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File size:
33 475 bytes (32.69K)
File date:
2013-11-17 23:06:59
Download count:
all-time: 781

Screenshot (by Demozoo)



                                _ _  _
        .__                     \ _____
        |  \.          .__ _ _ __\_    )_
     ___|   |   ._____ |  \___    |     |
 _ ./  __   |__\|_    \|   __/__. _    _|   the ascii allstars at
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- -------/______\_____):   .    .  _  _   _      _        _     ________:
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    data frenzy        |        | /  |__/  _  /_____/  \________) \     |   |
                    ___|       __/_  |      _/     /  _ \  \ __   /___  |   |
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                       |      \ |____________________/______\  ______\\     |
                       |       \                             \/             |
                       `--------\        zfr^diP^h7^aBHO                    |

      d a t a f r e n z y - d a t a s t o r m 2 o 1 2  p a r t y c o l l y

      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  - - - - - - - - - -

                         . ..    :::::
                            :....:::::.... .  .   .

  dip at the keys. this party is the most crazy thing ever.               
  i don't think there have been ever so many amiga ascvii artists assembled
  in one place.                                       ^
  handing over to skopeeeeeeeeeeeeee of up!           :
  skope is not there anymore as we had to switch computers.
  so zefyros is at the keys then!!!

                                                      ` - what´s that v - zfr 

               i 6think zefyros is just not drunk enough because he rather

                                                                      s errors

                                                    instead of drawing some

                                                    party stylez! -dip

                           dip got mental now, but well what the fuck vi alla 
          get at times...

      so it´s zefyros on the keys - for real.

    I don´t know what happens now, but i think we need a menu logo or smt...

                         _ .__)         /    _________               
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                      \___\     /      _/        _|\      :       |
          mENU?                 \______\_________)  \            _| zfr+diP

          no bloody menu! we just draw whatever pleases us!

                                _________________  ______ __ ___    _
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                              /                   / __/
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                     \____               /        _/             \_____//__/dS!
                          \\            / _ _____/   P U S S Y 
                                                     C O U R I E R S  2o12

         __________________        \          _______
          \            , |_____    |\     oO  |_     \ ______
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       /___  ökretiz kalsin   \____/   \  || /          _/ 
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znr left the buildung... now time for a request! -dip

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                  |.:         .                            .!
                  |:::..      .          (r) perkele 81    :|
                  |:::::::....:.. ...................  ..  :._ _   
                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ :................ . .. . .....:!// 

    (// /  /    d i p just woke up, surrounded by dmg, nosfe, trivial, pope,
                abho, zefyros. bad sleep, completely trashed.
                delicious swedish breakfast!

                and now for a file_id.diz!

     ___. _____.______ ____   
 ____\  |_\_   |     /_\_  \_
_)  _   |  /   |    /   /   (_
|   \  _| _   _|  _/   _     |
|                   d a t a  f r e n z y  |
|             d a t a s t o r m  2 o 1 2  |
|                    p a r t y c o l l y  |
|  _____ ___    ____  _____   ___     ____:
|_/    //_ /__./ _ /__\_   \__\_ \____\_  |
:)   _/ _/    |  _/ \  /    |   __/_   /  |
|   _)  \    _|  \  _\ |   _|   \  _\ /   |
|___)____\___)______)__|___)_______)_    _|

                        ________  /           |  
               _________\___    \/           _:__
               \____       /    \/          /  _/________
             _ _  (/      /     ||         /   \_       /_ _
               /__       /      ||         \__  /      __\
                 (_______\      ||           (_________)

              a small consolation for dmg who seemingly lost
              h   i   s        b   a   c   k   p   a   c   k

qwan here and im eating breakfast saturday morning.
For the last two weeks i have been living on caffein pills and
produced music for the up rough gameboy advance musicdisc called mind departure.
Im done with it, but  managed to do it.
Now timesync is to be done and then.. l8trz

                              .___            ._______
              ._______      __|_ /____      __|_     /     .____.
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          _)   /    //  _   / \       /.__/_  /    / _|____|_   |    (_
          \   /    //   \  /___\_____/_|_   \______\ \_     /   _     /
      - --/________\     _/-diP-----/   /    /--_/    /    /____\_____\-->>>
                  /______\      _ _/        /   \__________\
                              \ \)\_________\ 

thanks to sixx for musical support by lending his excellent speakers!

                  _ _.  __         _ __                  _ __
             _  ____)|  \(_______. __)/         _ __     __)/_______ _
   _ ________\//     |___\_      |/  /______._____)/___./ _//      /(// /
\ \\)\_      \/     _|    /     _|__       _|         _|  \      _/
            np: gucci vump - sha shtil !

    _  _                                     _  _
- -\/-//-/ waiting for the ascii compo... / //-\/---------------------------- -

           Greets to T-101... IMASES!
    ___                                     ___         ___           ___ 
.__\\ / ___  .__ /\.___   .____ /\     .____\ //    .___\ //     .____\ //
|   \/.|   \_|  /      \_.|    \_ \___.|    \\/__   |   \\/__ zfr|    \\/__   
|     ||     _     _     ||     7__   ||______   \_.|   ____/_   |______   \_.
|     ||     7     7     ||     __/   ||     7     ||   \__   \_.|     7     |
|     ||     |     |     ||     7     ||     |     ||     7     ||     |     |
|_    ||_    |_    |_    ||_    |     ||_    |     ||_    |     ||_    |     |
 /____: /____|/____|/____: /____|_____: /__________: /__________: /__________:

- ---------------->>>>> Our warmest greetings to zorro who couldn't make it!
                        - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

      \ _                                  _ /      \ _
       \\\ __                          __ ///        \\\ __
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         \\\  ________//_________//___|\____//___|\____//________///
            \/         Y          Y   ·      Y   ·      Y          
                       .          .          .          .          

  u know that mindstate when you are not awake nor asleep
  not drunk, but far from sober... the state between all states.
  thats whats happening (or not happening?) right now... also
  some satanic ass whooping pervert sadomaso leather rituals
  and whatnot... <3<3<3 abho(rrence) flippin inna datastorm 2012
  the end is coming!!!

       __ _                      __   _____  ______        _ __
      _\          __    ____ ___ \/ _/ _  /_/  _  /____ ____  /_
            _____(_ \__))  .__  \__/  l/_/__  l/_//_  .__  ((_
      _ _ _/   _.____X     | /    /    _   /   _   /  | /    /_ _ 
     _((_\\_   \|     \_   |/ / _//____\  //___\  /   |/ / _//_))_
      .  _ /___________/________\ - ----\/--- - \//________\ _  .
      :                                                         :
. .. .. .. .  god awful party logo for master zorrrrrro !  . .. .. .. .
      .                                                         .
    <-:-- -[aBHO]---------------------------------------[T!]- --:->
      :                                                         :
      .                                                         .

      nosfe had to go to do some lovely vomiting axxxion...
      or was that at another party? where are we? what place,
      what year is this? and what is this german keyboad about...
      its being nasty, like we !! <3 now entering astral psycho
      ape mode, universe here we coooooooooooooooooooooooooome! (hard)

     __\ .___   \__  :::: :   :
     \___|  /     /  ________    _________    _________    ________
      _____/     / __\       \_ _\        \___\        \___\       \_
 :%% /      ____/  \      _.   \      _.     /     _.     /     _.   \ %%%%%:
 :% /      / ___ ___\_.   \| _  \     \|__ _/\     \|__ _/\     \| _  \ %%%%:
 : /      /  \ /_\    |    \  \  \     \ /_   \     \ /_   \     \  \  \ zfr:
 ./      / ___/_\z\   |     \__\o \     \  r   \     \  r   \     \__\o \ __.
 |      /|/           |\_         /\_    \      \_    \      \_         /   |
 |_                     /_________\ /_____\ \    /_____\      /_________\   |
  /____________________ _ _  _   _    _                     _    _   _  _ __:


 Back again after the flip of the resolution. Don´t press Tiger Alt (Alt Gr).
   It´s been a cool party so far and we´ll probably see a great ascii compo 
   later on. Greetings to the dot art master Zorro. Hopefully we will meet
 someday soon in the future. Over and out -zefyros. Passing the keys to Zaner

------>> > zaner back on the screen with some new dream

             .              .              .               .         .
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       \\__\\___|_______//    \______ |            \__________\\\
       lee.perry !:                  \|                    :     .
                 |:                   .                    :
                 !:                   . . ........... ... .:
                 .:::::::::.:..:.:............... . . ... . .

                         [ dot slash whatever . love ]

                          _/                            / _ ___  __ __  _
                          \                            /_     / /_/ //  /
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       \__      / \\_/         /___\__      /___\__      /_/         /\
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      \__\        \  ________\/\___\     \  /\_\      \  / \_______\/
          \________\/               \_____\/ _  \______\/
                       z O R R O !   _      /      / _ _/   H7/dS!
                                      \    / _ ___/
                                       \  /

<<<<-------(/ ascii compo drawing nearer and nearer (hopefully)!


            _________   _   _______    _______.  _
- -- ---- _/   _    /__(/__/   _  /____\_     |__\)____ ---- -- -
: :: :::: \    7               /_//     /     _       / :::: :: :
: :: ::::: \_    _/       _     \      /      \     _/ ::::: :: :
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: :: :::: \/                                         \/ :::: :: :
: :: ::::.    ___._     _   _______    _______.  _     .:::: :: :
            _/   |_____(/__/   _  /____\_     |__\)____ 
: :: ::::: _\__                /_//     /     _       / :::: :: :
: :: ::::: \_ /           _     \      /      \     _/ ::::: :: :
: :: :::: _ /_____________\____________\_______\____\ _ :::: :: :
- -- ---- \/ -diP----------------------------------- \/ ---- -- -

     (   )      _________________________       (___)
     €e e  _____\____                    \        |
     (__)-(          )--x                 \  ---zaner---
           YY-(   ) /_______,--------------)      |
          _||  UUU (                      /       A
                /________________________/      _/ \_

+++ ATH0


Nup blessed us with the precious doodle up there...

   _____ Stair                     
._/ ___7_______     
|   \___   ___7______ case  
|     \7   \___     7  ____      
|      |     \7     |_/   7___ Hotel
|      |      |     |     |   \_.  ___       
|      |      |     |     |     |_/   |___  MURHA
|      |      |     |     |     |         \_   ___
|      |      |     |     |     |           |_/ __|___  
|      |      |     |     |     |     |_____|   \_.   \_.  ______
|      |      |     |     |     |     |00000|     |     |_/   ._/_   
|      |      |     |     |     |     |00001|     |     |   __|   \_.       
|_     |      |     |     :     |     |00010|     |     |   \_      |
 /     :      :     |___________|smz  :00100|_____|_____|     :     :    
                                            binäärihana vuotaa

somebodz the polish man with a german kezboard was bored...that´s whz...

whiskey and waiting for ascii compo. ... .. . .  ..  .   . zNr back for fun

                       | /______>
                    ___|/ \                                             ______
  oke say whaAAat? /   /   \       _()() _____|_  _____\_    _____      |     \
  _               /   /|____>____ _/   | |    |___ \    \   _/   |    __|_ ,  |
 .\\            //   /       | , \|    |<__ __|  \ |\    \_ |    |____\_/  ___|
__\ \__________/____//_    __|__ ||  Ö | /  |    |\|    _ | |    |     /   \ 
\  \ \        /     X      \   __||____|/   | ___| |     /___ o  | - _/_\__ \
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  /     __Y\            //.\  \            |__|           |___| \__\ |__7__|
 /       ___\          //  .\ \\
//        ___\________//_____\_\zNr/dS!                  up rough 3012
/_____________\       /       \_\

 skee se55ion of the centur
A                          Y

   you are all fraaaaayyy now................... ..... .. .   . z@NEr.dS!

                                              / \
     .    .                                   `|'
,=---|\/\/|--.--                *             _|____________________ _
|    |    |  |           *   `      '  *       |                  |
 \ Z A N E R |             .        .          | U P   R O U G H  |
  \ _.____.___\        `   |\  /\  /|    '     |                  \_
   \/                 *    | \/  \/ |     *    .<<-----------------7
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  /           _______\_`   |    ____;____\_      ___________
              |       \_ * `------|       \       |        )_/_
        _____ |/  k    |_____/__  |_       \/  ___|__         |______
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    \   |  \_/    / _|      |    _/   |   /----|   |/______   __|   |.
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  __|      |_   | |_  \   \ /    /________|    \  \||   \\ \  |   /      |
  |__________\__|__| /_\   \_---'       _/         \|     \|  |  ______  |
                 |__________|  zNr/dS!  |___________\----\    |   \ /    \
                                                          \___\    /______\_
===================== ~~~~ ====================== ~~~~ ===   |______)      \ ==


/ / /)--->>>> sunday morning!

sitting here with pope, zef and skope, who ran away just again in order not 
having to write anything....

              _____ ____     ____    _____ _______ __     ___
          ___/    /_\_ /___ _\_  \_ / _  /_\_    // /___ _\_ \_
         _)_/    /  _/    //  /   //   _/   /   // /   //  /  /_ _____
         \_\_____\__\_____\__,____\____\________\______\__,_____\\ __-) - , 
                                                                  \)       :.

                   i s o  k r a p u l a  !!!!

ne7 and dvs just woke up!

            .                        _   
            .             .__________\        ___ 
      _                   |           \_ ______  \
      \ _   : ZORRO   ____:_    ___    /   __   \    _______
        \  _:_______/_      \   \/    /__  \/   /_ /        \
          _\____     / __    \  /____/  |  /___/  \    __    \ _
         |   _______/  \7     /   \     |          \   \7     /
         |   \/   \          /____/\____|   \       \        .
         |_________\ _______/ !NE7   |______/\      /_______/   _/
                    \_           !            \ ___/         _/
            :        >  GREETS MAN - HOPE TO   <  __/  
                     >  SEE U SOON AT THE NEXT <
                     >  PARTY \o_ BIG LUV \o_  <

zfr on the keyboard... dip gave it to me now and went out for a cig
with ne7 and dvs... so two days without any showers - a typical swedish
party. so, umm, yes... the ascii compo was filled with quality h7 taking
the heiling cat home as the winner. the sofas are also nice. enough said.
here´s a logo for you. "du".
           | \_.
       ____|_  |  ____ __ 
    ._/    _/  |_/    | /_.           
    |      |   |      |   | 
    |_     :   |_     :   |      

                    ____      _________        __________ _____ 
               ____/\_¯¯\_   /    _¯¯¯/_____ __\_    ¯¯¯//  ¯¯/\____
              /\   ¯¯¯  _/__/__   / _//  ¯¯//¯¯ /      //__   ¯¯¯¯¯/\
             /\ \_      \  ¯ _/     \    _     /     _/ ¯¯/      _/ /\
             \ \//___________)___________)___________)___________\\/ /
              \//__________ /__________ / \ _________\ ___________\\/
               /___________/___________/   \__________\____________\  diP/aSL 
               ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
                                   == z E U s ==
                                      - - - -

   __                                             _ __
   \ \ _                          ____  ________ /// /
    \ \\\ _________.            _(    \/       ////_/       _____     /\     
     \_\\\\        |_________ _/     _       _// ______    /    (_   /  \      
      ¯¯__\\___    |_       / \     /|       \ _(    _//) /      (  /   /      
       /    /¯(_    /      /_/___  /_|       |/_    /____/_       \/   /___    
      /    /___/   /____        /  ___       ._/   /       \     _         \_ _
   _ _\              __/       /   \¯|       |¯   /_\_      \_   |\         /(/
   \)\_              \¯       /     \:       |               /   |¯         \¯ 
    ¯ /______________/      _/_______/      _|__           _/    |           \ 
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           /_________________)     \  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯  ____   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯  ________ _  _
                                    \__________/    \_____________)


           . __ _     i only want some sleep, man!        _ __.
          _:_\   __      ____     _______  _______ _ _______ /:_
           :   _/ (_____/_  /____/_   __/_/_   __/__    _  (_ :
      _   _:_ _\___ _    (_/      (_  _)   (_ _)   (_  l/   /_:_   _
      \  /(_)\\_   l/    _/       _/  `    _/ `    _/   .__//(_)\  /
     _\\/  :   /___/_____\  ______\  ______\  _____\  __|     .  \//_
         <-:-- -----------\/-------\/-------\/------\/----- --:->
           .  aBHO                                       -T!  .

and so we did! party over, everybody tired and happy.

hugs to the organisers!