File Archive

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File size:
2 353 214 bytes (2.24M)
File date:
2011-05-28 23:02:31
Download count:
all-time: 245



 * Code: deggis/Eladith/Zouppen
 * Music: King Thrill
 * Lyrics: zipola


  should do the trick. Playing mp3 from Haskell wasn't straightforward
  in this app, that's why the mplayer. This exposes this to all kinds
  of syncing issues.


"Main" is a binary (possibly) without dependencies to Haskell. :)
No need to compile at all (possibly).

Run "make" to compile.


To compile this, you need at least (assuming you have cabal):

cabal install gpipe-examples
  - References, nicely gets dependencies below


..but they can also be installed one by one:

cabal install gpipe             / Graphics.GPipe
  - Functional pipeline to OpenGL graphics
cabal install gpipe-textureload / Graphics.GPipe.Texture.Load
  - GPipe texture loading utilites
cabal install Vec-Transforms    / Data.Vec.LinAlg
  - Linear algebra vector transformations
cabal install opengl            / Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL
  - OpenGL binding for OpenGL graphics system
cabal install glut              / Graphics.UI.GLUT
  - Bindings to OpenGL utility toolkit

Also, system uses C lib to create textures. System must have:
 - libpango1.0-dev
 - libpangocairo-dev 

libraries for compiling.

While installing above libraries, they're compiled and require some
development files to be present on the system.