X-ceed of Floppy.mp3 2.91M
  • hugi_se.dat 25.84M
  • hugi_se.exe 280.00K
  • hugi_se.nfo 2.83K
  • I Am Unique by CONS of TRSI.mp3 5.87M
  • Icefall Chillout by Chaser of Elude.mp3 9.16M
  • Indians of Chile by Traymuss of Nah-Kolor.mp3 4.46M
  • Into The Black by Chromag of Rebels.mp3 3.97M
  • Journey to Bali by Siatek of Nah-Kolor.mp3 6.48M
  • Kyoto by Traymuss of Nah-Kolor.mp3 2.92M
  • Life by Magnar of The Black Lotus.mp3 3.42M
  • Logo_for_Pouet.jpg 54.87K
  • Magnar The Black Lotus -Floating.mp3 7.94M
  • Maya by Siatek of Nah-Kolor.mp3 2.60M
  • Memories Of A World by Moby of Nooon.mp3 8.32M
  • Monochromatic by Siatek of Nah-Kolor.mp3 2.76M
  • Nestea by Jogeir Liljedahl.mp3 11.00M
  • Second Mirror Side by Siatek of Nah-Kolor.mp3 3.74M
  • Showme by Magnar of The Black Lotus.mp3 6.01M
  • Song 7201 by Romeo Knight of Brainstorm.mp3 6.93M
  • Starchild by Chromag of Rebels.mp3 6.49M
  • Stay by Magnar of The Black Lotus.mp3 10.88M
  • The Right Path Of Anger by Romeo Knight of Brainstorm.mp3 8.26M
  • useguide.txt 7.87K


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     4P     ,WE@K"    ,B@$M       lP       QX#@     '@RBB     BR3Wb      Yk
    aF      [@K#F     EWZN!       @!       EB2Ml     E5QS]    'EQBN,      *h
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  VK$S8@P  |   F U N C T I O N   P A R T Y   2 0 1 2   !        gmenasnewanuq
   *GEW^   |  H U G I   S P E C I A L   E D I T I O N  |        N           R
           |          C O D E   &   M U S I C          |        ZmasnwzsnumaW
          -+-                                         -+-       G           H
           |       B U Z Z E R   A N D   M I C E       |        R           N
           |  S I A T E K  -  P O W L  -  X - C E E D  |        K           B
           |      J O G E I R   L I L J E D A H L      |   ,egq,N      .gmq,O
           |    T R A Y M U S S   -   C H R O M A G    |  4$DBN9M     dW3NBDW
           |  C H A S E R  -  M A G N A R  -  C O N S  |  YA@#MKF     VHG58AP
           |    R O M E O   K N I G H T  -  M O B Y    |   ^0@B*       *G$D*

      All Music and Graphics from issue 32 till 37 in One Special issue! 
          All coding related articles from every issue added aswell!

    Special thanx to Forcer for the excellent main menu gfx and closing picture           
    Special thanx to Snake for the opening picture and Hammerfist for the ASCII

Kudos to T$ for adding track recognition. Now we can see which track is playing!
Finally special thanx to Magnar. We challenge you to find his new track (hidden!)