File Archive

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File size:
11 133 473 bytes (10.62M)
File date:
2011-11-18 23:07:14
Download count:
all-time: 237



 ____                    ____                               
/\  _`\                 /\  _`\           __                
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 \/_\__ \ /\ \/\ \ /' _ `\/_\__ \ /\ '__`\/\ \/\`'__\/'__`\ 
   /\ \L\ \ \ \_\ \/\ \/\ \/\ \L\ \ \ \L\ \ \ \ \ \//\  __/ 
   \ `\____\ \____/\ \_\ \_\ `\____\ \ ,__/\ \_\ \_\\ \____\
    \/_____/\/___/  \/_/\/_/\/_____/\ \ \/  \/_/\/_/ \/____/
                                     \ \_\                  
       	*SunSet Nebula'Party Version* \/_/                  
	Written for the TRSAC 2011 Music Compo

    4 days of sweat and tears went into this track,  not
	counting the final mixing and recording,  which took
	another few days. But here it is, solid and done!!!!

	This was my first time at TRSAC in Denmark and I met
	A LOT of cool people and made some new friends too!!
	A BIG shout out to Punqtured of Fnuque for the great
	Copenhagen tour and for being such a fantastic host.
	Also Ralph (Fnuque) for the great chat about quiver,
	I am already having a blast creating tracks with it!
	Also thumbs up high to Puryx for delivering the most
	excellent party experience. And everyone who sent in
	their compo entries. 
  	More greetings to my friends and family all over the
	globe - you know I love you guys!

    Send an email to
    if you got projects going and need a musician!!

			..:: P L A Y  I T  L O U D ! ! ! ::..