File Archive

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File size:
9 313 bytes (9.09K)
File date:
2010-12-31 23:03:12
Download count:
all-time: 1 906


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                           December 27th-29th 2010

                         Karlsruhe-Durlach - Germany

   t h e   U l t i m a t e   M e e t i n g   2 o 1 o   -   R e s u l t s !
_ _____  .  ______________________________________________________  .  _____ _
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         |           Competition.........Executable Music           |
         |           _ ________________________________ _           |
         :                                                          :

            o1 156 Angels Hope - Okeanos/Nuance
            o2 121 Trommelfeuer aus der Klangkanone - pOWL /

         |           Competition............Tracked Music           |
         |           _ ________________________________ _           |
         :                                                          :

            o1 115 Reptile in Jamaica - Saga Musix vs. Teasy
            o2  96 Trapdoor MegaChiptuneMix - okeanos/nuance
            o3  91 I want to bake a Cake - jco
            o4  75 Utopia Planitia - Alpha C
            o5  65 Spheres - SHaDow / --

         |           Competition...........Streamed Music           |
         |           _ ________________________________ _           |
         :                                                          :

            o1 160 End Credits - jco
            o2 124 The Cycle - Skyrunner^Brain_Control
            o3 105 Escaping the Orbit - Saga Musix / Nuance
            o4  96 Exola 1901 - okeanos/nuance
            o5  86 angstr?m - neuralnet/ATW
            o6  85 aint nothing but a g-truck - bitch / ATW
            o7  62 straight forward - SHaDow / --
            o8  60 truth1 - nathanael/atW
            o9  52 Repetitio est mater tedium - Tolle/-
            10  48 Body Moving - Aquanaga

         |           Competition...............Loop Music           |
         |           _ ________________________________ _           |
         :                                                          :

            o1  85 vuvuscheisse (dicke eier mix) - Saga Musix /
            o2  83 Dubspeed - jco & da rastaman
            o3  81 flatline - neuralnet/ATW
            o4  71 Spatial Quantization - urs^mercury
            o5  64 Knorzer - Hopper/SquoQuo
            o6  61 Das ist ja Stuhl! - eha / smash designs &
                   salva mea
            o7  59 loop 5 - tEiS/trsi
            o8  55 Quick&Dirty Endless Trance - BeRo^Farbrausch
            o9  55 use your imagination - bitch / ATW
            10  54 SEESARCADECOUS - halcy
            11  49 outer church collapses into realspace -
            12  45 Deep - Aquanaga
            13  44 Wet Pants Loop - CONS^TRSi
            14  31 Breakbeat my Heart - T$
            15  28 Too Late - SHaDow / --

         |           Competition..............Theme Remix           |
         |           _ ________________________________ _           |
         :                                                          :

            o1 153 machmarumps - psykon / mercury
            o2  95 never stop that feeling
                   (its-getting-late-remix) - bitch / ATW
            o3  90 TUM - Down To The Metal - SHaDow / --
            o4  74 tum 10 remix - neuralnet/ATW
            o5  45 20-tUM-10 - Aquanaga

         |           Competition........Oldskool Graphics           |
         |           _ ________________________________ _           |
         :                                                          :

            o1 176 HATI - Ragnarok/METALVOTZE
            o2 155 Alienate - prince/obsessed
            o3 142 Ein trauliches Heim - Flower
            o4 130 self-Sight - r0m
            o5 112 what da fakk, jedy? - sand^mayHem
            o6  90 Giana sister vs Weegee - Exin
            o7  30 popstars - Sampaguita/DaCapo

         |           Competition....Modern Tools Graphics           |
         |           _ ________________________________ _           |
         :                                                          :

            o1 210 imbecile - cosmic 
            o2 174 A disturbingly beautiful day at the beach -
            o3 172 Universal Serial Bus - faith/neuro
            o4 160 rootlite - prince/obsessed
            o5 131 Man In The Middle - Random Norwegian Scener
                   (Not Scamp)
            o6 124 The Bitch Next Door - Wade/Alcatraz
            o7 119 Legoschinken - Hopper/SquoQuo
            o8 117 rauchen verursacht AUGENKREBS -
            o9  53 Leck mich! - T$

         |           Competition...4k Executable Graphics           |
         |           _ ________________________________ _           |
         :                                                          :

            o1 116 Tummelplatz - Traumatische Skripte
            o2  80 BITS5015 TUM Christmas - BITS

         |           Competition.....................Game           |
         |           _ ________________________________ _           |
         :                                                          :

            o1 236 Beer Belly Bill 3: Grillieren - Nuance &
            o2 234 Return to Castle tUM - Saga Musix + Raven
            o3 190 FoembJump - BeRo^Farbrausch +
                   giZMo^Farbrausch + freQvibez^Farbrausch +
            o4 176 Sqrxz 2 - Thor, Kojote, Jayne, Alexander
                   Wiklund, Simon Butler, Indiket
            o5 154 Spacial hydrodynamic destroy-o-tron - trbl &
            o6 129 The Last Cubinator - SVatG
            o7  91 Adoks Number Maze - Adok, Quaid, Falaky
            o8  63 Adoks Magic Cube - Special Edition for tUM
                   2010 - Adok/Hugi

         |           Competition....Combined Low-End Demo           |
         |           _ ________________________________ _           |
         :                                                          :

            o1 255 nett - fieserWolf / METALVOTZE
            o2 214 Evas Polka - Leekspin
            o3 133 TUM fisch - Green / ATW

         |           Competition..............High-End 4k           |
         |           _ ________________________________ _           |
         :                                                          :

            o1 307 white one - never
            o2 194 Happy New Year - Stan / Rebels & tEiS / tRSi
            o3 102 Jules - SVatG

         |           Competition............High-End Demo           |
         |           _ ________________________________ _           |
         :                                                          :

            o1 340 fr-063: Magellan - farbrausch
            o2 308 Rumors and Facts - REBELS
            o3 183 Frisch gepresste Schwanzmilch - SquoQuo
            o4 176 E - Departure - Cyborg Jeff, Zavie, LLB  /
            o5 155 Death Chimp II - K2

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