File Archive

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File size:
1 951 035 bytes (1.86M)
File date:
2010-12-31 23:03:12
Download count:
all-time: 384

Screenshot (by pouë



  • sqrxz2-v0.80-tum/ dir
  • sqrxz2-v0.80-tum/SQRXZ2.cdi 714.84M
  • sqrxz2.txt 7.15K


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                 SQRXZ 2 v0.80 --- official page
                  released at TUM 2010 Game Development Competition!
            _______ ____ ___ __ ___________ __/\__ _____________________________
           /      //   //  // //           \\    //
_LICENSE:_/______//___//__//_//____________//_  _\\_____________________________

 Sqrxz 2 comes in different flavors, commercial and free. Please see the list
 below what license applies for your system. All rights remain within the
 development team!
 Additional note for Freeware versions: No Money in any form should be charged
 for the game! You are not allowed to distribute the file on any medias or
 online places without written permission. Contact us through our official page.
 If you enjoy the game you can consider donating via the official page :)

 Sqrxz 2 for
 * Dreamcast is FREEWARE

          _______ ____ ___ __ ___ __/\__ _______________________________________
         /      //   //  // //   \\    //
_ABOUT:_/______//___//__//_//____//_  _\\_______________________________________

 Sqrxz 2 is a Jump n'Run which requires a sharp mind and fast reflexes
 high frustration is guaranteed. Original Sqrxz made by Marcus Vesterlund
 and John Holmvall.

 To understand the gameplay, please play Sqrxz 1 first - It contains a tutorial
 level! Get it from

         _______ ____ ___ __ ____________________________________ __/\__ _______
        /      //   //  // //                                    \\    //
_STORY_/______//___//__//_//_____________________________________//_  _\\_______

 Another day another journey...

 As living on planet earth and its surrounding solar system seemed boring Sqrxz
 decided to check out another location in the universe.

 Just in case and to be extra careful he took a pocketful of emeralds with him
 to keep him in ready cash, but after starting his exciting journey he realised
 all his emeralds are suddenly missing!

 Retracing his steps Sqrxz notices mysterious creatures popping up all over the
 place to hinder him in his search...

 Oh what troublesome days... Help poor Sqrxz get back all his emeralds!

             _______ ____ ___ __ __________ __/\__ _____________________________
            /      //   //  // //          \\    //
_FEATURES:_/______//___//__//_//___________//_  _\\_____________________________

* Tough challenging gameplay - Extremely difficult; not for weaklings!
* Retro graphics!
* Hidden passages to discover!
* 10 tricky n' hard levels!
* 11 marvellous chiptunes!
* Top 10 highscore!
* Infinite continue mode, which you will need badly in order to practise! :)

              _______ ____ ___ __ __________________________________ __/\__ ____
             /      //   //  // //                                  \\    //
_CHANGELOG:_/______//___//__//_//___________________________________//_  _\\____
* v0.80
  - First public release @ TUM 2010 -

              _______ ____ ___ __ __________ __/\__ ____________________________
             /      //   //  // //          \\    //
_CORE TEAM:_/______//___//__//_//___________//_  _\\____________________________

* Rodolphe Boixel (Thor)
  - Main code
  - French translation

* Shahzad Sahaib (Kojote)
  - Producer
  - Levels
  - Beta-Test
  - German translation

* Simon Butler
  - Pixel graphics

* Alexander Wiklund
  - Music / Chiptunes (detailed tracklist? scroll down)

* Jane Mumford (Jayne)
  - Hand drawn graphics

                              _______ ____ ___ __ __________________ __/\__ ____
                             /      //   //  // //                  \\    //
_HELPING HANDS AND PORTERS:_/______//___//__//_//___________________//_  _\\____

* Xavier Vallejo (Indiket)
  Dreamcast, Spanish translation

* Andrew Lemon (ne7)
  ASCII art for readme file

* Denny Mueller (Mulle)
  - Wordpress Template for the Webpage

                        _______ ____ ___ __ __________ __/\__ __________________
                       /      //   //  // //          \\    //
_THIRD PARTY CREDITS:_/______//___//__//_//___________//_  _\\__________________

 We use SDL, SDL_Mixer, libmodplug and zlib! Consult "/docs" for more
 information - or visit;

                    _______ ____ ___ __ __________________ __/\__ ______________
                   /      //   //  // //                  \\    //
_MUSIC TRACKLIST:_/______//___//__//_//___________________//_  _\\______________

 "Title Music" and "Level Complete Jingle" plus ingame music (see list) made by

 Level  1: Go, Sqrxz!
 Level  2: Watchout (Part 2)
 Level  3: Stressed
 Level  4: Faster
 Level  5: Watchout
 Level  6: In A Hurry
 Level  7: Sqrxz 2
 Level  8: Journey
 Level  9: Run Run Run
 Level 10: Chaos

 Most of the OST songs were made in less than one month, but the the tunes will
 still make you move!
 Alex wants to greet all his mates in Fairlight, Nyhlin, Xylo, Joule, Malmen,
 Michu, Zabutom, Maktone, Michiel, An-cat-max and the ones he forgot.

                                                                   [END OF FILE]